McCaffery: "Maybe I need to back off a little bit"

This article is chock full of insight into the mental breakdown of this staff and team. It truly reveals how unprepared they are to achieve, navigate and sustain success.

“Maybe, I need to back off a little bit,†Iowa Coach Fran McCaffery said. “Because I’ve been trying to be real intense these last couple of games, and there’s a fine line between intensity that’s helpful and intensity that may not be as productive as I’d like it to be. I need to try to look at and evaluate that.â€

F-Mac is tighter than an Eddie Van Halen guitar rift. We've all seen his explosive emotions and in-your-face coaching style and apologized for it as applauding his intensity to win. Maybe the sideline berations are wearing thin on his guys? (Someone here, was it OoTH? had an avatar of 1/2Knight/1/2McCaffery -- it was genius!)
He's also becoming painfully aware that he's kind of dug his own grave as it relates to the rotations and substitutions. Maybe the starters are tightening up, too? They know they're gonna get the hook -- regardless of performance -- at specified times, rather than being allowed to get in the flow of the game and start dissecting the opponent for their own opportunities.

Marble: "We didn’t play the defense we needed to, but at the same time they were going to score points. There’s only so much you’re going to be able to do.â€

Not trying to read into this too much but, does this have a tint of apathetic futility about it? This shocks me from the same guy who, after the win at fOSU, I recall talking about being the tougher team and, personally, wanting to be recognized as the same caliber of defender as Craft.

“We need more energy and we need more focus and concentration and get back to what we were doing that made us a top-10, top-15 team, really locking guys up, taking pride in our defense,†Iowa forward Aaron White said. “That’s slipped here in the past week or two.â€

AW has been pretty transparent with many of his comments this season -- as well as quite hypocritical.
"Focus and concentration"? Of everyone, at least according to his actions and comments, he's the most affected by these outside distractions. He let the cat out of the bag by taking up Woody's banner. Anyone notice in the episode of the journey, they show White outside the locker room after the game and he's staring down at his phone? Not saying every NCAA player doesn't do this. Just that it now seems to be an ironic foreshadowing.
"Taking pride in our defense"? AW has devolved into one of the worst baseline and corner defenders in the zone defense. Now, to his credit, it's obvious he's trying (with some success) to jump the passing lanes. However, teams are really scouting how badly he's hedging and easily setting up to attack him baseline and his side of the zone with kick-out jumpers.

Iowa guard Mike Gesell said of lacking mental toughness. “I think we’re just not trusting each other right now.

This one is troubling. The guy who's flourishing into the floor leader, the motor of the team, is questioning all the moving parts.
I see this comment partly the result of a budding star, who's racing up the ladder, but still has to reign it in to "concede" to the older, "media stars" on the team. I also see this as a budding star who's maturity and leadership are still a bit behind his talents and skills. By that, I mean, his abilities speak for themselves, but he's still not yet personally "capable" of tuning out the distractions (maybe he actually does not trust some guys like a certain, unnamed, hard-working, low-performing senior) nor is he "respected" enough to shake his teammates out of their funk.

“Obviously one of the key points in this game was limit turnovers and a little too much of guys trying to make a play on their own rather than trusting the offense, trusting one another,†White said. “Not placing the blame; I’m guilty of that as well. Got to pick my spots better as well as other guys and trust one another.â€

Another nugget from White! Do we have one "star" getting a little peeved at the other "star" who seems to want to try take over games and force the offense? Whether he feels obligated to, as the only real scoring option, or if he is doing so for personal glory, it's no secret Dev has been forcing his attack late in games. The team is guilty of creating this situation, as they've often become spectators of Marble during crunch time. Unfortunately, more so than in the past, it now seems as likely to result in an embarrassing turnover or blocked shot for Dev as it is a bucket+1.

As have been describing them for a month, this is simply a team that is "not ready for prime time". They're distracted, diluted and struggling to maintain focus and composure.

I still expect them to finish exactly how I predicted (Wisky loss, Indy loss, Purdue win, MSU loss, Illannoy win); 5-5 in their final 10. I'm still hopeful that they are able to recognize their mental breakdowns, regroup and refocus during the BTT, and be prepared to play to their abilities in the NCAA.

I made an entire thread on "when do you tune out a coach", a bunch of dumb azzez got cute in it. I'm telling everyone, it happens and I'd say there is a pretty good chance it is HAPPENING right now. I've been there before and it's not like the abrasive in your face coaching style hasn't worn thin on college and pro players before.
I made an entire thread on "when do you tune out a coach", a bunch of dumb azzez got cute in it. I'm telling everyone, it happens and I'd say there is a pretty good chance it is HAPPENING right now. I've been there before and it's not like the abrasive in your face coaching style hasn't worn thin on college and pro players before.

