Literally JUST got this text.... and permission to post

If Gary Barta dies in a mysterious car accident or unexpected suicide in the next couple of months... there's hope. Otherwise... J...F..C... This is completely a ship of fools.
Barta would never have the cajones to do it, but he absolutely has the power to fire any of the assistants he wants. He could certainly make it uncomfortable for KF if he wanted to. Won't happen, of course, but he could certainly do it.
whether or not you believe the post isn't why I bring this stuff here. As I've said, I've posted insider info here before which has always been accurate, and long time posters will verify that to be true. I've known this source for a few years now.

No you haven't. I've followed you enough to know that half of what you post is total bullshale. I don't know how Jon lets you get away with posting this crap without banning you.
Barta has the power to fire Brian???

Here's how that would go.

"Brian, you're fired." Gary

"Gary, you're fired." Kirk

Lol, That was pretty good. You could have added this;

"Fire me? What if I give you a raise and a bigger extension?" Barta

"Why do you ask this? We have already been down this road three times already?" Kirk
Ok ... just for shits and giggles, let's say Hox is true. That leaves the $1mil ? ... what's "competitive"?

This year, this team, this staff - for most of us realistic peons, that's 10-14 points. For GarBar and all those boot-licking rich rubes that actually make the decisions, I'd guess they could swallow being within 40 as long as they ran a couple reverses (to the short side, of course) maybe a fake fg and didn't take a knee to end the 1st half.
He'll blame Iowa's tanking on something else. He'll always believe in his football ideology.

I think Kirk is able to own his success'. But he's not able to own his failures. Rhabdo doesn't really bother him. His son in gov't housing? If he saw that as morally incorrect he wouldn't have allowed it. James getting busted twice as a freshmen and yet that didn't affect his playing career at all. Ya think anyone else would've gotten that sort of luv?

I don't buy that his moral compass is what others think it is. Quite frankly he is no different as a man than any of us rank amateurs on Hawkeye message boards.
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I think the OP misunderstood his source. He didn't say "if the Michigan game isn't competitive, he will be gone". he said "if the Michigan game is competitive , Kirk and his agent will be in Barta's office Sunday morning to negotiate".
No you haven't. I've followed you enough to know that half of what you post is total bullshale. I don't know how Jon lets you get away with posting this crap without banning you.

Then no, you haven't really followed me much. I goof around on here a lot and sometimes it ruffles feathers, but when I post this type of stuff I've always been on point.
Then no, you haven't really followed me much. I goof around on here a lot and sometimes it ruffles feathers, but when I post this type of stuff I've always been on point.

Actually your "inside information" is pretty poor. I think your first major one was saying that Scherff was going to stay for his Sr. year and CJ was going to transfer. So you were 1 for 2 in that one.

I think you insinuated you knew that Willies was gonna quit, but you never came out and said that before he did it, just said you knew he was going to after the fact. What you DID say after Willies quit is SEVERAL BIG NAMES were going to be transferring as well after the 2014 season.......But no big names left after the 2014 season.

So yeah call me unimpressed with your "inside information" claims. This claim is the longest shot of long shots. Like Barta is gonna let KF go after they just committed to what a $30 Million plus buyout a few months ago? I'm not sure who you are listening to and why you think they are credible, but you need new sources. If you turn out to be right, I will come and eat some crow.......will you do the same, or just spew out more incorrect supposed "inside information"? Oh and then claim you have always been "on point".

I was talking to someone today who said that players aren't in to the system, there are multiple playing that "just want to remain uninjured to make it out of the program". There will be some BIG names leaving, and a lot of it has to do with promises made, and not kept by a couple coaches.

Parents of a couple players are making moves on behalf of their kids, talking to other schools. In one instance, despite the kids wishes.

like the title says, just throw your thumbs downs at me, but this is all very credible.

Next season will bring A LOT of new faces.
