Moss testing the NBA process

I mean, that is not even funny. First thing I thought is that is pretty tough talk for someone (and the team) that needs to improve on many things.

I want this team to do well, but man some of the stuff they post on twitter I swear. I know he is trying to be funny and trying to get back at people questioning the PRO process, but it just comes off bad IMHO.

And the coaches to.....they really need to stay off twitter. It just comes off bad. Iowa's PR is really lacking.
Didn't read the entire thread, but is this indicative of something going on within the program that a kid would take such a hail mary its almost embarrassing?
IIRC, anyone can go through the evaluation process but the combine is by invite only. Many times this year, announcers talked about Moss having NBA potential. I think he does, but he has to commit to it. I have zero problems with a player who believes (or wonders if) he has pro potential getting feedback straight from the pros when there is no real downside.

If you're hating on IM, then you don't care if he leaves. If he gets feedback, comes back and improves, helping the team as well as himself, are you going to be so hung up on your comments on this thread that you can't admit it was a good thing for him to do?

If you were finishing your sophomore year of college and top people from your chosen career were willing to tell you (for free) what classes to take, what experience you needed and what grades you'd have to get to make it into the top firms, would you turn them away because you weren't ready for that?

Thanks for providing more information on the process. Under the rules, Moss is certainly free to explore. He can do what he wants. I'm just surprised the Pros would have a free evaluation process (like someone said above, you can get a lot of bad American Idol contestants). But, I guess maybe the Pros do it that way hoping they can find a diamond in the rough for every bad apple or two they have to watch.

I hope he does well. When he is back at Iowa, I hope he can learn from the experience and continue to grow.

These latest twitter posts by players (and now a coach) makes me think even more two words. Thin-Skinned.

It is a program that appears to be patting itself on the back to much. When the going gets tough, it is responded with words like "body of work, we have the deepest team ever, don't panic, get a life," etc. And meanwhile, past opposing coaches (coach) point out that Iowa lacks mental toughness and we have all seen the collapses through Fran's tenure.

And when the fans and media ask questions it is met with passive aggressive resistance. But, Barta is the AD and well this is what you get.
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Wow, read through some of the tweets. As an Omaha resident I can tell you it is bad news when the players and fans start getting into passive aggressive pissing matches with each other. That's what happened at the end of the Pelini era and Bo fueled the fire by trying to convince the players the fans were "against them" as motivation. It failed miserably.
These tweets from some of the Iowa Basketball players shows just how mentally weak they are. The fact that Fran hasn’t nipped this crap straight away, shows just how poor a leader he really is. Do the players run the program too??
Moss is a talented guy, but he doesn't seem to be a very aggressive person. Hopefully, he will come out next year with a chip on his shoulder.
I love how if you disagree with anyone on this site, a site for conversation and debate, it ends up with someone calling someone a name. But the Iowa basketball team is mentally weak? Classic. I heart you HN, never change.
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Wow, read through some of the tweets. As an Omaha resident I can tell you it is bad news when the players and fans start getting into passive aggressive pissing matches with each other. That's what happened at the end of the Pelini era and Bo fueled the fire by trying to convince the players the fans were "against them" as motivation. It failed miserably.
I've yet to see how the pros out number the cons with it... I don't have one and if I had a kid playing D1 ball they wouldn't either if I could help it. Even for the coaches to be doing it. Fan bases are going to spin things negative more so than possitive and no matter how coaches try using it they aren't going to have the desired effect. Their swimming upstream without a paddle. There's just no chance...
I got no problem with him getting an evaluation from experts (besides, you know, all of us experts here, which, by the way, comes free of charge). Give him a break, he's probably clear that he's not a potential pick, but hearing it from someone else on what he needs improvement on can't hurt. However, getting advice and opinion only goes as far as his willingness to heed it and act on it. The latter is what is critical to him (and by extension, to Iowa) next year.
Jordan having fun? Nah, this kid is mentally weak. He shouldn't be posting that, he should be out practicing DEFENSE! I can demise this from his twitter obviously that he's not paying enough attention to things that matter. Plus, ya know what else? We weren't very good this year, so Jordan should be miserable and is only allowed to be miserable and if he's not, it's really bad and bad for the program.

A coach says something on twitter in support of a young man with his future undetermined, and the need to explore options, something that many people often didn't do when they were younger and now look back and wish they had and he's mentally weak too?

I'm all for being called what ever you guys wanna call me, but really? Fire away.