More game day changes coming?

This really puts a lot of pressure on Ferentz and Co. in my opinion. Have a spell like '05-07 and you start to see people say screw it and watch the games from their fancy HD big screens. I've already started hearing this from ticket holders a bit as it is.

I'll say I know currently if I drop my ST's someone else will buy them before I make my comment because I know someone will say it.

But a lot of the fun has been taken out of a gameday at Iowa. This year I will again renew. Although over the last 2 years the thought has been maybe I should give them up scalp a few games and spend my entertainment dollars on other things. I'm a big Minnesota Wild and Chicago Cubs fan. Maybe a few more trips to Chicago or St. Paul would be fun. Before that this thought would never even cross my mind.
Actually, if this passes, I think this is the best news I've heard in a very long time.

You don't have any idea how many years I've agonized over where I would retire. You know, a place very serene and away from it all. A place where I could take long walks without encountering another person. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the great leaders of Iowa City just made my decision as easy as pie, or big *** turkey legs. Yes, that's it, i'll retire in Iowa City, in University Heights and on Melrose Ave. By the time I'm ready all my criteria will have been met. Thank you Iowa City Council and God bless.
Maybe a few more trips to Chicago or St. Paul would be fun. Before that this thought would never even cross my mind.

You can swing up to Evanston and watch Chicago's Big Ten Team, too. They will even let you carry, gasp, an open beer can on the street.

I warned everyone last year that these jack booted brownshirt thug liberals (and yes folks, the idiots running the Peoples Republic of IC are liberals) were going to ruin the atmosphere, but only a handful of folks believed me. Every year, they scale it back a little more. First they said you can't leave at halftime. Then they said you couldn't throw bottles off the roof of the parking garage at the Fieldhouse, then they shut down the Fieldhouse garage down for tailgating. Then, they said you can't pee in the woods. Then, they said you can't crush a beer walking up the street. Every year, it gets a little more restrictive and to one up the fascism implemented last year, this is the next logical step.

Here's how this will progress:

1) Kill off the merchants (2012-ish)
2) Random breathalyzers to enter Kinnick and way more checkpoints(2014-ish)
3) Alcohol ban on campus (2016-ish)
4) Ferentz retires/moves on and Iowa reverts to its 3-9 mean and 30-40k fans start showing up (2018-2020)

For those of you who think Iowa football can sustain a prolonged downturn of bad teams due to "our loyal fan base" please explain where that fan base has been during basketball season the past several years. A good tailgating scene is what will help insulate the program during an inevitable downturn we will have. Say no to the brownshirts.
You can swing up to Evanston and watch Chicago's Big Ten Team, too. They will even let you carry, gasp, an open beer can on the street.

I warned everyone last year that these jack booted brownshirt thug liberals (and yes folks, the idiots running the Peoples Republic of IC are liberals) were going to ruin the atmosphere, but only a handful of folks believed me. Every year, they scale it back a little more. First they said you can't leave at halftime. Then they said you couldn't throw bottles off the roof of the parking garage at the Fieldhouse, then they shut down the Fieldhouse garage down for tailgating. Then, they said you can't pee in the woods. Then, they said you can't crush a beer walking up the street. Every year, it gets a little more restrictive and to one up the fascism implemented last year, this is the next logical step.

Here's how this will progress:

1) Kill off the merchants (2012-ish)
2) Random breathalyzers to enter Kinnick and way more checkpoints(2014-ish)
3) Alcohol ban on campus (2016-ish)
4) Ferentz retires/moves on and Iowa reverts to its 3-9 mean and 30-40k fans start showing up (2018-2020)

For those of you who think Iowa football can sustain a prolonged downturn of bad teams due to "our loyal fan base" please explain where that fan base has been during basketball season the past several years. A good tailgating scene is what will help insulate the program during an inevitable downturn we will have. Say no to the brownshirts.

Games during the week make it difficult for anyone that doesn't live in Iowa City/CR to attend games. That's my excuse at least. But I agree, if they kill the atmosphere and the product on the field isn't there the fans wont be either.
Some of you act like "the liberals" just came into power in Iowa City and decided they were going to change how things work around here.

You bring up some good points but on my trip to that god awful game in Bloomington last year, there were basically no rules: walk down the street with a beer? Yep; leave at halftime to crush 3-4 beers? Yep; etc. There is a reason that the likes of Indiana and NW allow that to happen- they need all the fans they can get.

Flip that on the trip to Ohio State that doesn't allow alcohol at all on Campus property, yes you read that right. Sure people still do it but it has to be poured into plastic cups and if the cops see you doing that or see open beer cans they will ticket.

