McCaffery: "Maybe I need to back off a little bit"

You pansies need to go support a new team. IA will dance and some of so called fans need a life. Bad bounces happened lately but good bounces may come later in March. Three games in a week is tiresome and different with Mel just getting back to healthy and some social media fiasco. I guess the negative nellies need to go support Lick and Marian then.
You pansies need to go support a new team. IA will dance and some of so called fans need a life. Bad bounces happened lately but good bounces may come later in March. Three games in a week is tiresome and different with Mel just getting back to healthy and some social media fiasco. I guess the negative nellies need to go support Lick and Marian then.

This tactic has proven to bring success. Let's go with it.
I think it is great a coach can be objective enough to look at himself as part of the problem. You can only ride a team for so long, I think a good move would be for him to meet with the team and just tell them "look, we cannot change what has happened in the past. Lets forget about it and let's just go out on Sunday and have fun. Do not worry about what fans say, winning/losing, the tournament, ect ect.....Let's just go out and play basketball and have fun doing it."

I think as fans we could do some of the same things. We got all tied up into Final Four talk, seedings, and rankings. Let's just appreciate this team for what it is, a couple wins away from being in the NCAA Tournament since 2006. Not all is lost, Iowa is not the only team to go into Minneapolis and Bloomington and come out with a loss. Time to flush it.
I don't think that's the problem, Fran. I think this team lacks an identity. Players don't seem to know their roles or what they are supposed to be doing and that was obvious last night when Indiana had players wide open under the basket, in the middle of our zone. That's just not supposed to happen. Too much standing around on both ends of the floor.
As I said in the game thread, what are we trying to do exactly, with that token 3/4 court press? I have not seen it produce more than 1 or 2 turnovers in conference play but it has lead to a lot of wide open baskets by the other team, when they get over it. It's like they don't know what they want to do. Either press or don't. Because what we are doing is hurting us more than it's helping and that's a fact.
I think it is great a coach can be objective enough to look at himself as part of the problem. You can only ride a team for so long, I think a good move would be for him to meet with the team and just tell them "look, we cannot change what has happened in the past. Lets forget about it and let's just go out on Sunday and have fun. Do not worry about what fans say, winning/losing, the tournament, ect ect.....Let's just go out and play basketball and have fun doing it."

I think as fans we could do some of the same things. We got all tied up into Final Four talk, seedings, and rankings. Let's just appreciate this team for what it is, a couple wins away from being in the NCAA Tournament since 2006. Not all is lost, Iowa is not the only team to go into Minneapolis and Bloomington and come out with a loss. Time to flush it.

I agree, I wonder what Fran does say to his kids after games like this....this is real gut-check time for the kids and the kids have to get it figured out, and we as fans need to boycott Dan Dakich from doing anymore of our games on TV.....:)...that guy really does bug me....
I don't think that's the problem, Fran. I think this team lacks an identity. Players don't seem to know their roles or what they are supposed to be doing and that was obvious last night when Indiana had players wide open under the basket, in the middle of our zone. That's just not supposed to happen. Too much standing around on both ends of the floor.
As I said in the game thread, what are we trying to do exactly, with that token 3/4 court press? I have not seen it produce more than 1 or 2 turnovers in conference play but it has lead to a lot of wide open baskets by the other team, when they get over it. It's like they don't know what they want to do. Either press or don't. Because what we are doing is hurting us more than it's helping and that's a fact.

Don't watch many games bro? I can think of at least 2 ten second violations as a result of the press, let alone turnovers, and easy slam dunks by White.

I think some of you are reaching for things to blame. The fact of the matter is this team looks afraid to lose. We seen it against Wisconsin, at Minnesota, and again last night. They get late in the game and they turn to crap because they know they have been struggling to win close games. You could see it in their eyes and their body language during time outs. I do not see a lack of talent on the team, I see a team that is mentally drained and feeling the weight of a fan base that has not been to a NCAA tournament since 2006.
Don't watch many games bro? I can think of at least 2 ten second violations as a result of the press, let alone turnovers, and easy slam dunks by White.

I think some of you are reaching for things to blame. The fact of the matter is this team looks afraid to lose. We seen it against Wisconsin, at Minnesota, and again last night. They get late in the game and they turn to crap because they know they have been struggling to win close games. You could see it in their eyes and their body language during time outs. I do not see a lack of talent on the team, I see a team that is mentally drained and feeling the weight of a fan base that has not been to a NCAA tournament since 2006.
I saw that press give up 4 easy baskets just last night! Now whatcha got? I think you're the one that doesn't watch much basketball. I can guarantee you we have given up way more easy baskets because of that press than it has yielded.
Wisconsin killed us off of that. I DVR'd the game last night and I can go back and count how many easy baskets that press gave up vs how many turnovers it caused. Care to give us an over/under guess?
I saw that press give up 4 easy baskets just last night! Now whatcha got? I think you're the one that doesn't watch much basketball. I can guarantee you we have given up way more easy baskets because of that press than it has yielded.
Wisconsin killed us off of that. I DVR'd the game last night and I can go back and count how many easy baskets that press gave up vs how many turnovers it caused. Care to give us an over/under guess?

lmao, moving the goal post on me eh?