Before you pat yourself on the back to hard let me remind you that nothing seems to go right when your in the middle of a 3 game losing streak.
This article is chock full of insight into the mental breakdown of this staff and team. It truly reveals how unprepared they are to achieve, navigate and sustain success.

“Maybe, I need to back off a little bit,” Iowa Coach Fran McCaffery said. “Because I’ve been trying to be real intense these last couple of games, and there’s a fine line between intensity that’s helpful and intensity that may not be as productive as I’d like it to be. I need to try to look at and evaluate that.”

F-Mac is tighter than an Eddie Van Halen guitar rift. We've all seen his explosive emotions and in-your-face coaching style and apologized for it as applauding his intensity to win. Maybe the sideline berations are wearing thin on his guys? (Someone here, was it OoTH? had an avatar of 1/2Knight/1/2McCaffery -- it was genius!)
He's also becoming painfully aware that he's kind of dug his own grave as it relates to the rotations and substitutions. Maybe the starters are tightening up, too? They know they're gonna get the hook -- regardless of performance -- at specified times, rather than being allowed to get in the flow of the game and start dissecting the opponent for their own opportunities.

Marble: "We didn’t play the defense we needed to, but at the same time they were going to score points. There’s only so much you’re going to be able to do.”

Not trying to read into this too much but, does this have a tint of apathetic futility about it? This shocks me from the same guy who, after the win at fOSU, I recall talking about being the tougher team and, personally, wanting to be recognized as the same caliber of defender as Craft.

“We need more energy and we need more focus and concentration and get back to what we were doing that made us a top-10, top-15 team, really locking guys up, taking pride in our defense,” Iowa forward Aaron White said. “That’s slipped here in the past week or two.”

AW has been pretty transparent with many of his comments this season -- as well as quite hypocritical.
"Focus and concentration"? Of everyone, at least according to his actions and comments, he's the most affected by these outside distractions. He let the cat out of the bag by taking up Woody's banner. Anyone notice in the episode of the journey, they show White outside the locker room after the game and he's staring down at his phone? Not saying every NCAA player doesn't do this. Just that it now seems to be an ironic foreshadowing.
"Taking pride in our defense"? AW has devolved into one of the worst baseline and corner defenders in the zone defense. Now, to his credit, it's obvious he's trying (with some success) to jump the passing lanes. However, teams are really scouting how badly he's hedging and easily setting up to attack him baseline and his side of the zone with kick-out jumpers.

Iowa guard Mike Gesell said of lacking mental toughness. “I think we’re just not trusting each other right now.

This one is troubling. The guy who's flourishing into the floor leader, the motor of the team, is questioning all the moving parts.
I see this comment partly the result of a budding star, who's racing up the ladder, but still has to reign it in to "concede" to the older, "media stars" on the team. I also see this as a budding star who's maturity and leadership are still a bit behind his talents and skills. By that, I mean, his abilities speak for themselves, but he's still not yet personally "capable" of tuning out the distractions (maybe he actually does not trust some guys like a certain, unnamed, hard-working, low-performing senior) nor is he "respected" enough to shake his teammates out of their funk.

“Obviously one of the key points in this game was limit turnovers and a little too much of guys trying to make a play on their own rather than trusting the offense, trusting one another,” White said. “Not placing the blame; I’m guilty of that as well. Got to pick my spots better as well as other guys and trust one another.”

Another nugget from White! Do we have one "star" getting a little peeved at the other "star" who seems to want to try take over games and force the offense? Whether he feels obligated to, as the only real scoring option, or if he is doing so for personal glory, it's no secret Dev has been forcing his attack late in games. The team is guilty of creating this situation, as they've often become spectators of Marble during crunch time. Unfortunately, more so than in the past, it now seems as likely to result in an embarrassing turnover or blocked shot for Dev as it is a bucket+1.

As have been describing them for a month, this is simply a team that is "not ready for prime time". They're distracted, diluted and struggling to maintain focus and composure.

I still expect them to finish exactly how I predicted (Wisky loss, Indy loss, Purdue win, MSU loss, Illannoy win); 5-5 in their final 10. I'm still hopeful that they are able to recognize their mental breakdowns, regroup and refocus during the BTT, and be prepared to play to their abilities in the NCAA.

I read that and thought a lot of the same things you did.

My conclusion as to why this season is crashing down around them is one word: Leadership.

There doesn't seem to be much of any leadership from the players. We don't have a Cole or a Gatens or a May on this team right now....a senior leader who thru his words or his actions can show the younger guys how to act and compete. I was hoping to see that from McCabe this year, but his season has gone down the crapper one bad game at a time....culminating in his completely immature, inappropriate and unleadershiplike lashing out.

