Miller and Deace buried the Iowa program,

I think you make really good points here. As another poster said, it's a slippery slope in either direction. KF may very well need to go. Let's see how this season pans out. If this season (with a favorable schedule) goes down the drain, I say it's time to get rid of him. Having said that, I'm not praying for the next Kiffin, Muschamp, RichRod, Hoke, Kiffin, or even Urban Myer to save Iowa.

Iowa may not get out of this forest easily either way. Tomdavis.


Davis > Ferentz

Ferentz is not achieving a level of success comprabale to what Davis was, like I just said, its allot closer to Alford.
Jon, I'm glad you weren't doing podcasts doing the Revolutionary War. We would have given up and let the British win, based on the early mistakes being made by General Washington. Or the Civil War, after we lost at Chancellorsville. You would have fired Abraham Lincoln and surrendered to the South. Or World War II, after McArthur surrendered the Phillipines to the Japanese. You would have fired FDR!!!

Except Lincoln also asked McLellan to nut-up, and ultimately demoted him after Antietam. Chancellorsville was a bad loss but balanced by progress elsewhere. MacArthur ignored the battle plan after being warned - not FDR's fault - then was unfireable despite the Phillipines debacle, for political/foreign policy reasons, even was given a Medal of Honor to impress the Japanese. He redeemed himself. I thought after last year that Kirk had another run in him and would redeem himself this year. So far... meh... maybe the turnaround starts tomorrow.

Historians considered McLellan a weak battlefield general but a good person - "he was the most popular of that army's commanders with its soldiers, who felt that he had their morale and well-being as paramount concerns." Hmmm...

Anyway, Go Hawks!
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HN podcasts of Miller/Deace are good to great casts. They have a good relationship and have seamless and interesting discussions that nobody else doing sports talk in this area has. It's like they're podcast spooning.

Miller sounds measured in his criticism of KF while still letting some emotion leak out. I think he's walking the loyalty tightrope as well as can be walked.

Deace has sounded bored a couple of times to me; probably just that Michigan's troubles are so bad that it's blah-some to talk about another program's troubles. But his points are worthwhile because he's got no skin in the Hawks.
And people seriously have the nerve to compare this to Tom Davis as some sort of cautionary tale.


This isn't Tom Davis it's Alford. Pure Mediocraty.

There is very little danger in letting in letting KF go because any coach could achieve these results against the low level of completion that the big has sunk to.

The upside far out weighs the risk of firing Kirk at this point.

According to you, I suppose no coach could make Florida, Michigan, Alabama, Texas, Notre Dame mediocre could they???

I'm all on board with bringing in another coach, but to say that Iowa can't hire a guy who is going to perferm worse than KF is just plain old idiocy.
Another really tough, brutal podcast. I don't strongly disagree with anything being said by Mr. Miller and the always concise Mr. Deace, but why is it being said now? Why is it being put in the public domain, now???? Don't recruits listen and read this stuff?????

Can't we wait until the end of the season and THEN evaluate the Iowa coaching staff? Where is the loyalty after 16 years?

I don't understand the motivation here to just completely dump on a 5-2 team with 5 big games left. I just don't get it....

Jon, I'm glad you weren't doing podcasts doing the Revolutionary War. We would have given up and let the British win, based on the early mistakes being made by General Washington. Or the Civil War, after we lost at Chancellorsville. You would have fired Abraham Lincoln and surrendered to the South. Or World War II, after McArthur surrendered the Phillipines to the Japanese. You would have fired FDR!!!

I know Iowa football doesn't come remotely close to the importance associated with war, but to read this board the last 2 weeks, you would think the world was coming to an end.

Everyone needs to relax and let the rest of the season play out.

Poor analogies - Lincoln fired general after general for failure to perform against the south. Washington had almost nothing to work with in the revolutionary war - Cornwallis of the British was certainly more Ferentzian in his age, experience, and insistence on using old tactics with superior resources against a more innovative, smaller, and outgunned foe.

And in WW2 FDR made the right decision - MacArthur was stranded without a Navy and had no chance in the Philippines. MacArthur had no fear of going deep and taking risks - look at what he accomplished in the Pacific with his Island hopping campaign (at a time when amphibious landings were seen as the most risky method of invasion).

So if you are comparing your generals to qbs, their leaders all played the best players, and played to win.
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With this schedule 9 win is like 6 wins with a moderately difficult schedule. So no, it's not enough. Especially when your wins are last second comebacks against an FCS school, one of the worst FBS teams in all of college football and an F'n loss to a pathetic in-state rival at home.

What game was that this season? I don't remember any last second comebacks against an FCS school.
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Poor analogies - Lincoln fired general after general for failure to perform against the south. Washington had almost nothing to work with in the revolutionary war - Cornwallis of the British was certainly more Ferentzian in his age, experience, and insistence on using old tactics with superior resources against a more innovative, smaller, and outgunned foe.

And in WW2 FDR made the right decision - MacArthur was stranded without a Navy and had no chance in the Philippines. MacArthur had no fear of going deep and taking risks - look at what he accomplished in the Pacific with his Island hopping campaign (at a time when amphibious landings were seen as the most risky method of invasion).

So if you are comparing your generals to qbs, their leaders all played the best players, and played to win.

Intelligent posting . . . could you please hold a learning seminar for the jackboot crowd?
Two things:

1 - Miller criticizes the program a bit (for good and logical reasons) and all the sudden so many sad and angry faces towards miller. If anything Miller has been beyond patient and apologetic towards the program.
2- No way I ever think that Miller is just "saying things" in the shock jock method. I don't believe that for a second, even though I haven't agreed with some of Jon's ideas in the past.

