Mel Kiper on Mike and Mike this AM

Ryan Mallett = ridicuously over-rated. That guy is horrible. He can't move around, and he plays horrible in big games. Put him against a team (read: every SEC team) that has no defense he looks awesome, put him against a team that can pressure a smidgen, he looks mediocre at best. If the 49ers draft ryan mallett (and we need a qb) I will disavow all allegiance to my team. He is horrible. I would gladly draft stanzi over Mallett. I would not draft Mallett as Mr. Irrelevant, that's how bad he will be in the nfl.

What do you do for the 49'ers?
Stanzi has all the tools to be a Pro QB.

All his negatives can be fixed. You can coach 6'3 with above average speed and a good touch

The one problem with Stanzi is throwing the ball to the receivers "on a rope". If you watch every successful NFL QB, they always fire the ball to the receiver, at least on the short to 20 yrd routes. This is what the majority of the passes will be. NFL QB's cannot put air under the ball because the D-backs at that level are so good, they will undercut it for an interception or at least a break-up.

Stanzi has put air under the ball the majority of his time at Iowa. This is what he will have to learn to correct. His composure & leadership skills are great. He kind of reminds me of a Tom Brady in his early years.

The interesting aspect about Vandenburg for Iowa the next couple years is that he does throw a ball "on the rope". He also has the size of an NFL QB. Vandenburg may be Iowa's best NFL QB prospect in a long time before it's all & done. Vandenburg's performance at Ohio St really showed me a lot about the kid. Vandenburg has the frame & tools, he just has to learn the leadership skills & have composure like Stanzi had.
Locker was an idiot for returning since most thought he was a first rounder last year. Brady.

This comment about Locker is an example of the same completely backward and misinformed argument that happens every freaking year. I just have to shake my head.

Saying a QB who has not gone through pre-draft drills would be drafted at any point in the draft is just stupid. And guess what? Locker is case in point. He was still rated number one going into the pre-draft workouts until people actually were able to get a real look at him. Then his stock dropped. Guess what? The same thing would have happened last year. Also, Matt Leinart did not go from being number one to drafted tenth. He was drafted tenth, because when they did his pre-draft workouts they realized his arm wasn't that strong.

I just get so freaking sick of people making the same idiotic arguments. Until the pros get to see QB's drill up close, their draft stock means nothing. And yes, this even goes for Andrew Luck. Even though he is annointed as next year's number one, it doesn't mean crap until he throws in front of pro scouts.

Sorry for being so harsh, but I just get exasperated seeing the same flawed argument year after year.
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I've been saying it since Ricky's sophomore year and had people calling me out on Hawkeyereport (I was known as TWISM6874) all the way back then. Ricky is an NFL QB and will be a good one at that. He has all the tools.
This comment about Locker is an example of the same completely backward and misinformed argument that happens every freaking year. I just have to shake my head.

Saying a QB who has not gone through pre-draft drills would be drafted at any point in the draft is just stupid. And guess what? Locker is case in point. He was still rated number one going into the pre-draft workouts until people actually were able to get a real look at him. Then his stock dropped. Guess what? The same thing would have happened last year. Also, Matt Leinart did not go from being number one to drafted tenth. He was drafted tenth, because when they did his pre-draft workouts they realized his arm wasn't that strong.

I just get so freaking sick of people making the same idiotic arguments. Until the pros get to see QB's drill up close, their draft stock means nothing. And yes, this even goes for Andrew Luck. Even though he is annointed as next year's number one, it doesn't mean crap until he throws in front of pro scouts.

Sorry for being so harsh, but I just get exasperated seeing the same flawed argument year after year.

This is true, though in Luck's case, I think he's legit. Cannon for an arm, great decision-making, terrific accuracy, and good mobility.

