Dammit, Rob, where’s that “sarcasm” button for those who are a little slow out of the chute around here?
Are you thinking that I didn't know you were being sarcastic?
Dammit, Rob, where’s that “sarcasm” button for those who are a little slow out of the chute around here?
I know a guy that's an expert in Revolt.organized revolt against barta with torches and pitch forks.
1. Dolph should have known better.
2. The suspension isn't about the comment, unless they gave him distinct directives to not do that or something similar.
3. The comment should not have been made.
4. The athletic department continues to distance itself from everyday fans.
5. If Fran's fingerprints are on this, how is he a "nice man"?
You are so wrong about the crowd. I was there. The crowd was great.Who is the PA announcer at last nights game? That was the 4th game I've gone to this season and the first sell-out. The worst crowd of the 4. Thought I was at an AARP recruiting seminar and time-share meeting. The PA announcer was actually telling people to "Get up and cheer"! First time I've heard that, plus pregame was really trying to hype the game. Felt very much like the Athletic Dept. was playing the distraction game. Dolph doesn't need this shit. He should just do football and let someone else have to get warm and fuzzy with the irrepressible sweet and lovable Fran. Must be a joy dealing with the misplaced anger, venomous eyes that dare a reporter to ask a real question, and Fran's self-deprecating humor. I'll say this about Kirk, he's a man of principle who wouldn't try to ruin a man's reputation. Anyone that thinks Dolph is a racist for a sincere compliment to a gifted player and reads "unconscious racism" into it is, in fact, a racist to follow that line of thinking.
An apology for this PC crap is useless.
It does not clean your slate or clear your name.
It’s all about control. And now Learfield/Barta is using it as a means to fire a guy and mud up his name.
And if Barta is behind this or even just the face for this, then sorry, I don’t think he’s a nice guy. And my default setting when people show themselves to be corrupt is that they are corrupt; not that they are inept or stupid.
1. Dolph did nothing wrong
2. Correct, the suspension is about Fran and Margie wanting Dolph gone
3. Again, there was nothing wrong with the comment
4. This isn't the athletic department (allegedly), wink wink
5. "If" Fran's fingerprints are on this? You mean, his quote of it being "Inexcusable" didn't clue you in?
Good point. You're right of course. It is possible to be both.It's possible to be both.
Ok it is easy to call for Fran's head when they are losing. Well he is winning now. He needs to go, the Dolph fiasco is further proof that he is a horse's ass. Both he and Barta need to be fired now. I know it won't happen, it is too easy for good people to look the other way instead of doing the right thing. That is how a Paterno and a Knight last for as long as they did. Fran is nothing but a bitter, vengeful small man....what a piece of ****.
Good point. You're right of course. It is possible to be both.
An inept person can abuse his authority to make himself look better; to stay in good graces with his bosses = that is corrupt.
If that happens then that makes those people in authority corrupt. Somewhere in the upstream it comes down to someone is corrupt. We've had plenty of examples at universities that criminal behavior was allowed (and therefore, encouraged) by those in authority -- not because they were inept at their job; it was because they are corrupt.
That's why my default is set to corrupt and not inept -- especially for those people in positions of authority. it's human nature and i've had too many life experiences that prove it.
So I googled "what is king kong" and here's what I got. King Kong is a giant movie monster, resembling an enormous gorilla.
How can someone know it's wrong to compare a black man to a giant movie monster? I can't get over the amount of racism someone has to have in their head to connect those dots. People want people to see all the races as one, but at the same time want them to remember which race a person is while talking about them so they can decide if they need to choose their words carefully. Dolph's biggest mistake is he didn't even think about the fact that Bruno was black. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
Ok it is easy to call for Fran's head when they are losing. Well he is winning now. He needs to go, the Dolph fiasco is further proof that he is a horse's ass. Both he and Barta need to be fired now. I know it won't happen, it is too easy for good people to look the other way instead of doing the right thing. That is how a Paterno and a Knight last for as long as they did. Fran is nothing but a bitter, vengeful small man....what a piece of ****.
Dolph is 60 something years old and spent over half his life in the media he should have known better. It is no different than assuming the mic is always hot.
I do not think there was any racist intent with the comparison, but he should have been aware of what that comparison might bring.
So you're saying he should have thought about the fact that Bruno is black, King Kong looks like a gorilla even tho he's not, and black people are sometimes called apes? All in the spur of the moment? I don't know you, but I'm still willing to bet you would have never connected those dots before someone did it for you. I do agree that after hindsight of having someone racist enough to point it out, I see how it could look to a select few.
Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently he's not so fictional after all.Technically, science says we were all apes.
Visually one could say that between Iowa and Maryland that Luka Garza most closely resembles the parent hominid of Cro Magnon. If I had to pick 1 player from the B1G that most resembles a great ape I think I would go with Luka. Just sayin.
Is he a redeemable POS?
I'm not one to judge someone often on the grey fringes of morality. At worst Fran took this play straight out of the playbook of every politician in the last half of a century. It's rather quite cunning of a method to weaken or eliminate an adversary. As long as he can win basketball games I can deal with him being a snake in his personal settling of scores. The next season that Iowa crashes and burns under Fran's supervision will be the point where his venomous slither will be unbearable.
I will say that I feel for Dolphin. He has been the most recent martyr in our current cultures over sensitivity to the racially taboo. However the circumstances of how Dolphin found himself on the hangman's platform are largely irrelevant. They may make the tiny minority of Iowa fans angry. They maybe deceitful and sinister. None of those circumstances will change the perception of the spoken words themselves. There will still be millions of people who hear it or read it and brand it racial. In my opinion it is in fact credible evidence of cultural hyper sensitivity on race.
This also highlights another fundamental shift in American society. The freedom of speech has for along time extended protection naturally to those whose words and opinions offended others. It wasn't long ago that a foul opinion or vile perspective being spoken was merely an individuals right of speech. There was little recourse for controversial thoughts or conversation. The days of this accepted extension on freedom of speech are largely gone. Especially in the forum of race. The modern times have replaced this old system with a new one. A system that seeks out controversial opinions and over zealously persecutes the individuals who fall outside the spectrum of socially acceptable. I believe this to be a dangerous slope. You go from alienating one, or multiple minority races to alienating the receding majority. Simple logic reveals a number of easily conceived pitfalls from this methodology.
I'm all for fighting racism in our culture and in our inner selves. That doesn't mean for just my shade of skin. This should be the goal for all shades of skin. It's not as if racism is a one race show. In my experience every single human is born naturally intolerant of anything that is visually different.
Due to the vast melting pot that is American society new generations of children are being exposed to the wide racial scale much sooner than in previous generations. This will most likely lead to the lowest total aggregate of racism in mankind's history, but it probably isn't going to be that pretty of a ride. Right now, we as Iowa fans are getting a good long look at the ugly. Take solace in knowing that this too shall pass someday. RIP to those caught in the crossfire.
"He is a stud in the defensive line" Sexist, misogynist, misequinist“connect those dots”? Might offend people from India.
“spur if the moment”? Offensive to American Indians. Possibly cowboys. Rodeo riders even. To say nothing of their horses.