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Interesting tweet from Devyn Marble

EDIT: The Rivals thread has been deleted as of Tuesday morning.
Wow, must have been really heated over there.@HaydenHawk56 the thread in Rivals must have been getting too much attention. They deleted it now.
Other than the Iowa all time scoring record at the time RM doesn’t really have the accolades that warrant a number being retired. His jersey...yea fine. BJ doesn’t have his number retired either. Both Gesell and Weiskamp have worn it recently
Now that I think of it, Fran has talked a lot lately about how much he loved Roy and how Dev was one of his favorite players he ever coached. It was classic Fran with his over the top superlatives. Didn't think much of it but did notice how high of praise Fran gave both Marbles. In hindsight, it almost sounds like he was making a point. Maybe I'm making stuff up in my own head tho.When one gets to thinking about their deceased parent emotions can run on ya. This is 100% on Barta I would think with whom Devyn is upset with. I can't for the life of me think Fran has had a cross word or any disrespect for Roy. He was around the program a lot while Fran recruited Devyn and while he was there. He is a players coach through and through (check out what Doug Gotlieb had to say about him) I would think when it comes to retiring jerseys and honoring guys he can suggest things but it's not his call.
Devyn was vague. He didn't say what he's specifically upset about. Just that he felt he himself his Dad and family have been disrespected. By what exactly? Is there more to it then his Dads jersey not having been retired? When did Devyn start feeling this way? Because that's been the case since long before he even came to Iowa himself. Nothings changed.
I just wonder if all this talk about his Dad recently with Garza passing him in the record books and all just has him being emotionally on tilt a little. I mean it's his Dad. But until Devyn opens up about it here we are left to speculate while the outside world builds up a narrative that somehow Fran is doing wrong by the Marbles when I highly doubt that's even remotely true.
I could be wrong, but choking out his girlfriend a few months before the ceremony might have put a damper on the ceremony.And we have no idea if Luka Garza will go on to have domestic abuse issues or pull financial scams on little old ladies or become addicted to painkillers. Or whatever. And to a certain extent, as fans, does it matter? If any of these things happen, is Iowa going to "unretire" his number? Will his legacy and what we watched the past two years be any different?
This isn't about Garza anyway. This is about an AD who continually mismanages situations related to Hawkeye athletics, particularly as they relate to people associated with Hawkeye athletics.
Retiring Marble's jersey (number, jersey, however you want to do it) should have been one of the all-time great moments in Carver Hawkeye history. It required more time than a halftime probably allows. It could have included short interviews with his teammates, famous opponents he played against, legendary coaches who went against Iowa in those days, George Raveling and Tom Davis...and all would have confirmed the same thing. That Roy Marble was one of the fiercest competitors to ever wear a Hawkeye jersey. And without a doubt, one of the very best basketball players to ever come through the university.
And at the end of the ceremony, with the crowd properly revved up, the PA booms "It's with warm hearts and open arms that we welcome Roy Marble to his proper place in Hawkeye history, and retire his jersey to our rafters."
Crowd goes crazy. The tears are flowing. Like I said, it should have been one of the all-time moments in Carver. I'm not sure how you can mess up a ceremony honoring the program's leading scorer, one who is battling stage 4 cancer, yet somehow Iowa did exactly that.
Yup this shouldn't take away one single thing from Garza. He's earned/deserves everything he's getting (and more Fing covid)He’s salty. I understand why he’s salty but that doesn’t negate retiring Luka’s number.
As far as quality of person in total, I think we all know the answer to that question, and that can’t be overlooked.
Retiring a number or honoring a player to that degree has to take into account the quality of the person’s character as a whole. Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds haven’t been left out of the Hall because of their on-field performance.
Does Devyn have somewhat of an argument regarding timing? Maybe. Barta’s never been known as a “leader” (lol) with a penchant for smart choices. But a guy with a whole lot of legal trouble spanning several decades and including domestic abuse doesn’t need to have that kind of honor, imo—so the point I think is moot.
This. My dad died in '07 and about a year after I was in a hometown bar that my circle of people frequents. (which was also my dad's hometown). Anyway, there's a older dude who I knew didn't like my old man, going way back to when they were both teenagers. He didn't know I was his kid, and stated chatting me up a little bit. Eventually he got friendlier and asked who my dad was (we'll call him "Tom" for purposes of this post), and I said, "Tom Doe." He goes, "Oh I knew Tom from way back in the day!" and I just let it ride. Said he was sorry to hear he died which I knew wasn't the case.When one gets to thinking about their deceased parent emotions can run on ya.
I've seen several interviews where Fran says he loved Roy and got to know him as a real friend while he was alive. He had nothing but good things to say about him and one of those interviews was within the past week or so when people were asking about the record being broken.I can't for the life of me think Fran has had a cross word or any disrespect for Roy. He was around the program a lot while Fran recruited Devyn and while he was there.