Marv Cook "loved" the 3rd and 1 call

I guess a lot of people loved it but the fact remains we had a dominant running game and we didn't give it a chance to win the game (in the 2nd half). We were wearing down our opponent but we didn't allow our advantage to materialize in the game. Do you think Nick Saban makes that call? I don't think so.
Marv Cook is many things: great guy, wonderful human being, and one of the greatest Hawks of all-time, but I wouldn't exactly call him "sharp," if you know what I'm getting at.
Marv Cook is many things: great guy, wonderful human being, and one of the greatest Hawks of all-time, but I wouldn't exactly call him "sharp," if you know what I'm getting at.
Gee, why can't you guys just give the hating of kf a rest?????????? Look what he's done for Iowa.
Is Cook looking into coaching as a career? What does he do for a living now?

Umm.. He is the football coach at Iowa City Regina which has won state titles each of the last 3 years. So yeah he may be trying to get into coaching.
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If GD could utilize technology to harness the brainpower from the intellectual elite of this website(those that 'played' the game) on a real time basis I would book a Jan 1 trip to Florida.
Too bad he isn't as smart as people on the internet.

Sorry, but if you're talking about the 3rd and 1 bomb that JR overthrew, I loved that call. If you aren't I don't know which 3rd and 1 you're talking about. Anyway, I thought that call took balls and it was there. THAT is a good example of just not executing. And, you have to do it before teams have to prepare for you doing it. You can't say "execute better" about the entire effing game. That is a cop out.
2 more pages on this! Who'd a thunk it possible!

Not really. It's mostly been about Marv Cook. One suggested he is of low intelligence. Another that he is dishonest and only says positive things about the football program because he wants a coaching job at Iowa.
Marv Cook is many things: great guy, wonderful human being, and one of the greatest Hawks of all-time, but I wouldn't exactly call him "sharp," if you know what I'm getting at.

Man, this thread woke up the haters again. They're not taking their naps today?

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