Matt Perrault I know you hang out here

Call me names, make fun of me, hate me ... I'm comfortable with that. It happens with my job.

I hope and pray you don't get off nearly that easy. Smearing Ricky Stanzi's has to be some kind of defamation of character crime and should be a way of getting you out of this state. This should be all out war and it appears it is not just Hawkeye Nation but also Cyclones that you will now find yourself engaged with. Since the day you scoffed at, laughed at and hung up on the caller that gave you CORRECT information about the 8 game Big Ten Conference football schedule for 2011, I knew you were in the wrong place and must go. DO THE RIGHT THING AND LEAVE WITH SOME DIGNITY.
I can't argue how it ended with Rob - I won't listen to the podcast till tomorrow. Maybe he was cut off ... I just know I didn't do it and Ken says he didn't do it. I took off my headphones and pushed the mic away cause I had had enough of being insulted by a guest. As I told Rob - he was done....and he is. We replaced him tonight.

And you think that was an insult. Rob certainly didn't seem to care, actually laughed at the fact you thought your show is THAT "hot". You aren't running the Dan Patrick Show.

Regardless, you wanted him cut off because you can't handle being challenged by a guest/caller. If you're going to dish s*it out, you damn well better be willing to take it. He was hardly insulting you (at least not by any reasonable standards). He called you out for making an absolutely irresponsible statement about Stanzi, and you couldn't handle that. Big difference.
I still want to know why Matt was sarcastically calling Rob a "tough guy" when Matt was the one that ended the call.
While I don't normally agree with Matt... and can totally see why Rob was upset that he mentioned Stanzi... Rob is the one that took it personal... Matt, while he was definitely stirring the pot he didn't personally attack Rob... Rob did that, and for that I think he (Rob) was out of line.
That's fine. You've shown everyone just how big of an *** you are tonight. You can't handle being called on your own ********, that much has been made very clear.

Also, I'm referring specifically to what iahawk20 wrote. You won't respond to those, because you cant.

Matt always dodges me, obviously as we saw tonight he doesnt deal well with facts and someone that calls him on his BS. He hangs up on people on the phone and ignores them on message boards.
That was in response to him sending me slurs via text. That's why I stopped myself from saying anything else. He went WAY over the line.

He might have gotten around to it on the air if he had been given the chance. And talking that kind of crap over the air was EXTREMELY unprofessional, especially when Rob is no longer on the air to defend himself.
A. Rob was coming after Matt no matter what he said tonight. Matt was using Rick as an example of a star player....he could have also used Clayborn, Klug or any of the other captains. He stated an opinion about Rick knowing and never said "I know for a fact Rick Stanzi knew DJK was on drugs." I agree that it's probably true some of the players on the team knew DJK was using, but I don't agree with Matt in regards to all of them knowing.....and certainly understand that a 20-22 year old kid isn't going to rat out a teammate.

B. Matt, I REALLY think it would have been a good idea to admit that some in your profession were way off in regards to what transpired the last 48 hours. You admit that you are in the media and have credentials, so people trust what you write/tweet and you (amongst many others) added some serious fuel to the fire. Not admitting your info was bad is analogous to be being disapointed that your info is least in a lot of people's minds.

I hope you and Rob can repair your professional relationship because his spot on your show is one of the best, and your listeners deserve to get to hear him. If he's not willing to except the olive branch, then that is a different story.
It just sounded like to me that Matt lost his temper, and acted like a child in responding to Rob Howe. I am not sure either one (rob or matt) is in the right. However, the threats that Matt made during the conversation were a bit laughable.
While I don't normally agree with Matt... and can totally see why Rob was upset that he mentioned Stanzi... Rob is the one that took it personal... Matt, while he was definitely stirring the pot he didn't personally attack Rob... Rob did that, and for that I think he (Rob) was out of line.

But when Jon Walters went off on him I'm sure you thought it was all Matt...:eek:
both guys were definitely at fault, but at least Rob took a stance and defended it rather trying to backtrack.
That was in response to him sending me slurs via text. That's why I stopped myself from saying anything else. He went WAY over the line.

I do appreciate your responses. I just find it amusing that you felt the need to read his text over the air and call him out when he was no longer on the line to respond. When you had him on the line, you ordered someone to kill the call. I just think most professional radio show hosts could have shown more professionalism and maybe some contrition to calm the situation.

I still have not seen anything out of you saying how you mishandled this situation; just excuses. Maybe that will change after you listen to the tape, but I for one won't be listening to your show any longer to hear it.
I like how this clown says they should have had this conversation OFF AIR.
Then 2 minutes later, he tells the world what the text message said.

Why did you have to bring that up?

Listening to the podcast now. Saying "pis.sed off" on air is pretty professional, too.
Thanks Sir.

Do you really think it was a good idea to come over here? You are not going to win this argument and should have realized that. Lots of cyclone fans support Rob and have a thread about it over on cyclonefanatic.

Good luck getting out of this one...