Yes, but the problem is, it is not only the thc that makes it work. I agree smoking is not good for you, but the pill form is a fail. Biggest problem you have is the goverment wants thier money.
They have been trying to isolate why it works for awhile now, but mother nature does not want to give up all her secrets. Even if they did figure it out, why should you have to buy their version and get it approved thru prescrip plan (raising ins. even more) when like people have said, you could grow the HERB and mix it with some food or tea or whatever? If anyone cares to, I suggest you start with looking up the definition of pot, then herb (pot is listed as a herb). That right there should make you question why it is illegal. Then research the cancer killing abilities of it and while your there research where those labs get their pot from and what they have to say about it, is the goverment helping or hindering the science process of it all. Look up how many people od on it and so on and so on.
I have not dove into the "mental" aspect of it, but I think that is the modern day version of refer madness. I know one kid (20 something) that is whacked, but if he is high he is fine. I knew a few like that growing up as well. So while I cant say for sure as I have not done enough research on that side of it, the whole mental aspect of it I feel is blown out of proportion.
Only reason I know so much about it, is because I researched it to become more educated on it and help lawyers fight the goverment. Because believe it or not, your goverment does not always tell you the truth, I know surprise, right.