MAFIA: Sign-up Thread

Hey guys this is me extending an apology to GhostofBTT.

I'm not going to go through over 9,000 posts to find out if he's ever said anything about Stevie Hicks...I think it's just a trap. So I'll trust him.

But I do think you need a haircut.
So, anyway...

The mafia thing is a lot of fun. I played it once while I was chaperoning a bunch of high school students on a mission trip, all the way from New Mexico back to Iowa. That's like a gazillion hours. We played it almost the entire way back.

This Hawkeye/Panther/Husker nonsense is way too complicated, though.

If you're looking for a fun game for you and some friends/family over Christmas, try this: How to Play Mafia: 14 steps - wikiHow

What the OP doesn't realize is that there is a mafia already in HN. We don't need no stinking game with rules.

We can easily scale the rules back for those that find it complicated or struggle with reading comprehension.
I'm banned from CF you troll. Just don't be butthurt when we don't want to play here. You tried to troll your way over here, but you failed.

It's sorta like going prole for a while. I mean, I love hanging out wtih the higher class, because that is of whom I belong, but sometimes you gotta go down to the prole level and see how they live. You have to interact - try and understand why they do what they do. It makes you realize that those ppl, while maybe they are still ppl, have made the wrong choices in life. They have failed. And for that reason, they are where they are.

That's how I feel about CF. Sorta like a Titanic reference as well. Proles cannot just come to the big boy table and pretend they belong.
They get outed. Easily. I commend your effort and bid you farewell. I'll come see you and the proles in a few days.

Harsh words from the guy who was begging me to get him unbanned from CF via PM when I told him I knew the mods:

"Hmmm....not a cyclone fan...yet has pull - or even a mod - on CF. Something doesn't fit. You are trolling me, I commend you. And I still don't know if that ban is going to be lifted anyway - I was never told why it was extended!

So is there a reason you have yet to tell me your handle on CF? Also, getting me unbanned (or a reason I was banned again in the first place) would be great."
Harsh words from the guy who was begging me to get him unbanned from CF via PM when I told him I knew the mods:

"Hmmm....not a cyclone fan...yet has pull - or even a mod - on CF. Something doesn't fit. You are trolling me, I commend you. And I still don't know if that ban is going to be lifted anyway - I was never told why it was extended!

So is there a reason you have yet to tell me your handle on CF? Also, getting me unbanned (or a reason I was banned again in the first place) would be great."

This is helping your cover greatly.

Also, I didn't even have to show any of the numerous PMs telling me how you were going to troll the shiz out of HN. All I had to do was get you butthurt enough to admit it.

Also, I didn't even have to show any of the numerous PMs telling me how you were going to troll the shiz out of HN. All I had to do was get you butthurt enough to admit it.


Is this how a loyal Hawk talks:

On being offered a ban-lifting on CF:
"While I appreciate it, I know they don't like me over there. While I post a lot of stupid crap, mostly due to being bored and having free time, I rarely if ever would post anything negative regarding the Clones. I actually avoided most of the Cyclone threads and would really only post such things in the rivalry forum. But a few, if not all, of the mods agree with the posters and will just ban me no matter what.

I actually have a good friend that works with and knows most of the guys who own CF. I am not too worried about getting back onto the site because I know there are ppl there who can't stand me and go out of their way to report me. I'm sure it annoys Chris and the rest of the guys that mod there. It isn't gonna change anything even if I don't post as much as I once did.

I just wanna know if they are planning on perma-banning me, then just do it. Not sure why I got a second month timeout in the first place, unless they just don't want to deal with it."

Methinks not. Methinks you're a clown sympathizer.
Is this how a loyal Hawk talks:

On being offered a ban-lifting on CF:
"While I appreciate it, I know they don't like me over there. While I post a lot of stupid crap, mostly due to being bored and having free time, I rarely if ever would post anything negative regarding the Clones. I actually avoided most of the Cyclone threads and would really only post such things in the rivalry forum. But a few, if not all, of the mods agree with the posters and will just ban me no matter what.

I actually have a good friend that works with and knows most of the guys who own CF. I am not too worried about getting back onto the site because I know there are ppl there who can't stand me and go out of their way to report me. I'm sure it annoys Chris and the rest of the guys that mod there. It isn't gonna change anything even if I don't post as much as I once did.

I just wanna know if they are planning on perma-banning me, then just do it. Not sure why I got a second month timeout in the first place, unless they just don't want to deal with it."

Methinks not. Methinks you're a clown sympathizer.

Also, I didn't even have to show any of the numerous PMs telling me how you were going to troll the shiz out of HN. All I had to do was get you butthurt enough to admit it.


I signed that petition... because you Burn Noticed me in the last game we played together. Never again.....

Now smoke a stogie, drink some whiskey, and **** your wife. Doosh.

Mountains aren't the only things she's good at sliding down...

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