The reason? Because they can and it won't hurt the Shoe from being sold out every game.

The only way any of this crap will stop if people actually stop going to games, sorry but that isn’t going to happen at least enough for the U of I to tell the city of IC to back off.
Some of you act like "the liberals" just came into power in Iowa City and decided they were going to change how things work around here.

No, the "liberals" didn't just come into office in Iowa City. You can tell that by the radical/liberal atmosphere surrounding IC, but the people on the council making these changes (bars, vendors, magic bus) aren't the conservatives...
No, the "liberals" didn't just come into office in Iowa City. You can tell that by the radical/liberal atmosphere surrounding IC, but the people on the council making these changes (bars, vendors, magic bus) aren't the conservatives...

Exactly, I'd say the real issue is the liberals on this message board want to be blind to the obvious reality that there is someone to blame for these new restrictions and regulations. They are trying desperately to deflect blame from the source (Iowa City gov't) by throwing out unsubstantiated claims like this is a non-partisan issue. If regulating commerce (specifically the vendors) out of business isn't a partisan issue, then what the hell is it? I can assure you, you won't find a single true free market thinker who agrees with what the Iowa City gov't is doing in this issue.

What's next? I'd be willing to bet that Duffman and latrans also thought the associate law professor who wanted to end the pink lockers and who was a self-proclaimed liberal feminist wasn't a partisan ideological issue either. I get sick of the politically correct, progressive crowd attempting to push their agenda on everyone else and then take no accountability for their actions after they ruin the fun for the masses.
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Exactly, I'd say the real issue is the liberals on this message board want to be blind to the obvious reality that there is someone to blame for these new restrictions and regulations. They are trying desperately to deflect blame from the source (Iowa City gov't) by throwing out unsubstantiated claims like this is a non-partisan issue. If regulating commerce (specifically the vendors) out of business isn't a partisan issue, then what the hell is it? I can assure you, you won't find a single true free market thinker who agrees with what the Iowa City gov't is doing in this issue.
What's next? I'd be willing to bet that Duffman and latrans also thought the associate law professor who wanted to end the pink lockers and who was a self-proclaimed liberal feminist wasn't a partisan ideological issue either. I get sick of the politically correct, progressive crowd attempting to push their agenda on everyone else and then take no accountability for their actions after they ruin the fun for the masses.

Absolutely there is someone to blame for this, and yes they probably lean left, but this has absolutely nothing to do with ideology, regulating commerce, or suppression of the free market.

It’s pretty simple really. A group of voters with influence in the community don’t like it when drunken tailgaters urinate in their petunia’s and chuck half eaten turkey legs in their back yards which their dogs gnaw on and choke on. They also don’t particularly care to look at Game Day Iowa’s half a block long circus tent that houses just a fraction of their 30,000 items in inventory all day Friday and Saturday. So those voters do what voters with nothing better to do with their time do everywhere, they write really angry letters filled with capital letters and lots of exclamation points to city counselors. Then the city counselors do what city counselors everywhere do, they pretend to take the issue and the nut job complaining property owners seriously while calculating which side of the issue wins more votes for their re-election.

They may eventually decide to try and restrict vendors along the street but it won’t be because it furthers their goal of establishing a social and economical utopia in the middle of eastern Iowa, it will be because they decide the votes of the local neighborhood nut job folks outweigh the votes among the mostly drunken 100k Hawkeye fans (many from out of town) that descend on Iowa City 7 Saturday’s a year.

But don’t let that stop you from furthering the two goals of conservative radio talk monkeys everywhere.

1) Continue to brand the word liberal as a swear word
2) Blaming everything you can on them damn liberals

Oh, two more things. I’m not a liberal and you lost your bet.

Duffman FTW!

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Do you honestly think it's the same people?

Probably not. But regardless, the city has already said that they aren't concerned about people renting out yard space for parking, just the vendors. And that is absolutely ridiculous.
Probably not. But regardless, the city has already said that they aren't concerned about people renting out yard space for parking, just the vendors. And that is absolutely ridiculous.

Well that's because the parking vendors aren't leaving lethal weapons (kabob sticks) laying around.
Absolutely there is someone to blame for this, and yes they probably lean left, but this has absolutely nothing to do with ideology, regulating commerce, or suppression of the free market.

It’s pretty simple really. A group of voters with influence in the community don’t like it when drunken tailgaters urinate in their petunia’s and chuck half eaten turkey legs in their back yards which their dogs gnaw on and choke on. They also don’t particularly care to look at Game Day Iowa’s half a block long circus tent that houses just a fraction of their 30,000 items in inventory all day Friday and Saturday. So those voters do what voters with nothing better to do with their time do everywhere, they write really angry letters filled with capital letters and lots of exclamation points to city counselors. Then the city counselors do what city counselors everywhere do, they pretend to take the issue and the nut job complaining property owners seriously while calculating which side of the issue wins more votes for their re-election.

