More on Investigation

Jon... Coach Ferentz said last night that the results of the investigation would determine if Marcus rejoins the team or not. How is that not 100% confirmation of an investigation? Why is Sally Mason involved if there is no investigation? She doesn't typically get involved in team discipline issues.

LEGAL investigation. As in investigate by the police.
Jon... Coach Ferentz said last night that the results of the investigation would determine if Marcus rejoins the team or not. How is that not 100% confirmation of an investigation? Why is Sally Mason involved if there is no investigation? She doesn't typically get involved in team discipline issues.

Please don't take what I am posting as an attack on KCJJ. I am taking care to make certain to just lay things out that we know.

As for what you said, did Ferentz say 'Legal Investigation'? I didn't hear the show. But in my post, I said 'Legal investigation' and I am unaware of anyone else from a news organization reporting that Coker is involved in a LEGAL investigation, other than KCJJ.

I have not passed any judgement on your reporting on this site, or any other or any means of mass communication. That's intentional. Until we figure out what is going on, I think it's fair to stay that way.
Coach Ferentz did not say legal investigation. He was asked specifically if it was a legal or criminal investigation and he just said he would stand by the official statement issued. Multiple sources have told our news department that there is a legal investigation.
last night KF said it is not a team rule violation
the gazzette said it was a academic violation
This is neither speculation or rumor
why is it so hard for people to figure this a U of Iowa issue and not a Law Enforcement issue
it almost appears that most of you want it to be a Law Enforcement issue so he will be kicked out of school so that in your mind, that McCall can take his supposedly rightful place as the starting running back

the word "LEGAL" can and is used in many ways in different capacities
i agree with Jon the rumors does nobody any good
Jon... Coach Ferentz said last night that the results of the investigation would determine if Marcus rejoins the team or not. How is that not 100% confirmation of an investigation? Why is Sally Mason involved if there is no investigation? She doesn't typically get involved in team discipline issues.

If, for example, some is accused of plagerism then there would be an investigation within the academic insitituion to determine the accuracy of said claims and would not involve the police. That's how smarthawk.
A Cival suit where one person sues another for money for damages is a legal issuebut does not require the law enforcement to be involved
A Cival suit where one person sues another for money for damages is a legal issuebut does not require the law enforcement to be involved
KCJJ has indicated their sources were law-enforcement.

All that anyone else has confirmed is that their is an "investigation", which we knew from the original announecemnt of the suspension since every violation of the code of conduct is investigated, regardless of whether it's legal/criminal or not.

Again, righ now KCJJ seems to be out on a limb away from everyone else onthis. Maybe they end up being right, butthey don't have the greatest track record.
There's no denial from the FBI, the ATF, ICE or Interpol. Anything's possible.

I'm betting it is the MiB. How else do you explain his freakish abilities to have one of the best season's in Iowa history while many fans are complaining about how terrible he is. Since he is an astrophysics major I'm guessing he was trying to find his home planet so that he can go back there.
I'm betting it is the MiB. How else do you explain his freakish abilities to have one of the best season's in Iowa history while many fans are complaining about how terrible he is. Since he is an astrophysics major I'm guessing he was trying to find his home planet so that he can go back there.

Not to mention no human has that much hair on their arms.
I'm betting it is the MiB. How else do you explain his freakish abilities to have one of the best season's in Iowa history while many fans are complaining about how terrible he is. Since he is an astrophysics major I'm guessing he was trying to find his home planet so that he can go back there.

I actually knowfor certain it is MIB. Bright flash! Hey everybody, so how many yards do you expect Coker to run for in the insight?
There's no denial from the FBI, the ATF, ICE or Interpol. Anything's possible.
I'm betting it is the MiB. How else do you explain his freakish abilities to have one of the best season's in Iowa history while many fans are complaining about how terrible he is. Since he is an astrophysics major I'm guessing he was trying to find his home planet so that he can go back there.

I can neither confirm, nor deny this track of speculation at this time.
Did we not discuss your signature line this morning via PM? Please change it, ASAP

JD - plz don't ban me, but I think cm should be given a special exemption from the well-intentioned "Chad" rule. The proles seemed to start it in some sort of mocking manner against him and I saw him sign his post on another board like that. That's really his name and it was kind of his signature thing, prolly involuntary like he's signing an email. I ask you as the benevolent moderator (notice I didn't say dictator, but I could have) you are to make a special dispensation for the real Chad to continue to sign off using his real name. His behavior ain't what you're trying to stop on this board, in fact, guys signing off with their real name is what you should be promoting.

Let's say you were a third grade teacher, no check that, second grade teacher so we're on the appropriate maturity level, and there was a kid with a gimpy leg in your class. You see the other kids start faking a limp in a manner that mocks the gimpy fella. So you then break out an iron fist and ban walking with a limp in your classroom. Don't you let the kid with the feeble leg continue to walk with the limp? Chad is the guy with the bum leg and I think we've gotta stand up for him and let him be who he is and not punish the guy who was the butt of the "joke."

JD - plz don't ban me, but I think cm should be given a special exemption from the well-intentioned "Chad" rule. The proles seemed to start it in some sort of mocking manner against him and I saw him sign his post on another board like that. That's really his name and it was kind of his signature thing, prolly involuntary like he's signing an email. I ask you as the benevolent moderator (notice I didn't say dictator, but I could have) you are to make a special dispensation for the real Chad to continue to sign off using his real name. His behavior ain't what you're trying to stop on this board, in fact, guys signing off with their real name is what you should be promoting.

Let's say you were a third grade teacher, no check that, second grade teacher so we're on the appropriate maturity level, and there was a kid with a gimpy leg in your class. You see the other kids start faking a limp in a manner that mocks the gimpy fella. So you then break out an iron fist and ban walking with a limp in your classroom. Don't you let the kid with the feeble leg continue to walk with the limp? Chad is the guy with the bum leg and I think we've gotta stand up for him and let him be who he is and not punish the guy who was the butt of the "joke."


Well brother Okeefe, we don’t agree a lot, and I can’t help but feel like you are poking me with a stick while you are helping me up. But I was laughing so hard I had to let one of my guys here at the dealership read what you said because it was so funny.

You are right though……signing off with your REAL name IS what every message board should promote. With that said, I’m a big boy, it’s just proven hard to remember not to do it…

Signed the 2nd grader with the bad wheel……:D

crap did it again.....
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Well brother Okeefe, we don’t agree a lot, and I can’t help but feel like you are poking me with a stick while you are helping me up. But I was laughing so hard I had to let one of my guys here at the dealership read what you said because it was so funny.

You are right though……signing off with your REAL name IS what every message board should promote. With that said, I’m a big boy, it’s just proven hard to remember not to do it…

Signed the 2nd grader with the bad wheel……:D


That is a fine line, ladies and gentlemen... Let's see if he can pull it off.

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