Your statement was "I have not seen it produce more than 1 or 2 turnovers in conference play".

The press was not affective last night and I seen a number of occasions where they stopped using it.

I think the real reason they use that style of press is just to drain some time off the shot clock. It gives the other team less time to work their half court set. Any turn overs are just a bonus.
The season is very long - that takes a toll and many teams hit a skid. Look at where Wisconsin was a month ago. These players are distracted and unsure of themselves. There is no on-court leader. Who knows if there is any leadership in the locker room or at practice.

It's going to go one way or the other. Either they will circle the wagons...or circle the drain.
I think the real reason they use that style of press is just to drain some time off the shot clock. It gives the other team less time to work their half court set. Any turn overs are just a bonus.

This. It didn't work well last night, but ****, what defense did we run that DID work well last night?
This article is chock full of insight into the mental breakdown of this staff and team. It truly reveals how unprepared they are to achieve, navigate and sustain success.

“Maybe, I need to back off a little bit,” Iowa Coach Fran McCaffery said. “Because I’ve been trying to be real intense these last couple of games, and there’s a fine line between intensity that’s helpful and intensity that may not be as productive as I’d like it to be. I need to try to look at and evaluate that.”

F-Mac is tighter than an Eddie Van Halen guitar rift. We've all seen his explosive emotions and in-your-face coaching style and apologized for it as applauding his intensity to win. Maybe the sideline berations are wearing thin on his guys? (Someone here, was it OoTH? had an avatar of 1/2Knight/1/2McCaffery -- it was genius!)
He's also becoming painfully aware that he's kind of dug his own grave as it relates to the rotations and substitutions. Maybe the starters are tightening up, too? They know they're gonna get the hook -- regardless of performance -- at specified times, rather than being allowed to get in the flow of the game and start dissecting the opponent for their own opportunities.

Marble: "We didn’t play the defense we needed to, but at the same time they were going to score points. There’s only so much you’re going to be able to do.”

Not trying to read into this too much but, does this have a tint of apathetic futility about it? This shocks me from the same guy who, after the win at fOSU, I recall talking about being the tougher team and, personally, wanting to be recognized as the same caliber of defender as Craft.

“We need more energy and we need more focus and concentration and get back to what we were doing that made us a top-10, top-15 team, really locking guys up, taking pride in our defense,” Iowa forward Aaron White said. “That’s slipped here in the past week or two.”

AW has been pretty transparent with many of his comments this season -- as well as quite hypocritical.
"Focus and concentration"? Of everyone, at least according to his actions and comments, he's the most affected by these outside distractions. He let the cat out of the bag by taking up Woody's banner. Anyone notice in the episode of the journey, they show White outside the locker room after the game and he's staring down at his phone? Not saying every NCAA player doesn't do this. Just that it now seems to be an ironic foreshadowing.
"Taking pride in our defense"? AW has devolved into one of the worst baseline and corner defenders in the zone defense. Now, to his credit, it's obvious he's trying (with some success) to jump the passing lanes. However, teams are really scouting how badly he's hedging and easily setting up to attack him baseline and his side of the zone with kick-out jumpers.

Iowa guard Mike Gesell said of lacking mental toughness. “I think we’re just not trusting each other right now.

This one is troubling. The guy who's flourishing into the floor leader, the motor of the team, is questioning all the moving parts.
I see this comment partly the result of a budding star, who's racing up the ladder, but still has to reign it in to "concede" to the older, "media stars" on the team. I also see this as a budding star who's maturity and leadership are still a bit behind his talents and skills. By that, I mean, his abilities speak for themselves, but he's still not yet personally "capable" of tuning out the distractions (maybe he actually does not trust some guys like a certain, unnamed, hard-working, low-performing senior) nor is he "respected" enough to shake his teammates out of their funk.

“Obviously one of the key points in this game was limit turnovers and a little too much of guys trying to make a play on their own rather than trusting the offense, trusting one another,” White said. “Not placing the blame; I’m guilty of that as well. Got to pick my spots better as well as other guys and trust one another.”

Another nugget from White! Do we have one "star" getting a little peeved at the other "star" who seems to want to try take over games and force the offense? Whether he feels obligated to, as the only real scoring option, or if he is doing so for personal glory, it's no secret Dev has been forcing his attack late in games. The team is guilty of creating this situation, as they've often become spectators of Marble during crunch time. Unfortunately, more so than in the past, it now seems as likely to result in an embarrassing turnover or blocked shot for Dev as it is a bucket+1.

As have been describing them for a month, this is simply a team that is "not ready for prime time". They're distracted, diluted and struggling to maintain focus and composure.

I still expect them to finish exactly how I predicted (Wisky loss, Indy loss, Purdue win, MSU loss, Illannoy win); 5-5 in their final 10. I'm still hopeful that they are able to recognize their mental breakdowns, regroup and refocus during the BTT, and be prepared to play to their abilities in the NCAA.

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