They may eventually decide to try and restrict vendors along the street but it won’t be because it furthers their goal of establishing a social and economical utopia in the middle of eastern Iowa, it will be because they decide the votes of the local neighborhood nut job folks outweigh the votes among the mostly drunken 100k Hawkeye fans (many from out of town) that descend on Iowa City 7 Saturday’s a year.

But don’t let that stop you from furthering the two goals of conservative radio talk monkeys everywhere.

1) Continue to brand the word liberal as a swear word
2) Blaming everything you can on them damn liberals

Oh, two more things. I’m not a liberal and you lost your bet.

Duffman FTW!

++++ Well put Duff.
Exactly, I'd say the real issue is the liberals on this message board want to be blind to the obvious reality that there is someone to blame for these new restrictions and regulations. They are trying desperately to deflect blame from the source (Iowa City gov't) by throwing out unsubstantiated claims like this is a non-partisan issue. If regulating commerce (specifically the vendors) out of business isn't a partisan issue, then what the hell is it? I can assure you, you won't find a single true free market thinker who agrees with what the Iowa City gov't is doing in this issue.

What's next? I'd be willing to bet that Duffman and latrans also thought the associate law professor who wanted to end the pink lockers and who was a self-proclaimed liberal feminist wasn't a partisan ideological issue either. I get sick of the politically correct, progressive crowd attempting to push their agenda on everyone else and then take no accountability for their actions after they ruin the fun for the masses.

You need to turn Rush off and start thinking for yourself. You sound like a crazy person.
He's a libertarian, so saying he's crazy is redundant.

I have a job and personal responsibility. By your standards that is crazy. Maybe if more people worked for a living instead of gov't reliance we wouldn't have a deficit today driven by unsustainable entitlement programs.
Is there a phone number/person to call to let our opposition to messing with the Melrose atmosphere?

If it is a few "vocal" residents that are causing this problem... I am sure the Hawkeye Nation supporters can more than overcome them. :D

Yes, I put it in my post on page 3:

Melrose Neighborhood Association member quoted in the article:

Jean M Walker
335 Lucon Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52246
Phone: 319-337-5201

City Director quoted in the article:

Doug Boothroy
410 E. Washington St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Phone: 319-356-5121

Also, enough with trying to make this political. This affects everyone (not just D's or R's).
Absolutely there is someone to blame for this, and yes they probably lean left, but this has absolutely nothing to do with ideology, regulating commerce, or suppression of the free market.

It’s pretty simple really. A group of voters with influence in the community don’t like it when drunken tailgaters urinate in their petunia’s and chuck half eaten turkey legs in their back yards which their dogs gnaw on and choke on. They also don’t particularly care to look at Game Day Iowa’s half a block long circus tent that houses just a fraction of their 30,000 items in inventory all day Friday and Saturday. So those voters do what voters with nothing better to do with their time do everywhere, they write really angry letters filled with capital letters and lots of exclamation points to city counselors. Then the city counselors do what city counselors everywhere do, they pretend to take the issue and the nut job complaining property owners seriously while calculating which side of the issue wins more votes for their re-election.

They may eventually decide to try and restrict vendors along the street but it won’t be because it furthers their goal of establishing a social and economical utopia in the middle of eastern Iowa, it will be because they decide the votes of the local neighborhood nut job folks outweigh the votes among the mostly drunken 100k Hawkeye fans (many from out of town) that descend on Iowa City 7 Saturday’s a year.

But don’t let that stop you from furthering the two goals of conservative radio talk monkeys everywhere.

1) Continue to brand the word liberal as a swear word
2) Blaming everything you can on them damn liberals

Oh, two more things. I’m not a liberal and you lost your bet.

Duffman FTW!


You're completely ignoring the FACT (using all capital letters as you referenced) that the Director of Housing said this is about health issues of having unregulated food vendors and made no mention of neighborhood complaints for his basis of forming an investigative committee. Considering that members of city council said they would vote in favor of allowing the vendors to stay with the purchase of a permit throws your entire argument that it is solely about neighbors not wanting vendors on Melrose at all due to disturbances in the trash. This is another way for local gov't to cash in on the backs of entrepreneurs and those people who actually produce something of tangible benefit for a living. They are turning the issue of this debate into a form gov't revenue. This issue is no different than the lemonade stands being shut down by gov't authorities. Funny thing is you see these events occurring almost unanimously in liberal dominated communities.

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