Miller: Staff Moves Elicit Emotional Responses...WHY?

I was actually hoping they hired from the outside (wanted Bradley) originally. When O'Keefe moved on I started to worry that there would be too many moving parts with a new OC and new DC. So it's actually a bit of a relief to me that it ended up being Parker. Thinking it was going to be Herrmann definitely had me worried.

Now with the OC position. I'd be plenty happy with Soup or Brian Ferentz. Would love for them to bring in a QB coach as well.
I think Parker represents Kirk's unwillingness to change and that's why a lot of people are reacting the way they are.
Kirk will not answer any tough questions tomorrow just like every other press conference he has ever done. He will beat around the bush, change the subject, and ignore any tough questions about the hiring process, the timing, and any offensive questions.
:( The first 3rd and 6 where our corners stand and look at the wide outs while giving them a 10 yard cushion, and they put a slow linebacker on a 4.5 40 running back, that's the end of my checks to the athletic department.
Two sub par years and most coaches would of hired outside blood to get pressure off but not KF.

This. To be honest, right now Kirk Ferentz and Iowa football feel stale. Not bad. Not terrible. Just slightly above average and stuck in the same old schemes on both sides of the ball. Kirk had a chance to re-invent himself and reinvigorate the program -- something successful CEOs and businesses do on a regular basis -- with the OC and DC hires. But so far he has stayed with what he is comfortable with, which many Iowa fans translate as 7-5 or 6-6 seasons (with frequent losses to Iowa State), and that's simply not good enough.

Take the emotional responses as a positive -- Iowa football fans still care. For the polar opposite, look up Steve Alford and Todd Lickliter.
Kirk had a chance to re-invent himself and reinvigorate the program -- something successful CEOs and businesses do on a regular basis -- with the OC and DC hires.

This is my biggest issue as well. And you know where I learned that? In a building on the corner of Clinton and Market in Iowa City. Too bad that some organizational behavior insight can't make its way across the river.

Oh but the apologists don't want any of us to actually USE the education we got at the University, I forgot, sorry.
Jon, thanks for the stats breakdown. My initial gut reaction was also disappointment - basically I figured Phil Parker didn't cut it while filling in for Norm in 2010.

On another note, I would welcome Brian Ferentz returning to Iowa City. After all, he worked for one of the best football coaches (pro or college) in the business this year.
Your blood pumping? Who did you want Erin Andrews?

I was secretly hoping Ines would get a shot at something.

Why the hell does it matter? What changes if he announced last week or two weeks ago? More time for people to complain about the hire?

Maybe just maybe he was still interviewing candidates or hadn't made the decision yet. I swear people find the stupidest things to complain about.

Funny how you complain about people complaining? I think people wanted an outside hire since it took so long. Recruiting without a DC in place can't help, so if your going to hire within why not just get it over with so recruits have a heads up before NSD. But whine on, dude abides.
Why the hell does it matter? What changes if he announced last week or two weeks ago? More time for people to complain about the hire?Maybe just maybe he was still interviewing candidates or hadn't made the decision yet. I swear people find the stupidest things to complain about.
Funny how you complain about people complaining? I think people wanted an outside hire since it took so long. Recruiting without a DC in place can't help, so if your going to hire within why not just get it over with so recruits have a heads up before NSD. But whine on, dude abides.

and you do realize that when KF was asked about that very topic he said it came up twice and both recruits ended up signing with us right?
Nobody we could ever hire will do a better job of recruiting the state of Iowa than Morgan. Nobody.

There is nobody more trusted and respected to put in our high schools than Morgan. Nobody.

If he stayed at OL wouldn't dantonio have the same ammunition in recruiting? Moving to defense has no impact on his age that I'm aware of. Unless you advocate that coaches near retirement age are sent to pasture.

Morgan is a football coach through and through. He may retire in 1 year, he may retire in 10.

I don't have a problem with the move. He learned the intracasies of oline play, it will be even easier to adapt to the other side. He practiced against those guys everyday in practice in a variety of situations and watched countless hours of film on dline.

He also brings credibility, loyalty, and trust to the table. Guys will play for him. The last guy was a tool that guys played in spite of, or in fear of.

Coach Morgan is good people, and a helluva football coach. Keep him as long as they can.
Preach it! Can I get an Amen!
Actually I believe he said one signed with us and the other he was referring to Curry.

It could have also played into Jaleel's uncertainty. Not to mention Kozan has stated he's waiting to see who we hire as OC so another long internal promotion could give Auburn & MICH time to make up loss ground.

Carry on though
another post where someone doesn't understand that the offense can't score from the sidelines

A majority of Iowa's losses the last few years have been games where they had the ball over 30 minutes yet failed to score 30 (and most times 20) points. The offense has been the reason behind a majority of Iowa's struggles.
another post where someone doesn't understand that the offense can't score from the sidelines

Exactly and more often than not it was the secondary who was giving up play after play letting teams rack up alot of yards on the defense, yet that is the assistance coach who gets the nod at DC....just not impressed at all and shows to me KF would rather reward somebody who has been with him longer even if they are not the best option than actually making the right hire.
Exactly and more often than not it was the secondary who was giving up play after play letting teams rack up alot of yards on the defense, yet that is the assistance coach who gets the nod at DC....just not impressed at all and shows to me KF would rather reward somebody who has been with him longer even if they are not the best option than actually making the right hire.

Iowa has had a top 25 defense in yards allowed 5 times since 2003 (3 times in the last 4 years this is the case for the what have you done for me lately people). That means more times than not they are one of the best defenses in the nation, and it's not just in points allowed. They are getting teams off the field.

And a majority of their losses in that time period the offense has had plenty of chances to eat up clock and score points. They just haven't been that good.
The numbers Jon posted LIE!!!!!!!!! Games involving Iowa average 2 less possessions, per team! Here's why...
On Defense, our bend-but-don't-break philosophy keeps the opponents offense on the field (IA defense was dead-last out of 119 teams in plays per possession allowed). In other words, we make the opponents offense nickle-and-dime-it all the way down the field, taking 6 -10 minutes per drive. (almost never forcing a 3-and-out to get ball back quickly)
On offense, our ultra-conservative philosophies are to run, run, run, and bleed every possible second off 40 second play clock. Meanwhile, other teams run hurry-up offenses (to try to keep opponents from defensive substitutions), spread offenses with 5 receivers, and pass alot (incomplete passes stop clock).

Basically, KF shortens every game. (which is why we have lost sooo many games in which we were double-digit favorites over the yrs) (this is also why we can 'hang' with better teams) (this is also why we hadn't lost a game by double-digits in almost 4 yrs). Because KF shortens games, our O numbers (scoring and yardage) will 'look' bad, and our D numbers (scoring and yardage) will 'look' better.

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