MNF Ending

Honestly it's hardly the worst call I've ever seen. It was bad, but I can see the argument being made that he didn't have complete possession of the ball, it's impossible to say whether he is bobbling it at all.

Regular refs (Hoculi for example) blow calls, and big ones, that regularly effect games all the time. Now these replacement refs suck, and IMO it's absurd that a multi-billion dollar business can't pay their refs a little more, but this is something that could have happened with any set of refs.
all you guys need to know is that $250 million changed hands from that call there was no way they would over turn it after the review. vegas lots last year by public favorites winning week after week and now they are getting their money back. vegas always wins

Stay classy.
I am a Bears fan and love watching the Packers lose but in this case the Packers got screwed. I do not know how anyone can stand within a few feet of the play can call that a touchdown, let alone some of you sofa referees watching it on TV. At no point did Tate ever have control of the ball.
i wouldn't say NO one would have called it if the refs wouldn't of been caught up in the action they would of seen it which the professionals don't get caught up
According to NFL line judge Byron Boston, simultaneous possession can be overturned on replay. Apparently no one, including ESPN's rules analyst Gerry Austin, knew that.
I am a hardcore Packers fan who was not happy to lose but, to be honest, the call to end the game wasn't really THAT bad. I can see how they would miss it during live action, the real refs miss close plays too, and, since I am still unclear on if they can overturn possession, especially on a score like that (Peter King seems to imply you can on a score, they said you could not over turn possession on a replay during the broadcast. Peter King and ESPN commentators are both kind of dumb so I don't know who to trust) it's possible that they were screwed when it came to review.

Really, what this is, is an issue where guys are in over their head, they've made fundamental officiating mistakes and have blown calls that the real refs wouldn't have missed and it has created big moments in games. This is just the fulfillment of a prophecy that everyone had created, these crappy refs would cost someone a game and there has been major outrage.

As far as my opinion on the game itself? Don't allow 9 sacks to the stupid Seahawks and let the game come down to a final play and none of this matters.
According to NFL line judge Byron Boston, simultaneous possession can be overturned on replay. Apparently no one, including ESPN's rules analyst Gerry Austin, knew that.

Gerry Austin is an ex-ref as well though. If we go off of their expertise all we know is that one is wrong, not that one is specifically wrong.

I would assume that the current line judge would know as he has to deal with replay as opposed to Austin, who I don't believe has had to.