little things that tick me off

People who are "fake". You all know the type. They talk to you and ask about you and what your up to only to turn the conversation around about themselves, then as you are trying to explain something that happened in your life. They get a blank stare and say "uh huh" alot and then completely walk away to talk to some-one else.
I want to grab them by the hair and tell them to at least let me finish my story, before they blow me off.
I don't think I'm a boring person I have alot of friends.
People who are "fake". You all know the type. They talk to you and ask about you and what your up to only to turn the conversation around about themselves, then as you are trying to explain something that happened in your life. They get a blank stare and say "uh huh" alot and then completely walk away to talk to some-one else.
I want to grab them by the hair and tell them to at least let me finish my story, before they blow me off.
I don't think I'm a boring person I have alot of friends.

Where did you get this pic from? I'm pretty sure I know that guy.

I'd seen it a while ago on a site called, this thread reminded me of it. I did a google image search for "baseball cap fail" and it was in the first couple that came up.
I'd seen it a while ago on a site called, this thread reminded me of it. I did a google image search for "baseball cap fail" and it was in the first couple that came up.

That's pretty funny. I'm about 90% sure it's the guy I think it is as I recognize the two guys sitting down the row from him too. Also, this guy went to ISU believe it or not, and I swear I'm not making this up.
That's pretty funny. I'm about 90% sure it's the guy I think it is as I recognize the two guys sitting down the row from him too. Also, this guy went to ISU believe it or not, and I swear I'm not making this up.

You need to confirm this and let us know. If it is your guy and he did go to ISU, this moves into the epic fail category. Any chance he posts on CF?

I met a fairy today who granted me one wish.

"I want to live forever " I said.

"Sorry" said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that!"

"Fine" I said, "I want to die after the Cubs win the World Series!"

"You crafty bastard," said the fairy.

This. If one cannot read the instructions that are clearly posted on the registration form as to where to place the sticker, that person should not be allowed to drive.

Go Hawks!

It's almost as dumb to feel the need to read those instructions. I guess I'm cooler than both of you because I've never read the instructions AND I put my sticker in the proper place. I learned how to affix a sticker when I was 4 years old, don't need instructions. ;)
--People (mostly young men) who wear stocking caps all the time. I mean, c'mon, the heat index is already 88 and it's not even 10:15 am (central time) and you have this thing on your head. The cap must be completely disgusting.

--People who voted for Dubya TWICE. Jeezus, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well you can't get fooled again. Or can you?

--People on the Iowa campus who smoke right in front of no-smoking signs. I generally have a sudden, uncontrollable urge to pass gas when I walk past them.

--People who always have to "one-up" you, no matter if it's good or bad. They're the types who always have the "worst case" of whatever ailment is going around, or their work day was "worse" than yours...

--Colorado potato beetles. They decimated my potato crop this year. They were the worst in my garden, I just know it! ;)

--Asian beetles, mosquitos, gnats. They just suck, period!

--People who think they are singing to themselves, but sing loud enough for you to hear. They deserve to be punched twice if they don't know the words to the song.

--Loud motorcycles. I have an uncontrollable urge to cut them off in traffic, if for no other reason than to keep them behind me so I don't have to hear their stupid motorcycles. People with loud motorcycles deserve to be punched as well.

--Bicyclists who don't announce they are passing you while walking on a trail. It's just common courtesy to do so. I'm seriously thinking about getting an air horn and blow it whenever someone passes without saying something like "passing on your left;" and if they ask why I did that I'll just say "I'm announcing that you just passed me on my left."

I know I have a lot more pet peeves, but that's a start.

--My pager.
Going to list just one:
Guys with baseball caps on backwards. Alla Big Ben, Tony Romo. Sometimes see groups of 20-25 year old guys, all with Ball caps on backwards. Coolness has worn off that IMO
Got any others?

i wear my hat backwards sometimes. you mad?
some of my hats look better on me backwards rather than forward.

let me ask you this...a hat is supposed to keep the sun out of your eyes, right? do you wear it inside EVER? perhaps at night?
some of my hats look better on me backwards rather than forward.

let me ask you this...a hat is supposed to keep the sun out of your eyes, right? do you wear it inside EVER? perhaps at night?
Yes I do sometimes wear one inside or at night. Usually bad hair, been working and haven't showered. Or want to show some allegiance to a particular team.
but that's not the ACTUAL point of a hat...correct? so how come you wearing it forward for "bad hair" is more acceptable than me wearing it backwards for the same reason?

honestly, i wear a hat because i'm 26 and going bald. my brother will get on here and appreciate that comment
May I ask why?

some of my hats look better on me backwards rather than forward.

let me ask you this...a hat is supposed to keep the sun out of your eyes, right? do you wear it inside EVER? perhaps at night?

Yes I do sometimes wear one inside or at night. Usually bad hair, been working and haven't showered. Or want to show some allegiance to a particular team.

but that's not the ACTUAL point of a hat...correct? so how come you wearing it forward for "bad hair" is more acceptable than me wearing it backwards for the same reason?

honestly, i wear a hat because i'm 26 and going bald. my brother will get on here and appreciate that comment

Seriously, you guys are having a flame war over the wear of a hat? Is it the heat or the lack of football that's driving this stupidity?
--Bicyclists who don't announce they are passing you while walking on a trail. It's just common courtesy to do so. I'm seriously thinking about getting an air horn and blow it whenever someone passes without saying something like "passing on your left;" and if they ask why I did that I'll just say "I'm announcing that you just passed me on my left." ...

LOL!!! this was funny... I use trials a lot... and this is a direct hit.. well done.


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