More game day changes coming?

This is what the People's Republic of Iowa City wants. Look guys, I boycotted games last year and it cost me my season tickets when HappyChef pulled them, but those of you who folded in the face of encroaching fascism and still attended games last year like nothing was amiss absolutely deserve this. I'll be thinking of you proles while I'm crushing my "in the zone beer" and chomping on a dog from Mustard's Last Stand on my walk into Ryan Field next season.

Evanston >>>>>>>>> Iowa City

Can't we just ban this ****** once and for all?
"Its all about the money boys, its all about the money"
Big Dan Teague from O' Brother Where Art Thou?

When I read the line from the city councilman regarding "looking into licenses for the vendors" it all became crystal! Cash grab! The city isn't getting their kickbacks and bribes so something must be done to protect the residents er ya or something like that...
That would be absolutely ridiculous if they move forward with this idea. The higher beings need to be told: "Don't fix what ain't broken." I imagine the people with a charge up their a** to make these changes are not football fans.

The vendors along Melrose are what make game day outside the stadium so festive. Did these so-called "residents" wake up one morning and say "Holy sh&t, would you like at that? There is a 70,000 seat college football stadium across the street."

Absolutely ridiculous if they move forward with this idea. Considering Iowa only has six or seven home games a year I don't think that is asking too much of these "residents" to chill out and enjoy the festivities. Ridiculous.
And these "residents" that are complaining have no problem with 70,000+ walking on or thru their yard? Or a problem with 6000 cars parked in their yard for $25 a pop? I don't believe the "residents" are complaining. This is another attempt by the tweed jacket with felt on the elbows do gooders to take care of us all and do what is best for us. What a crock.
Are these the same residents that charge people to park in their yards? Isn't that a commercial activity? Seriously, I know a wealthy Dr. Over there that makes more money parking cars in his yard than you could ever believe. Way, way, way more than enough to cover his mortgage for the entire year.

Time the silent majority in IC starts to not be so silent.
Place the blame where it truly belongs. That is the liberal pukes. These are the same type of people that:

shut down 7-year old's lemonade stands (Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate |

close down girl scout cookie stands ( Local city shuts down Girl Scouts? cookie stand | St. Louis News, Weather, Sports | | St. Louis Weather, News and More | KMOV Mobile News)

ban toys in Happy Meals (Happy Meal toy ban prompts ban on bans in other states : City Insider)

raise alcohol and cigarette tax (

It's ridiculous that liberals feel the need to tell other people how to live their lives and micro-manage it through laws and regulations. This is exactly the reason I'm libertarian. Nanny-state liberals are an infestation on society.
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They need to ban football at the U of I because some people are actually having fun at the games. Seems like their plan is to kill it slowly.
I don't live in Iowa City but does anyone know if a petition has been started to keep the Vendors on Melrose?
I am about fed up with politics in our country....I've always been left leaning but some of these people are off their chain....and then you have the right wing which IS corporations and big business....I am making the "Moderatly moderate party" -The party for normal people.
I am about fed up with politics in our country....I've always been left leaning but some of these people are off their chain....and then you have the right wing which IS corporations and big business....I am making the "Moderatly moderate party" -The party for normal people.

Or just become a libertarian and defend the Constitution the way it was intended. This country was formed on the concept of freedom and personal responsibility. It was lived out by the early pioneers who left more oppresive govt's behind to seek a free world. Unfortunately, many people today think the govt's responsibility is to save us from ourselves.

PS: If you think the Obama and the Democrats aren't for the corporations you've got another thing coming (E.g. GM & GE).

I'm against all forms of welfare including corporate welfare and crony capitalism. The free market is the way to go.
Place the blame where it truly belongs. That is the liberal pukes. These are the same type of people that:

shut down 7-year old's lemonade stands (Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate |

close down girl scout cookie stands ( Local city shuts down Girl Scouts? cookie stand | St. Louis News, Weather, Sports | | St. Louis Weather, News and More | KMOV Mobile News)

ban toys in Happy Meals (Happy Meal toy ban prompts ban on bans in other states : City Insider)

raise alcohol and cigarette tax (

It's ridiculous that liberals feel the need to tell other people how to live their lives and micro-manage it through laws and regulations. This is exactly the reason I'm libertarian. Nanny-state liberals are an infestation on society.

