Miller: Staff Moves Elicit Emotional Responses...WHY?

Not sure why anyone who doesn't like the decision, gets attacked by those know it all types but it really is ridiculous. I for one didn't like the change but it was because i like change and the defensive scheme is boring... very much like Licks basketball scheme. The scheme itself could win games but it just wasn't fun to watch. Does the fact that I think the scheme is boring and i would like something more fun to watch and for the kids maybe more fun to play make me a loser?

I'm not sure where Ghost is, but I'll take this one for him. Yes this makes you a loser. ;)
Not sure why anyone who doesn't like the decision, gets attacked by those know it all types but it really is ridiculous. I for one didn't like the change but it was because i like change and the defensive scheme is boring... very much like Licks basketball scheme. The scheme itself could win games but it just wasn't fun to watch. Does the fact that I think the scheme is boring and i would like something more fun to watch and for the kids maybe more fun to play make me a loser?

If you don't find it enjoyable that's your prerogative and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I always enjoyed watching Iowa's defense (in their good years at least). In 2008 I almost wished for the other team to have the ball because I enjoyed watching the D go to work, and that was when we had Greene of course.
Why JM?

Just my own thoughts.

1) Because many of the folks on the board are alumni, and they have a vested interest in the program because it affects the currency and status of the degrees they earned at UI. They are NOT "just fans". Alumni get to complain, and the UI hears them when they do.

2) Because 7-5 ain't good enough. Not even close. Northwestern has been doing nearly that with a hell of a lot less $$$$$$. Is UI Football merely a revenue generator for commercial broadcasters, the UI, and advertisers, construction firms, and other hangers-on? Then everyone STFU about "legendary" Kinnick Stadium, the bronze statue out back of the scoreboard, the gameday ambience, etc. If the football team is simply a revenue generator for already rich people then dispense with the mythology. People can get their religion on Sundays if they choose.

3) Because they like to watch the team win. And they are starting to see another multiannual accumulation of the opposite, in damned ugly fashion.
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If Iowa makes an in house hire here, it would likely be Erik Campbell. He doesn't have any coordinating experience on his resume, as he was a position assistant with Navy and Ball State after graduating from Michigan in 1987 where he played mostly defensive back. He had starts on both sides of the ball and is the only Michigan player to get starts at all four defensive back positions. He was a wide receivers coach for them and was promoted to assistant head coach in 2003. He is extremely well liked by his current and former players.

One last thought; does Iowa add a quarterbacks coach to the mix? If they did that, they'd likely cut out a tight ends coach designation, or have the quarterbacks coach or offensive line coach work with tight ends, too. If that happens, David Raih could fill the bill.

I don't know if Ferentz will announce his offensive coordinator or additional position coaching hires at Wednesday's 4pm press conference, but we'll be live blogging that event here on the site, beginning around 3:50.

PS: Congratulations to Phil Parker. This has to be a fulfillment of a lifetime of hard work and loyalty.

Jon I too like Parker as well as Soup. Could you enlighten me as to why Soup had to leave?

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