The REALLY discouraging thing though, is the apparent lack of leadership from the head coach. I see a coach that is really gripping right now. If he's not lashing out at callers on his radio show and telling them to go route for another team, he's creating substitution patterns that never existed at the beginning of the year and ultimately just throwing crap against the wall to see what works. He's putting guys in at the end of close games that have no business being out there and leaving guys on the bench that should be out there. The players aren't dumb. They see it just the same as the fans see it.

I have a sinking feeling that it's too late in the year to get this turned around....but I'll continue to hold out hope the best I can.
Don't watch many games bro? I can think of at least 2 ten second violations as a result of the press, let alone turnovers, and easy slam dunks by White.

I think some of you are reaching for things to blame. The fact of the matter is this team looks afraid to lose. We seen it against Wisconsin, at Minnesota, and again last night. They get late in the game and they turn to crap because they know they have been struggling to win close games. You could see it in their eyes and their body language during time outs. I do not see a lack of talent on the team, I see a team that is mentally drained and feeling the weight of a fan base that has not been to a NCAA tournament since 2006.

There's definitely talent on the team, but there are also players lacking skills at certain positions. Last night we couldn't have kept my mom in front of us. Same with Minny. I'm sure Yogi watched the Minny game and was licking his chops. I know we don't have much break between games lately, but good lord can anyone move their f'n feet on D? Please tell me how guys like Heeshe are able to blow past their defender like they're a cigar store wooden indian? Gesell just gets killed off the dribble. Same for Marble. Well, same for pretty much everybody on the team. We certainly lack quickness at almost every position. Be it lateral quickness on D, dribble penetration, etc. We still, and it doesn't look like it will next year, don't have anyone who can just get their shot when they want, and when the team needs it. Marble, yeah sometimes, but forces way too many into the lane only to get stripped by 3 guys pretty much baiting him to take it all the way to the whole. Gesell sometimes, but more times than not can't get his look when he wants. We NEED someone who can consistently get to the hoop and either finish, or draw other defenders to kick to an open guy. Aside from lacking in skill areas, the obvious lack of mental toughness is what's most concerning and aggravating. Nut up, gentleman. We lose the next game, though I'm pretty much sold it was last night, and you can turn out the lights; the party's over. Would be a horrible way to end a season that had so, so much promise. Prove me wrong, Hawks. Please f'n prove me wrong.
Lets all take a deep breath. Stay off message boards and twitter this weekend - spend it with friends and family and re-evaluate your priorities. I know I need to.

We’re going to be fine. Everything going on right now is correctable. Desperately need film session to evaluate defense because no one is moving their feet, putting their hands up, communicating, winning 50/50 balls.

WE NEED A SENSE OF URGENCY and a home game Sunday vs. Purdue will be just what the doctor ordered. We will end up 11-7 or 10-8 with a 1st round bye in the best conf in America. Mark my words.
Lets all take a deep breath. Stay off message boards and twitter this weekend - spend it with friends and family and re-evaluate your priorities. I know I need to.

We’re going to be fine. Everything going on right now is correctable. Desperately need film session to evaluate defense because no one is moving their feet, putting their hands up, communicating, winning 50/50 balls.

WE NEED A SENSE OF URGENCY and a home game Sunday vs. Purdue will be just what the doctor ordered. We will end up 11-7 or 10-8 with a 1st round bye in the best conf in America. Mark my words.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm and positive outlook. But I've been a fan of the Hawks for too long not to know how this movie ends.

The problem for me is that, in my opinion, the issues we have aren't correctable thru film session or more drills. The issue is leadership. The issue is trust. And the issue is personal accountability. Not sure that gets fixed by Sunday, or the rest of this season for that matter.
Lets all take a deep breath. Stay off message boards and twitter this weekend - spend it with friends and family and re-evaluate your priorities. I know I need to.

We’re going to be fine. Everything going on right now is correctable. Desperately need film session to evaluate defense because no one is moving their feet, putting their hands up, communicating, winning 50/50 balls.

WE NEED A SENSE OF URGENCY and a home game Sunday vs. Purdue will be just what the doctor ordered. We will end up 11-7 or 10-8 with a 1st round bye in the best conf in America. Mark my words.

Well said. I wasn't even going to come on here today b/c I knew I'd just get pizzed and it would ruin my weekend. Pretty much did, so I'm out. Be back Sunday.
Didn't read the article - just watched the video of the press conference.

I didn't hear anything that warrants criticism of Fran.