This isn't a partisan issue. If you believe that you are a moron.
Wow. I am basically speechless. It was ridiculous when they kicked out the Magic Bus last year but this??? Well...they asked for it.

Believe what you want but the Magic Bus fiasco last year is the very reason this is happening now. Not that the Magic Bus was asked to pay more to rent the space but the story that blew up behind that fact.

The City was out to get the new owners of the property where the Magic Bus used to be, and after giving them tickets for not getting a permit to have a cement parking lot in the back yard, telling them that only people that lived there could park during game days, giving one of the owners a couple of tickets for bootlegging, etc.

Basically the City was out to get them, once those property owners showed the court that they weren't doing anything different from all of the other property owners on Melrose were doing the City was left with egg on their face for chasing their tail trying to shut down only one of the 30 vendors on Melrose on the basis of selective enforcement.

So the City acted like the spoiled brat that doesn't like losing who took his ball and went home to ruin everybody's fun.

I have never used any of the vendors on Melrose and won't miss them if they are gone but that isn't the point, once again the City just needs to make sure that they screw with everything.
This is the deal with this. It’s a two pronged thing….

First there are people who call the police and complain every single home game about tailgating activities. They call about loud parties in private yards, people trespassing on their property trying to cut through, urinating on their fences, etc. They are a relatively small number but they are extremely dedicated regarding their complaining. This part I don’t think is an issue as most sane people understand it’s their own damn fault for buying property next to Kinnick Stadium, its part of the deal.

The second thing is more of a threat IMO. The U has been very vocal about it’s goal to reduce consumption and change the atmosphere of tailgates. The various food vendors certainly help add to the party atmosphere. They allow people who don’t go into the game to continue to drink and party in the lots around the stadium (by providing easy access to food) and I think that’s the real issue. It’s not the pregame or post game stuff that bothers them, it’s the during game partying that goes on, and the costs surrounding the policing of the areas around the stadium during the game.
This isn't a partisan issue. If you believe that you are a moron.

Sure, because I'm sure there are great number of free market thinkers in the city government bringing up the issue of regulating these vendors out of business :rolleyes:

“There are some serious life-safety issues that haven’t been regulated in the past,â€￾ said Doug Boothroy, the director of Housing and Inspection Services.

It's funny that you call me a moron when you are so ignorant of fact.
You know what, if the council decides to do this it's about time to shut down all the parking operations too....those people make a ton off of football game days. And it's no different, you regulate one thing you regulate it all....go big or go home.
You know what, if the council decides to do this it's about time to shut down all the parking operations too....those people make a ton off of football game days. And it's no different, you regulate one thing you regulate it all....go big or go home.

Don't worry, that'll probably be next.
Believe what you want but the Magic Bus fiasco last year is the very reason this is happening now. Not that the Magic Bus was asked to pay more to rent the space but the story that blew up behind that fact.

The City was out to get the new owners of the property where the Magic Bus used to be, and after giving them tickets for not getting a permit to have a cement parking lot in the back yard, telling them that only people that lived there could park during game days, giving one of the owners a couple of tickets for bootlegging, etc.

Basically the City was out to get them, once those property owners showed the court that they weren't doing anything different from all of the other property owners on Melrose were doing the City was left with egg on their face for chasing their tail trying to shut down only one of the 30 vendors on Melrose on the basis of selective enforcement.

So the City acted like the spoiled brat that doesn't like losing who took his ball and went home to ruin everybody's fun.

I have never used any of the vendors on Melrose and won't miss them if they are gone but that isn't the point, once again the City just needs to make sure that they screw with everything.

^this is 100% the truth.