More on Investigation

gee we are to take the word of a hack on a radio station over the word of the Police Chief, the county Attourney, and Sandy Mason the university President
ok gotcha all the important people that count are lying, and this radio guy is the only one telling the truth
thanks for clearing this up
If the Phil Jones case goes to trial, Mason will have her own problems.
I agree with this. I still think academics or a failed drug test of some sort makes the most sense.

Plausible deniability….he could be investigated by university police for all manners of things and the Johnson county not be involved. The inference here is that in all likely hood it truly is a “small” matter or the Johnson county DA would at least be informed. Therefore we could conclude that academic incongruence’s (not really a small thing and punishable by expulsion for sure) or any matter of similar things could be involved.
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Jon you have it right so far. Janet Lyness has said they are not investigating, the U of I said they are not investigating but it IS being investigated.

If there are 10 different guesses, all ten could be wrong and that's ten things someone said against someone that is untrue. Stop already
"Should I have reported Coker's malfeasance? Hm, probably but now I know something that he doesn't want me to know. So I can use his malfeasance to establish leverage. Otherwise it's just malfeasance for malfeasances' sake."

I can't hear the word malfeasance without thinking of Dwight. Nicely done sir
Plausible deniability….he could be investigated by university police for all manners of things and the Johnson county not be involved. The inference here is that in all likely hood it truly is a “smallâ€￾ matter or the Johnson county DA would at least be informed. Therefore we could conclude that academic incongruence’s (not really a small thing and punishable by expulsion for sure) or any matter of similar things could be involved.




If there are 10 different guesses, all ten could be wrong and that's ten things someone said against someone that is untrue. Stop already

Sorry Jon....this is a little tougher habit to break than I thought.
sorry if this is adding fuel to the fire, jon, but who could be investigating him that wouldnt' include the UI police or JC attorney? NCAA would have help from the school, right?
sorry if this is adding fuel to the fire, jon, but who could be investigating him that wouldnt' include the UI police or JC attorney? NCAA would have help from the school, right?

I have no idea. KCJJ is the lone source (at least that I am aware of) at this time saying that Coker is involved in any legal investigation.
Did we not discuss your signature line this morning via PM? Please change it, ASAP

Man alive I am serious here you did see I just apologized. It is way harder to stop than you gather. I just apologized to you for having to fix it and then did it again. I’ll just quit posting, it really is comical that some bozo’s got a charge out of something that I sincerely have done for 7 or 8 years….

But anywhoo….sorry again. I dropped over to the Morehouse site and did it and it just stuck again. If you look I have had several other posts where I did not do it. At this stage I guess I don’t really care. It is what it is!

Nearly did it AGAIN right here....
Man alive I am serious here you did see I just apologized. It is way harder to stop than you gather. I just apologized to you for having to fix it and then did it again. I’ll just quit posting, it really is comical that some bozo’s got a charge out of something that I sincerely have done for 7 or 8 years….

But anywhoo….sorry again. I dropped over to the Morehouse site and did it and it just stuck again. If you look I have had several other posts where I did not do it. At this stage I guess I don’t really care. It is what it is!

Nearly did it AGAIN right here....

Yeah sorry that was me. It had a good run.
The only time I ever hear KCJJ mentioned is when they announce bad things about the Hawkeye football team and they usually turn out to be wrong.
I have no idea. KCJJ is the lone source (at least that I am aware of) at this time saying that Coker is involved in any legal investigation.

Jon... Coach Ferentz said last night that the results of the investigation would determine if Marcus rejoins the team or not. How is that not 100% confirmation of an investigation? Why is Sally Mason involved if there is no investigation? She doesn't typically get involved in team discipline issues.

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