He didn't need to go into so much detail, but that's his nature. So, naturally anything he says will be picked apart and blown out of proportion in the context of a 3 game losing streak. Everyone with an opinion on what's wrong with this team is perfectly capable of encapsulating one comment and making a book out of it. It's not like he was whining through the whole thing - he's being honest and if anything, a little too honest for some fans who can't comprehend their own narrow way of thinking.

Bottom line, I think this team is having late game "mental breakdowns" - they get tight. I have no idea how to solve this and no fan really does, it's up to him - we just have to accept that. Make judgments game to game, but a more reasonable approach might be to hold off on bashing the program's progress and coach until the after final game of the season.
Tough loss last night. The team is obviously experiencing some confidence and mental issues. We will be okay come tourney time. I think this will be a good tourney team. Teams like Minny and Indiana ... they are sort of down this season and of course their players give it their all when a ranked team comes to town.

I am not blind to what our shortcomings have been this season ... That being said, I do think we pull it together for the tourney and make a nice run ... I really believe that ...
Before you pat yourself on the back to hard let me remind you that nothing seems to go right when your in the middle of a 3 game losing streak.

Although that thread is somewhat recent...I've felt that the turning point was the Fran Wisky meltdown. That right there if I was a player on the team, would have been too much of a wtf moment. I'd be questioning everything from the coach at that point.

As much as people like to think the players are Spartan soldier or something following Fran until the day they die they just aren't. They have brains, generally useful ones. And they have eyes, generally not blind ones.

At this point there is one of two hard truths that every person in hawkeyenation is going to have to come to terms with:

Either you're on the coaches side and you think the players aren't very good.


You think the players are talented and better than the record indicates and the coach isn't very good.
“Because I’ve been trying to be real intense these last couple of games, and there’s a fine line between intensity that’s helpful and intensity that may not be as productive as I’d like it to be."

By "intense" he means going off on players like they just caused the world to come to an end. Something tells me that everything isn't very balanced in his emotional/mental world.
I do have to say that it is promising that he said he needs to back off a little. If he came out like Kurt does in total denial then I'd say we be fudged.
I read that and thought a lot of the same things you did.

My conclusion as to why this season is crashing down around them is one word: Leadership.

There doesn't seem to be much of any leadership from the players. We don't have a Cole or a Gatens or a May on this team right now....a senior leader who thru his words or his actions can show the younger guys how to act and compete. I was hoping to see that from McCabe this year, but his season has gone down the crapper one bad game at a time....culminating in his completely immature, inappropriate and unleadershiplike lashing out.

The REALLY discouraging thing though, is the apparent lack of leadership from the head coach. I see a coach that is really gripping right now. If he's not lashing out at callers on his radio show and telling them to go route for another team, he's creating substitution patterns that never existed at the beginning of the year and ultimately just throwing crap against the wall to see what works. He's putting guys in at the end of close games that have no business being out there and leaving guys on the bench that should be out there. The players aren't dumb. They see it just the same as the fans see it.

I have a sinking feeling that it's too late in the year to get this turned around....but I'll continue to hold out hope the best I can.

This. Player leadership is a major issue with this team.
Need more positivity from Fran during games. Its ok to have positive emotion and high five when the other team is forced to take a T.O. Players look like they’re at a 9-5 job just trying to meet boss’s expectations.
It is a unique stretch that no team in the league has endured, and Iowa has lost its rythmn.

BB is a rythmn game, and our schedule was set up fine before the Assembly Hall issue.

As Dakich said last nite...IU was ripe for the picking a week ago. If Iowa plays them then, they probably win, then go into Carver with confidence vs Wisky. If they do lose at IU, they come out on fire vs Wisky at home.

The way it worked out, we had the one game in 15 days stretch, then come out rusty vs Wisky and lose at home, which sets up this disaster week. In the league, rarely do teams play back to back on the road...for a is unfair. I see this as a lost week, but not a lost season. Win on Sunday, and take the pressure off, and we will be ok.
The success of the Hawks from here on out will come down to the players stepping up to the task. I think it is out of Fran's hands at this time. There is nothing he can say or do to help much.
I love Fran's relentless work ethic on the recruiting trail, his passion, his media one liners, sticking up for his players, bringing some excitement back to Iowa Bball.....lots of positives about him.
But, at the end of the day he still has to prove that he can in-game coach with some of the best in the Biz in our league, that is where the rubber meets the road. Beating teams at Siena vs. beating Izzo/Matta/Ryan is a lot different. The first few years we had no talent so it wasn't fair to judge his "coaching abilities"... now that we have talent though we'll see what he does with it. Hoping for a turnaround but right now he seems to just have no answers.
8 minutes left in the game. Iowa's lineup was Clemmons, Jok, McCabe, Oglesby and Woodbury. What in the actual **** has to go through someone's head to have that lineup on the floor at any point, let alone at crunch time.

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