Mark May can go jump off a cliff into oncoming traffic


Well-Known Member
That idiot makes the statement that the NCAA "favors conferences like the Big Ten and Pac 10" and he can "GUARANTEE that if the same thing happened to Mallett and Arkansas, those players wouldn't be starting in the Sugar Bowl."

Seriously, what kind of moron really believes that the SEC is the VICTIM of the NCAA? The NCAA saved any hopes that the SEC had of winning the national title by allowing the cheater to play, but apparently that's too inconvenient for May to address.

He can take Holtz with him
I saw that too. I began to think he said it with sarcasm after a while, but I'm not sure what to think. In the SEC your daddy can go around collecting $$$ for you to play and they can recruit more kids than the 85 scholarship limit and then just crap on them when something better comes along. The SEC is the most crooked conference of all.
I think he is right about the big ten and pac 10 being favored for example no playoff system however the sec is also favored too ex cam newton outside of these three conferences the NCAA would drop the hammer
Mark May has been a supportive voice of Kirk and the program for years. Why knock him for his opinion? tOSU ruling is a frickin' joke...the NCAA has shown what their concern...$$$$

His opinion is ridiculous. He's right that OSU's ruling is a joke, no doubt. But to say that the Big 10 and Pac-10 are more favored than the SEC? Give me a break. The SEC is the most ridiculously corrupt conference, and everyone knows it. Yet they historically have just a couple whipping boys (Alabama, Auburn). Damn near every school down there is crazy crooked.
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I have normally liked Mark May but what he said was just plain stupid. To think that the Big Ten is more favored than the SEC? He "guarantees" that Ryan Mallet would have been suspended for the bowl game, yet the NCAA lets Cam Newton off scot-free? Very ignorant comments. The more accurate thing would have been to say you have no idea what the NCAA will rule from case to case. Has nothing to do with the conference the program is in.
How can May guarantee something that is obviously never going to happen? May might be right but nobody will ever know what the NCAA is really thinking.
Ya that was a weird comment. I may have agreed with him had he worded it a little differently. I tend to think the NCAA may take it easier on conferences like the Big Ten because they don't deliberately break rules and lie to investigators. These conferences have earned the NCAA's trust and so they perhaps take it easier on them. For example, had Alabama had an Ashton Kutcher type person talking with recruits, it's possible that they would have taken the same action as they did when Iowa self reported the violations. But I don't know if the decision would have been handed down as quickly. Until the SEC stops deliberately breaking every law in the book, I doubt they will ever receive the benefit of the doubt when it comes to penalties.

I imagine the midwest conferences tend to self report more violations to the NCAA than the SEC does as well. I have no facts to base this comment on but I tend to think that it is true. That probably could lead to preferential treatment as well. Or at least the image of preferential treatment.
I like Mark May. He's always been a big proponent of Iowa and Kirk.
The comments about the Big Ten really made no sense though even if this ruling was bogus.
Mark May has been a supportive voice of Kirk and the program for years. Why knock him for his opinion? tOSU ruling is a frickin' joke...the NCAA has shown what their concern...$$$$

Just because he's a "supporter" it doesn't take him off the hook for stupid comments- knock his arse around... it's healthy.
I like May, but to claim that the SEC, which stands for Society of Enchanted Cheaters, gets hit tougher than the Big 11 and Pac 12 after the past year's shenanigans with $Cam Newton, USC, and fOSU is just absurd. If anyone has a right to be wailing it's the University of Spoiled Children and the Pac 12.
agree- i'm a fan overall of mayday... and he's usually a big Iowa guy, but there are times he tries too hard with his analysis and sometimes says things that just sound a bit "off"
agree- i'm a fan overall of mayday... and he's usually a big Iowa guy, but there are times he tries too hard with his analysis and sometimes says things that just sound a bit "off"

Yeah, let's see having your Dad sell you to the highest bidder at a price somewhere north of $200k or trading your autograph for tatoos, which one results in no suspension and which carries a five game suspension? If that is Big 10 favortism, I'll opt for the SEC cruelty if given a choice. His statement was so patently stupid that everyone immediately jumped to the same conclusion, namely, the Newton treatment as compared to the slap down of Pryor. This could result in Pryor leaving even though he is no where ready for the NFL.

Also, Michigan State, who avoided the Buckeyes this year, is the only Big 10 team to get the benefit of the five game suspension. They're living right these days.
Mark May has been a supportive voice of Kirk and the program for years. Why knock him for his opinion? tOSU ruling is a frickin' joke...the NCAA has shown what their concern...$$$$

just like with cam newton. appartently the NCAA doesn't care if you pay guys or recruit too many guys in a class in the SEC, they're seen as "victims" according to mark may. When he says something this idiotic and blatently ignoring the 20,000 lb elephant in the room, he deserves to be knocked for his SEC-biased opinion.
He is right that if this were Mallett that was caught doing this that he would not be in the Sugar Bowl. But, the reason isn't that Pryor plays in the BigTen, it's that he plays for a money maker for the NCAA. If he were from any other BigTen institution, then he wouldn't be playing in the Sugar Bowl either. If he were to play for schools like Auburn, Alabama, Oklahoma, or Oregon this year then these same rules would apply this year. The same goes for schools like Kansas in basketball. The NCAA will not do anything to hurt their chance to make money.
Mark May has favored Iowa more times then not and he loves KF, but the ruling was a joke the NCAA would of came down on these players. But nobody wants to see a Sugar Bowl without Terrelle Pryor and BCS championship game of Oregon/TCU and THAT is the reason the NCAA didn't come down on either team what conference your in has no bearing.

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