Miller: Ferentz Under Siege

Great column, Jon. I, too, am upset and angry with all of the unfair, uninformed and unwarranted criticism being aimed at Kirk Ferentz, Chris Doyle and others in the program. There are certainly questions that need to be answered about what happened, and from a perception standpoint this has been very poorly handled.

But I think it's time that as true Hawkeye fans we have the backs of this staff, through support in the form of e-mails or letters to members of the staff and to the university, and through passionate, yet informed responses to the critics who only seem bent on bad-mouthing them.

A comment per your original article:

My family is included among the many that have been touched by Kirk Ferntz over the years. We experienced a horrendous medical situation as a result of an auto accident, and he was kind enough to contact my family member that was involved -he, along with Jim Zabel. Damn decent of both gentlemen as neither is a personal friend nor evcen an aquaintance, just a member of the Iowa family as a whole.

I too have had my issues about Kirk when it comes to some of his football related calls and characteristics, but I have never questioned his decency or integrity. The people from ESPN and CBS are all tools whose opinions need to be dismissed when questioning these aspects of the man. If I was fortunate enough to have a son that was capable of playing D1 football, I would be ecstatic to have him under coach Ferentz.

Long Live the Hawks!!!!!

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