Maryland, Rutgers to B1G?

So Delaney is going to sell the B1G's soul for some shekels, eh? I guess I'm not surprised, and given the current state of Iowa's FB program, I'm having a hard time getting worked up over it as well.
How about Leaders can have Maryland and Rutgers, and Legends can get Illannoy and Wiscy. Two good rivalries back on our schedule.
Only if you never, ever want Iowa to compete for another conference championship. Neb, Mich, MSU, Wisc all on our side? Only OSU in with a bunch of lightweights on the other? Are you F'N serious?
If this happen I don't believe this will change the Wisconsin situation. The same reasons of balance of power would still apply here. I think what will end up happening is rutgers/maryland would go in the Leaders division and Illinois not Wisconsin would join the Legends division. But if that were to happen I think that would change up Iowa/Purdue crossover, since their is basically no rivalry anyways, Illinois would probably become Purdue crossover since that is a trophy game. Iowa would end up with Rutgers or Maryland as their crossover game.


The only reason they might consider going straight east/west is they may be able to eliminate crossover games altogether. Which would allow teams to play each other cross division rotation a lot more. If it was straight east west you would gain back Iowa/Wisc and MSU-PSU trophy games, but lose OSU/Ill, Minn/Mich, and Pur/Ind. If they kept cross rivals most of it would make no sense.


rest probably look like this and not a lot of tradition here
Iowa/Rut or Mary
NW/Rut or Mary
AAU members, large land-grant public universities, contiguous with the current B1G (Pennsylvania)

Paterno campaigned for years to get another eastern team like Pitt, UMD, Rutgers, Syracuse added

Paterno campaigned for it? All the more reason NOT to add these tems.
That would be totally stupid. BIG has suffered enough in football this year... bringing two non football schools into the mix really screws it up.
For the eighteenth time, the football strength of Rutgers and Maryland has very little to do with this. It's all about the Benjamins. And that's good for Iowa.

[insert facepalm pic of choice here]
Way to play hard ball with Notre Dame Delany. They go to the BCS, we get some basketball schools.

This guy needs to go.

Is Delaney serious? Please just let us stay at 12 Jim...Does anyone remember, I thought expansion had to have unanimous support...Surely the presidents wouldn't approve it so quickly...
Way to play hard ball with Notre Dame Delany. They go to the BCS, we get some basketball schools.

This guy needs to go.


Come on Ghost - too early in the morning for you?

This just primes the tea leaves for the four 16 team super conferences that we all know are coming. Notre Dame isn't going to be left out of in the cold in that discussion, and if they are going to have to join a conference, it's certainly going to be the one with Michigan/Michigan State/Purdue in it.
Super conferences forming, pay for play on the horizon, requirement for attending class dropped, college programs become aligned to pro teams, high school draft is established, farm systems are formed, corporate logos appear on helmets, money is flowing everywhere..............we made it!

Arena football 2020.
What ever happened to Virginia? Wouldn't they be better to get than Maryland?

I thought the BIG was only going after home runs, maybe they are using this to pressure Nortre Dame again. Either way I think these teams have a lot of upside, Maryland could at least be the Oregon of the east with what's his face.
Who ever joins the B1G is going to have more resources to dump into their athletic budget and if it is Maryland and Rutgers, they have a lot of talent in the area and not a lot of schools that are going to be able to compete with a Big Ten university.
Come on Ghost - too early in the morning for you?

This just primes the tea leaves for the four 16 team super conferences that we all know are coming. Notre Dame isn't going to be left out of in the cold in that discussion, and if they are going to have to join a conference, it's certainly going to be the one with Michigan/Michigan State/Purdue in it.

Wishful thinking. If ND is forced into a conference, it's going to be in the Big 12, who would likely get VT, FSU, and UNC. ND will want to keep a blueprint in the south, since the Midwest is over-saturated with an already limited recruiting base.
Multiple outlets are now reporting that Georgia Tech is trying to make a late push and take Rutgers' spot. IMHO, that would be much, much better.
What ever happened to Virginia? Wouldn't they be better to get than Maryland?

I thought the BIG was only going after home runs, maybe they are using this to pressure Nortre Dame again. Either way I think these teams have a lot of upside, Maryland could at least be the Oregon of the east with what's his face.
Who ever joins the B1G is going to have more resources to dump into their athletic budget and if it is Maryland and Rutgers, they have a lot of talent in the area and not a lot of schools that are going to be able to compete with a Big Ten university.

d00d, no one in Maryland or New Jersey cares about college football. Rutgers is ranked, and they had 27,000 fans at their last home game. Maryland had 35,000.

Do those sound liek BoneG football crowds?
d00d, no one in Maryland or New Jersey cares about college football. Rutgers is ranked, and they had 27,000 fans at their last home game. Maryland had 35,000.

Do those sound liek BoneG football crowds?

Ummm; Indiana, Pudue, Minnesota, Illinois and Northwestern would say yes they do. :)
I don't know anything about it but I imagine it's all about TV now and much less about tickets.
Maryland and Rutgers are filler teams. Like say if you got Notre Dame or another big fish you add one of these teams to fill your conference to an even number. Adding both of them for a little more money is pointless. I guess we will see Wisconsin and Ohio state 2 out of every 8 years now. Awesome
Maryland and Rutgers are filler teams. Like say if you got Notre Dame or another big fish you add one of these teams to fill your conference to an even number. Adding both of them for a little more money is pointless. I guess we will see Wisconsin and Ohio state 2 out of every 8 years now. Awesome

I think expansion to 16 teams or more probably gets us back to playing Wisconsin every year, not less because I think they will go back to more of a regionalized format.

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