Miller in full apologist mode on Twitter (again)


Well-Known Member
This time it's to somehow try and convince everyone that it's not a big deal to LOSE TO THE OMAHA MAVERICKS IN IOWA CITY.

Here's a news flash. That should never happen.

Trying to spin it away--rebuilding (really, a coach in year 7 needs to rebuild?), etc--is very, very weak sauce.
It's the same old argument he uses for football. "Well it could be worse look at what the program did back in the day." The thing is now we are like a top 20 athletic department in terms of revenue. The geographic location argument is a tired one too.

I'm certainly not giving up on Fran, and I disagree with the OP, losses like this do absolutely happen from time to time.
It's the same old argument he uses for football. "Well it could be worse look at what the program did back in the day." The thing is now we are like a top 20 athletic department in terms of revenue. The geographic location argument is a tired one too.

I'm certainly not giving up on Fran, and I disagree with the OP, losses like this do absolutely happen from time to time.
L's like this do but the fact that we are about 10 games in and giving up 45% shooting pct. and about 100 points a game EVERY time out is cause for concern. No improvement = Bad Coaching period.
L's like this do but the fact that we are about 10 games in and giving up 45% shooting pct. and about 100 points a game EVERY time out is cause for concern. No improvement = Bad Coaching period.

I agree with that, the lack of defense is very frustrating and at a certain point Fran is absolutely to blame.

Even worse was today it didn't look like anyone even cared. Not getting back on defense... there is no excuse for that.
If you needed this game to figure out that the team sucks this year, I don't know what to tell you. It does. It's a terrible loss. But this was going to happen. It does, however, raise the stakes for next year considerably.
I already posted about this on the game thread....WTF has gotten into Jon that he has done a 180 this year??? Is he on the take??? Say it isn't so Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the same reason our Dallas Area Hawk Watching gatherings disbanded for hoops almost 20 years ago, I honestly, really do not care anymore....and my thoughts on the football program are getting damn close to that of basketball. Maybe it's because I've been away from the state for 30 years....not sure....but I do remember a team that lost to UNLV who did beat during the season the eventual National Champ by 20 points. So enough of the Bullshit Jon...if it's now OK to lose to Omaha , then lets just shut the whole F'm program down....BTW, where EXACTLY were we at now that we are "rebuilding"???? 1st round exits?????
Jon has basically said that he now thinks life is too short to get upset about sports, which is his prerogative but it comes off as unabashed homerism sometimes.
When Jon talks about history, there is a reason. Its very hard to just jump your program up a bunch of rungs to where your program has never been. That's what people are mad about that Fran hasn't been able to do.

There are two ways to improve a program. One is pray for lightning in a bottle with a coaching hire like Wisconsin got with Ryan. The other is to hire a good coach and establish yourself as a good program for awhile, then shoot for a slightly better coach like we did with Davis.

Fran is definitely good enough to establish a good base for building a program. So now we can either try to build that base or give up on it and shoot for lightning in a bottle.
It's frustrating because all we will hear about again this year is Iowa State's 6th straight NCAA tourney. Their sustained success is maddening and they do it because they get transfers every single year to mix in with their recruits. They don't allow themselves to have a dropoff like Iowa has. Fran needs to get this figured out.
BTW, Boy Blunder beat Kentucky on the road today....not that I wish that the little prick was still at Iowa. I don't. However, 7 years is long enough...we are stuck in neutral folks.
I don't think Fran is going to get it done here. If we are lucky he'll be Tom Davis part deux. Which is a steady diet of 2nd round exits. IF we are lucky.
BTW, Boy Blunder beat Kentucky on the road today....not that I wish that the little prick was still at Iowa. I don't. However, 7 years is long enough...we are stuck in neutral folks.
I wish we were in neutral. This season shows that the program is neither ascending or staying about the same; the trajectory is sharply downward.
It's frustrating because all we will hear about again this year is Iowa State's 6th straight NCAA tourney. Their sustained success is maddening and they do it because they get transfers every single year to mix in with their recruits. They don't allow themselves to have a dropoff like Iowa has. Fran needs to get this figured out.

We're not going to be any better next year unless we get a grad transfer or impact JUCO which Fran won't be able to get either
It's not the losses... I expected those this year. It's how we're losing...with no effort on the defensive end and with seemingly no understanding of even how to play defense. Freshmen or not, that should never happen.

And if we're being honest with ourselves, none of Fran's teams in his entire tenure here have shown any understanding of basic defensive concepts...pointing up shooters, hedging screens, proper rotation in zone defense, defending dribble drive, etc. Most of that was able to be masked by Woody's ability to clog up the paint. Now that he's no longer here, we're seeing the end result.

And no amount of condescending commentary by Jon relative to Iowa's history can mask the fact that this coaching staff can't coach defense.
It's frustrating because all we will hear about again this year is Iowa State's 6th straight NCAA tourney. Their sustained success is maddening and they do it because they get transfers every single year to mix in with their recruits. They don't allow themselves to have a dropoff like Iowa has. Fran needs to get this figured out.
I didn't know that the Psyclowns actually recruited freshmen! Fran's attempts have been terrible at transfers and JUCO players. Dale Jones is still sitting on the bench.
Wow lots of emotion with Miller's article. I have to agree with him that we knew we would be down this year. Not sure we are "rebuilding" and really wasnt expecting to be this bad (so far). Also agree that this is Iowa and we will have down years. Not so sure that our "Bar" should be as low as John thinks. Sure we have made a couple of tournaments (still dont count a playin game) and won a couple of games against very mediocre teams while getting blasted by the elite types in the next round. I dont see us making the tournament this year or next. So is a couple of tournament wins in 7 or 8 years the bar? Hope not. As for this team I think both 14 and 15 classes are busts. This year may be better but I think Rivals had them 9th in Big Ten and with the exception of Cook who could be gone in 2 years im not sure we have any all big ten types. Next year a couple of fairly highly thought of players but not difference makers. We will be bad next year.
I guess thats what these forums are for (to voice opinions good and bad) Hopefully those of us who are not high on the current status of basketball will be wrong. In addition to the concern I have for the team is the likely empty seats that we will see in the future. Nothing dooms a program more
Here it is folks, the "what have you done for me lately" generation on steroids ^.

Fran takes us to 3 straight NCAA appearances and now he suddenly can't coach. It was a terrible loss but we have a lot of freshmen. At least give it to the end of the season to see if there's some improvement before jumping ship, though I personally don't care if you do or not.
Here it is folks, the "what have you done for me lately" generation on steroids ^.

Fran takes us to 3 straight NCAA appearances and now he suddenly can't coach. It was a terrible loss but we have a lot of freshmen. At least give it to the end of the season to see if there's some improvement before jumping ship, though I personally don't care if you do or not.

He can still coach he just couldn't recruit for a couple of years which killed us