Miller: Ferentz Under Siege

Jon, i have known you now for well over a decade now and have probably read thousands of articles and tens of thousands posts you have made related to Iowa athletics.

I can say without a doubt the past week has been some of the best-well written articles/comments I have ever seen. I do not know if it is the raw emotion that you are able to put into words so well when many of us do not translate our thoughts onto paper so effectively.

Well done sir.
I have been following and reading you for quite awhile now and I have to say that I don't always care for your style and don't always agree with your commentary. With that being said I will continue with the fact that I greatly appreciate you writing this piece and think it was well done. I can't believe some of this crap that "professionals" like Forde are coming up with. It is irresponsible garbage. Kirk Ferentz is coming under fire by people who have little knowledge of the program or this specific situation. It is unfair and unprofessional. I don't know Ferentz personally, but I believe him to be one of the most genuine and decent human beings that I am aware of. Even if our little corner of the world is the only one that reads your article it was necessary and appreciated. Thank You.
Very well written Jon! I also find myself become very bitter and upset when reading articles on ESPN or other web sites slamming Kirk and the staff, and obviously most if not all Hawkeye fans feel the same way. At this point all I think we can do is continue to support the Hawks and hope / pray for a speady recovery for the 13, and then hope for an answer to the reason why it happened that does not shed a bad light on anything the Hawkeye staff did. Keep up the great work and just hang in there Hawkeye Nation!
I have heard numerous stories where Ferentz had been in Des Moines a night earlier at some charity function or cause, having driven himself over, taken the time to lend his name to a cause, and then slipped out of town not looking for any personal glory or attention. These instances are not covered in the press because Kirk doesn’t want it that way. He is not a pharisee on a street corner saying ‘look at the good I do’ because then, it’s glory for self.

I've mentioned it before, but Kirk came to my company a few years ago during the Everson/Satterfield mess. I was surprised to hear he drove by himself. The event was for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. He spoke for 15-20 mins and then hung out and took photos and signed autographs with the Bigs and Littles and then took pictures with myself and my colleagues. All in all he was there for about an hour.
I think Jon nailed it you didn't see this much passion and backlash from Iowa fans during the Alford/Pierce situation. That's cause KF is a different beast. He has such a great level of respect from the fanbase and people who have been here. Great article, but then again what I say doesn't matter "I'm just a "flag waiver."
One thing worth noting, since he has taken a lot of heat around here and he is someone that I like. Gregg Doyel just retweeted this column to his twitter followers...16000 of them..saying: "Well done column, opposing view. Room for all of us"

I dont post that to say 'hey this guy retweeted me'. Don't need that adulation or attention. Rather, that someone who had been pretty critical sent out a view that shed Kirk Ferentz in a different light. I think that's a damn fair thing Doyel just did.
Great piece Jon. The part that touches on Kirk's emotion was an excellent point, which many people overlook. Thanks for writing this.
Jon having a job to do doesn't excuse blatant lies and unfounded accusations.
Doyel should be a lead candidate for a defamation case. It would be nice if media people were held to some level of responsibility for what they communicate.
Edit-Good work on your part!
Wake me up when Doyel writes a retraction in which he states maybe he jumped the gun. Until then he can lick the underside of my sac.
Nice article. It was nice for once to actually read an article about the program that wasn't an entire bash session. BTW, I just got done reading the Forde article w/comments, someone is linking this article on the comments. I believe more people will read this article than what was originally expected.

Good Job.
Very good article, Jon. It says what many in the Hawkeye Nation know and feel.

While it's good that Doyel has linked your article so that others can read it, it can hardly be considered an atonement for the character assassination he has committed. But it's a step in the right direction and a step that Forde is not likely to take.

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