Unlike Locker, who has a cannon for an arm, below-average decision-making skills, poor accuracy, and freakish mobility.
The pro scouts are coldly analytical,unlike Iowa fans. Some Iowa fans have downgraded Ricky due to our lack of success in late drives in all of our losses.
Pro scouts do not care much about those failures. They care about the complete picture. Ricky measured at 6'4'',221lbs....good size. He has good mobility. He has an average arm. His accuracy was not great this year. His decision-making was solid this year.
I would be surprised if he went in the 2nd round,but not shocked,after hearing this.
Kiper is not dead on,but he has a generally good idea about where players stand.
Mallett is a better pro QB prospect,but Locker had a tough year. But,he will shine in the personal workouts,and I suspect will go ahead of Ricky.

I,too,have been saying since 2008 that Ricky has NFL potential and is the best Iowa NFL QB prospect since Long,simply due to his measurables. We usually have runts at QB,like Jake,Banks and Tate.

I would think if Ricky went in round 3 or better,he would get a good shot at sticking,as NFL teams hate to give up on draftees that high.
And,also,as a QB, unless the new CBA is draconian, Ricky should earn a nice bonus somewhere north of a million bucks next fall.....could not happen to a better person and representative of Iowa football....good luck Ricky!!
Jake Locker came back for his senior year because of this...


I've seen her on TV, and she's quite a looker, but this was the best pic I could find of her. Not quite built like Tebow's old gal...

I think everyone can tell why Stanzi would jump ahead of Locker. No point rehashing that. The one people will be less likely to notice is why he might jump ahead of Mallett. Mallett is 6'7 and that is actually a bad thing in scouts minds. Every QB that tall or more has turned into a bust before now. Also he is not mobile at all. Really when you look at the two QBs the only thing he has over Stanzi is arm strength. I thought Ricky would go in the 3rd round because I thought the measureables and hype of the other two would sway people but glad to see Ricky moving up the boards where he belongs.
There is no team planning on building a team around Ricky Stanzi. Sorry guys. He has mediocre arm strength and questionable accuracy. You can have one or the other and possibly make it in the NFL, but not neither. Ricky might stick around the league playing backup to a star like Rodgers or Brees, but he won't be the future of any team.
Last I checked it is $300,000 minimum paycheck in NFL. And last I checked being a #2 for a team means you are one of the top 64 QBs in the world. I can't stand how people say he is bad considering that...cause he is obviously pretty good maybe not as good as the greatest QBs ever but how many can really say that (less than .01% of the QBs ever)...Lets at least be proud he came from UofI and though not elite he is very solid.
I think scouts and NFL people will see a player with off the charts intangibles when they speak with Rick. Is he flawless on tape? No. Does he have the biggest arm? No. Is he a leader of men? No question, arguably one of the best in the entire draft.

He has the ability to play QB in the NFL. Scouts see he has the intangibles, too. This is not surprising, especially when you consider that most QB's drafted outside the first round are guys that take a year or two to develop in most instances.
Last I checked it is $300,000 minimum paycheck in NFL. And last I checked being a #2 for a team means you are one of the top 64 QBs in the world. I can't stand how people say he is bad considering that...cause he is obviously pretty good maybe not as good as the greatest QBs ever but how many can really say that (less than .01% of the QBs ever)...Lets at least be proud he came from UofI and though not elite he is very solid.

Why are you going straight to a bizarre emotional argument like that? No one said that Stanzi is "bad". My point is just that the tools to succeed as QB at Iowa are not the same as the tools to succeed in the NFL. Ricky was a great Hawkeye, a great leader, and a good Big 10 player, but he doesn't have the tools to succeed in the NFL.
It wasn't was saying success is more than just being a starter. Just to be drafted and make a team is success. Considering how few get the opportunity. I consider being a back-up in the pros success. I am sure Drew Tate would trade places with him any day if he becomes a back-up and Drew Tate was a very good college QB. People think unless you are the best you aren't successful, but I am sure no one will call Chuck Long a bad QB but look at what he accomplished in the pros. Ricky is a good QB he will be a back-up in the pros and it was once said Tom Brady was a stretch as a pro QB...The places Ricky is lacking are things that can be coached up by the right QB coach and OC.
Jake Locker came back for his senior year because of this...


I've seen her on TV, and she's quite a looker, but this was the best pic I could find of her. Not quite built like Tebow's old gal...


Tebow abstaining til, she ain't ugly....Gotta have lot of inner strength to resist that temptation.

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