MAFIA: Sign-up Thread

Anybody besides me think e11en is "nottiboy", "byoung", or both?
I also think aeischeid is may be one or the other.

I'm flattered you think me capable of faking/making up this much butthurt/derpage about some ******* stupid mafia game......
I can argue with e11en any old day and have fun doing it; no need to create a troll alt to do that....
I'm flattered you think me capable of faking/making up this much butthurt/derpage about some ******* stupid mafia game......
I can argue with e11en any old day and have fun doing it; no need to create a troll alt to do that....

Hey, nice avatar Jack!
Oh, I thought "private" referred to certain body parts since that's all e11en was sending me photos of. I told him to stop since I'm not into nanobiology.

Trying to spin your dooshbaggery onto the object of your obvious obsession isn't going to fly here. GTFO, clown.
I can't believe it, but not only has Nottiboy successfully trolled half of you, he is also making me LOL at u gaiz.

NB, it took, what, 10 hours of bumping this thread to do it, but you have become the first clown to successfully troll HN in a long time. Well done.
This come back gave me cancer 0en12.

I know you guys are just initiating me like all your new members. I can play along. I do feel like it's brought us closer together.

I like joking around with you guys. It's fun.

Boom boom hawkeyes, boom boom hawkeyes, boom boom hawkeyes, boom boom hawkeyes.

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