And while the truth may be shocking (to some), it is still the truth. Those posters, who are categorized as haters, have been espousing numbers that point to mediocrity for some time, now. It is what it is. The Iowa football program is a mediocre program, in a mediocre division of a mediocre conference, at this point in time.
HN podcasts of Miller/Deace are good to great casts. They have a good relationship and have seamless and interesting discussions that nobody else doing sports talk in this area has. It's like they're podcast spooning.

Miller sounds measured in his criticism of KF while still letting some emotion leak out. I think he's walking the loyalty tightrope as well as can be walked.

Deace has sounded bored a couple of times to me; probably just that Michigan's troubles are so bad that it's blah-some to talk about another program's troubles. But his points are worthwhile because he's got no skin in the Hawks.

John Miller does a great job like you say... as best as can be expected, knowing that KF may be around for YEARS still, and John doesn't want to be in his doghouse completely. That wouldn't be good. So he's gotta walk a fine line.
There is no jumping ship. No one called for Kirk's job and I made it clear I was not doing that. And also said every game is winnable. We didn’t plan on things going where they did, they just did. I am guessing you are reacting without having listened.

Facts are stubborn things. Momentum is not in the Hawks' favor, in fact, it is seemingly accelerating. In the wrong direction.

The only thing more stubborn that facts? Kirk Ferentz. If the dude would just lighten up his adherence to ritual and open it up a bit, I think he could lift it up. I don't know how you do it but I'm not being paid $300,000 per weekend to figure it out either.
Facts are stubborn things. Momentum is not in the Hawks' favor, in fact, it is seemingly accelerating. In the wrong direction.

The only thing more stubborn that facts? Kirk Ferentz. If the dude would just lighten up his adherence to ritual and open it up a bit, I think he could lift it up. I don't know how you do it but I'm not being paid $300,000 per weekend to figure it out either.

MJ, this has been my stance with KF. I don't want KF gone, I want KF to change some obvious things that need to be changed (offensive philosophy, ultra conservatism in the game planning, etc), but KF has shown he isn't willing to do so. If he doesn't, then I want someone who will. The significance of the numbers being reported, now, is that it highlights KF's philosophy's as not working well, anymore. You can reasonably argue against these historical numbers as proof that KF is getting the job done from a win/loss perspective.
KF was set up to fail with this schedule....he had to go perfect to satisfy his critics...otherwise, he is a failure again.

Step back and think about this statement, man. Really?

God forbid we expect a guy with an established program to win a decent number of games with the easiest schedule in the conference. How unfair to poor Kirk.

It's called "doing your job".
Don't think he buried it, just gave a good description of it. Jon's a big fan, like most of us, and at the same time is upset with the state of the program, the decisions being made - yet at the same time has a lot of respect for the HC, like most of us do as well. A great guy doing a D+ to C- job over quite a bit of recent history. It's kinda like when ole Gramps starts losing it and has to give up some of the things he used to lead, be really good at, to the son, simply because he doesn't have what it takes anymore. Everybody loves him, but his time may be nearly up for leading. We're all hoping (well, at least most of us) that Gramps has a few more good days left!
He's not feeding the beast at all. He's simply telling the truth. Try it. It will set you free.

Based on the Sagrin rankings, of the power 5 conferences only Minnesota ranks lower then Iowa as far as teams with the fewest losses go. In other words, at 5-2 Iowa is one of the least impressive teams when it comes to the computers, writers and coaches who do the rankings.

You don't think the Beast can Feast on the truth ???
With this schedule 9 win is like 6 wins with a moderately difficult schedule. So no, it's not enough. Especially when your wins are last second comebacks against an FCS school, one of the worst FBS teams in all of college football and an F'n loss to a pathetic in-state rival at home.

As I said, for his critics, 9 wins is like 6 wins...which is not, 11 wins is like 8 which is not really good enough lets say it...KF had to go 12-0 to keep the critics at bay. Anything less, and these types of posts flourish.

I look at how Kentucky just extended Mark Stoops thru 2019, upping his deal to an escalating deal that starts at 3.25 million going up to 4.25 million by the end. Stoops has been at UK for a season and half. He has a record of 7-13, (2-9) so far. He has won two SEC games in a season and a half, beating basements dwellers Vandy and South Carolina. His five other wins have come against Miami (Ohio) , Bama St. and other mid-majors.

But,hey, he is recruiting well and UK figured Florida would come knocking. That gets him KF money....if he wins another SEC game this year, he might get a bump....but hey, price of poker.
I think the coaching staff has buried the program. Or at least throwing dirt in the grave. We will see the same sorry offense..without any recognition that Fitz knows what we are going to run better than our own players. I hope I am wrong but I believe this will be yet another data point that Kirk hasn't recruited well enough and placing his trust in GD to turn the offense around was a huge error.
Always love the Knee jerks...

Was a good game today offensively... hopefully we will see more.

History is on the side of that we wont.. but we can hope.

Who didn't see this game happening from about a BILLION miles away.. lol.. We can only hope we get 50% of this team next week at Minnesota..

TODAY, 11:02 AM


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Re: Iowa-Nortwestern prediction thread

We all know how this ****** plays out. KF for 2 weeks has heard how bad things are at Iowa and they come out playing with fire.. Offensive trickery and imagination early in the game. The defense flying around making plays and having fun. Special teams being that special. Recipe for a great day. We as fans wondering where the hell this team has been. This team will come out with it's hair on fire today..​
