Marcus Coker is Gone

Perhaps the Astro-Physics program at Iowa has slipped in prestige so Coker is looking for a better program at a different school.
Disagree. There would still be roughly $30 mil on his buyout. He is with us for the next few years if he wants to stay.

This. If $30 mil is accurate, there no chance he gets canned.

If you think tenure for a football coach is a bad idea, blame Barta. Unless player arrests is "cause" for termination, there is likely no way out of that contract. We'll just have to let 'er ride.
How dare the University suspend someone for violating their policy! Don't they know that others universities cheat, steal, and cover up sex scandals. I for one am not going to stand by and watch a University of our state try and uphold integrity, rules, honor, and academics. If they aren't going to let the Football program do whatever it wants, then I won't be supporting them much longer.
I take full blame for this. I mocked the AIRBHG's ugly step-sister over on the basketball side, the AIPGHG, last week, thinking he wouldn't notice. Apparently the evil, vindictive ba$tard did. Damn. I'm sorry.
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How dare the University suspend someone for violating their policy! Don't they know that others universities cheat, steal, and cover up sex scandals. I for one am not going to stand by and watch a University of our state try and uphold integrity, rules, honor, and academics. If they aren't going to let the Football program do whatever it wants, then I won't be supporting them much longer.

Lester Erb ain't the one driving around Neck Moines with dro. Lester Erb ain't the one not making grades. Lester Erb doesn't have a switch he can flip (like on PS3) to turn off injuries.

Lester Erb was the position coach for Douglass, Cleveland, and Bowman. He was reassigned and the attrition at the position stopped. He got moved to RB and Wegher, ARob, Jewel, Pugh, Brinson, Coker and McCall all leave the program. Sometimes players need a mentor or roll model. This guy clearly isn't it.
thanx again capt kirk! done donating

Northwestern jacked their ticket prices by $3 a game this year and has a 7th home game so prices are a little higher than last year. Let me know if you are interested. The team ain't that good, but there aren't a lot of Fulmer Cup points and they're usually only a game or two behind Iowa for a fraction of the price.
Some of the comments in this thread are LOL worthy.

Fire KF!
Clean house!
Lester Erb needs to go!
This has ruined by year!

Please...... you guys need to take a break. I know you all love football and everything, but sometimes one needs to take a step back and just enjoy life.

One player does not make a program. Good lord.

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