MAFIA: Sign-up Thread

They actually do this at CF???

It's easy to make fun of, but really, it's pretty fun. I've played a couple times over there. Hawkeye11en1 plays a lot. I always thought it would be fun to try it with a different crowd with fewer computer nerds and geeks living in mommy's basement.
It's easy to make fun of, but really, it's pretty fun. I've played a couple times over there. Hawkeye11en1 plays a lot. I always thought it would be fun to try it with a different crowd with fewer computer nerds and geeks living in mommy's basement.

Stop trolling. It isn't working. You don't even know how.
Stop trolling. It isn't working. You don't even know how.

Well that's good since I'm not trying to troll. Please stop posting in here if all you're going to do is trash me and the mafia game. I'm trying to get people to sign up, and if you don't want to play, you don't have to, but please keep this for people who want to play.
Well that's good since I'm not trying to troll. Please stop posting in here if all you're going to do is trash me and the mafia game. I'm trying to get people to sign up, and if you don't want to play, you don't have to, but please keep this for people who want to play.


Well that's good since I'm not trying to troll. Please stop posting in here if all you're going to do is trash me and the mafia game. I'm trying to get people to sign up, and if you don't want to play, you don't have to, but please keep this for people who want to play.

You may be the OP, but you do not decide what the thread is about. You wanted this to be a Mafia interest thread, but it is now a mafia trashing thread.

Please stop interrupting our mafia trashing thread. Nice touch, trying to add the Cyclown jokes in there though. May have tricked some n00bz.
You may be the OP, but you do not decide what the thread is about. You wanted this to be a Mafia interest thread, but it is now a mafia trashing thread.

Please stop interrupting our mafia trashing thread. Nice touch, trying to add the Cyclown jokes in there though. May have tricked some n00bz.

It's not trashing mafia, it's some guy (who posts on CF and plays mafia there) calling ME a troll for some stupid reason.
It's not trashing mafia, it's some guy (who posts on CF and plays mafia there) calling ME a troll for some stupid reason.

I'm banned from CF you troll. Just don't be butthurt when we don't want to play here. You tried to troll your way over here, but you failed.

It's sorta like going prole for a while. I mean, I love hanging out wtih the higher class, because that is of whom I belong, but sometimes you gotta go down to the prole level and see how they live. You have to interact - try and understand why they do what they do. It makes you realize that those ppl, while maybe they are still ppl, have made the wrong choices in life. They have failed. And for that reason, they are where they are.

That's how I feel about CF. Sorta like a Titanic reference as well. Proles cannot just come to the big boy table and pretend they belong. They get outed. Easily. I commend your effort and bid you farewell. I'll come see you and the proles in a few days.
It's not trashing mafia, it's some guy (who posts on CF and plays mafia there) calling ME a troll for some stupid reason.

You misunderstood him, he's calling you a troll for your "Stupid reasoning". If you would stop being such a doofus, we wouldn't have to make fun of you and this pathetic endevour you're attempting. If you do not understand why people here are hostile to a mafia game, then you clearly don't get this place, and thus, I kindly ask you to

Ok, I'm with everyone and think he's a troll, but I disagree with the whole "high-class" thing, Hawkeye11en.

Ghost, Scorpio, and you are all about as low-class as it can get. Not that I don't like it, because otherwise I wouldn't come back. But you guys (I guess not you, Hawkeye11en) make fun of Stevie Hicks death frequently, talk down the clownes more than you talk up the Hawks, and, according to CF, you work at McDonalds.
Ok, I'm with everyone and think he's a troll, but I disagree with the whole "high-class" thing, Hawkeye11en.

Ghost, Scorpio, and you are all about as low-class as it can get. Not that I don't like it, because otherwise I wouldn't come back. But you guys (I guess not you, Hawkeye11en) make fun of Stevie Hicks death frequently, talk down the clownes more than you talk up the Hawks, and, according to CF, you work at McDonalds.

Find one post, ONE, where I made fun of Hicks' death. You can easily search my entire history of posts here Search Forums - HawkeyeNation Forum

Either you find me making fun of this, apologize, or STFU.
So, anyway...

The mafia thing is a lot of fun. I played it once while I was chaperoning a bunch of high school students on a mission trip, all the way from New Mexico back to Iowa. That's like a gazillion hours. We played it almost the entire way back.

This Hawkeye/Panther/Husker nonsense is way too complicated, though.

If you're looking for a fun game for you and some friends/family over Christmas, try this: How to Play Mafia: 14 steps - wikiHow

What the OP doesn't realize is that there is a mafia already in HN. We don't need no stinking game with rules.
Ok, I'm with everyone and think he's a troll, but I disagree with the whole "high-class" thing, Hawkeye11en.

Ghost, Scorpio, and you are all about as low-class as it can get. Not that I don't like it, because otherwise I wouldn't come back. But you guys (I guess not you, Hawkeye11en) make fun of Stevie Hicks death frequently, talk down the clownes more than you talk up the Hawks, and, according to CF, you work at McDonalds.

I manage the shiz outta that mcd's. Highest sales in all the front range.

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