Well-Known Member
No, I do not. I wish I could. Moving to CO next year.
But I eat corn, tomatoes, peppers all year around out of the garden, I also eat potatoes, carrots, ect for as long as they will keep. I end up buying taters and such for about 3-4 months out of the year.
I was raised that way as well and I have often wondered if that is'nt why people in my family have adverse reactions to food with alot of chemicals in it. Meds seem to affect people in my family harshly as well. Almost any med I have taken has had such bad side affects and very strong side affects as well. Some context on this is, I bet I have only taken asprin 4 times in my life for a headache. It is an interesting thing to me, but that is because it affects me so. And no I was not rasied by hippies, we were just broke and my mom liked to garden. They were/are very much anti drug, anti chemical. Heck my mom could get lite off one or two beers thru out her whole life. She didnt drink caffeine or alcohol for the last 10-15 years of her life and died before she was 70 (63). The only thing she had problems with and I do as well is putting down the cancer sticks. Never had anyone in the family get cancer but ALOT of them are on oxygen at a young age.
So you ARE coming out to my neck of the woods so we can hash out our differences?!?!?