Lickliter looks ridiculous....

John Lickliter has done nothing in the limited playing time he has received this year to hurt this team, period!!!
Make no mistake people, Little Lick catches crap for one reason and one reason only...and we all know what that reason is. If he was ANY other walk-on putting out that much effort he'd be hailed as a people's champion.
While I don't relish the fact that John is seeing the floor, the options are slim to none right now for Iowa. That's why Tucker getting back on the court should help out.
Make no mistake people, Little Lick catches crap for one reason and one reason only...and we all know what that reason is. If he was ANY other walk-on putting out that much effort he'd be hailed as a people's champion.

I didn't agree with the OP's post, but I also don't think this is accurate. John Lickliter is probably the least athletic walkon I can recall actually playing for Iowa in a few decades of watching Iowa basketball. As noted above in the thread, it's highly probable that there are other current students at Iowa who would be better players overall than John. So, it isn't fair to say that the only reason there is flack about him playing is that he's the coach's son. I think he catches flack because of his limitations as a player, which lead people to reasonably believe that were he not the coach's son, he probably wouldn't be with the team as a walk-on, let alone playing.

However, you can't fault the kid for wanting to play, and wanting to learn the game from his father. And when he plays like he did tonight, you have to root for him.

Having said all that, I did get a kick out of the Izzone chanting "Daddys girl!" at him.
I didn't agree with the OP's post, but I also don't think this is accurate. John Lickliter is probably the least athletic walkon I can recall actually playing for Iowa in a few decades of watching Iowa basketball. As noted above in the thread, it's highly probable that there are other current students at Iowa who would be better players overall than John. So, it isn't fair to say that the only reason there is flack about him playing is that he's the coach's son. I think he catches flack because people reasonably believe that were he not the coach's son, he probably wouldn't be with the team as a walk-on, let alone playing.

However, you can't fault the kid for wanting to play, and wanting to learn the game from his father. And when he plays like he did tonight, you have to root for him.

Having said all that, I did get a kick out of the Izzone chanting "Daddys girl!" at him.

You have every right to be as wrong as you want to be, but he'd be getting called "gritty, gutty and Mr. Hustle" if people weren't hell bent on running his dad out of town on a rail. If you want to say Iowa needs better walk-ons, that's fine, criticize the walk-on program...but you're not going budge me on the hate thrown specifically at Lil Lick.
You have every right to be as wrong as you want to be, but he'd be getting called "gritty, gutty and Mr. Hustle" if people weren't hell bent on running his dad out of town on a rail. If you want to say Iowa needs better walk-ons, that's fine, criticize the walk-on program...but you're not going budge me on the hate thrown specifically at Lil Lick.

I understand that you refuse to be "budged," but can you support your argument by reference to other walk-ons who've played meaningful minutes at Iowa who were more obviously overmatched athletically?

One of the things that affects how people view John's participation is that there is no walk-on program at Iowa under Lickliter. John is it. They haven't reached out to anyone, though they did carry Dan Bohall over until he got into trouble. In fact as I posted above they apparently have rejected the idea of bringing other capable walk-ons into the program. Much as you might like to separate the absence of other walk-ons from the way people view the fact that John is playing, that's not logically possible.

However, since he is playing, all of us should wish him the best--even as we recognize that the need for him to play is a complete disaster. On a night like tonight, he was easy to watch and to be proud of.
I understand that you refuse to be "budged," but can you support your argument by reference to other walk-ons who've played meaningful minutes at Iowa who were more obviously overmatched athletically?

One of the things that affects how people view John's participation is that there is no walk-on program at Iowa under Lickliter. John is it. They haven't reached out to anyone, though they did carry Dan Bohall over until he got into trouble. In fact as I posted above they apparently have rejected the idea of bringing other capable walk-ons into the program. Much as you might like to separate the absence of other walk-ons from the way people view the fact that John is playing, that's not logically possible.

However, since he is playing, all of us should wish him the best--even as we recognize that the need for him to play is a complete disaster. On a night like tonight, he was easy to watch and to be proud of.

Isn't Neari a walk on???
I understand that you refuse to be "budged," but can you support your argument by reference to other walk-ons who've played meaningful minutes at Iowa who were more obviously overmatched athletically?

One of the things that affects how people view John's participation is that there is no walk-on program at Iowa under Lickliter. John is it. They haven't reached out to anyone, though they did carry Dan Bohall over until he got into trouble. In fact as I posted above they apparently have rejected the idea of bringing other capable walk-ons into the program. Much as you might like to separate the absence of other walk-ons from the way people view the fact that John is playing, that's not logically possible.

However, since he is playing, all of us should wish him the best--even as we recognize that the need for him to play is a complete disaster. On a night like tonight, he was easy to watch and to be proud of.

You're turning this into "how good is he on the scale of the history of walk-ons" where I'm not crediting him for being a great player in any sense of the word. I'm only talking about his effort and hustle and the unabashed beating he takes on this board...I even said you can criticize the walk-on program/lack of it, at Iowa...

Edit: And to your first question...ALL OF THEM? That's why they're not on scholarship...
You're turning this into "how good is he on the scale of the history of walk-ons" where I'm not crediting him for being a great player in any sense of the word.

Your initial post on this subject indicated that the only reason people are unhappy about John playing is that he's the coach's son. It's very clear that's not the case, and putting it in context relative to other walk-ons we've had (or do not currently have) helps make that point.
Make no mistake people, Little Lick catches crap for one reason and one reason only...and we all know what that reason is. If he was ANY other walk-on putting out that much effort he'd be hailed as a people's champion.

Your initial post on this subject indicated that the only reason people are unhappy about John playing is that he's the coach's son. It's very clear that's not the case, and putting it in context relative to other walk-ons we've had (or do not currently have) helps make that point.

There's the quote...I didn't indicate anything about his playing time, only the venom with which he's being attacked by some. And it very clearly IS the case. You can spin it any way you want, but you'd be wrong.

Don't forget you went on to say that Lickliter looks ridiculous because of this and that could not be any further from the truth!
I didn't agree with the OP's post, but I also don't think this is accurate. John Lickliter is probably the least athletic walkon I can recall actually playing for Iowa in a few decades of watching Iowa basketball. As noted above in the thread, it's highly probable that there are other current students at Iowa who would be better players overall than John. So, it isn't fair to say that the only reason there is flack about him playing is that he's the coach's son. I think he catches flack because of his limitations as a player, which lead people to reasonably believe that were he not the coach's son, he probably wouldn't be with the team as a walk-on, let alone playing.

However, you can't fault the kid for wanting to play, and wanting to learn the game from his father. And when he plays like he did tonight, you have to root for him.

Having said all that, I did get a kick out of the Izzone chanting "Daddys girl!" at him.

I think it's also safe to say that this whole team is probably one of the least athletic in Iowa history. That being said, they're almost all underclassmen, so don't judge how "athletic" they are based on this year. If there are other students on campus that would be better basketball players than John, they should go try out. Coaches son or not, Lil' Jon hasn't exactly embarrassed himself out there. Like Shane has said, if he weren't the coaches kid, we'd be assigning every white and undersized descriptor to him. You know, how he has a great motor, is extremely coachable, and is always hustling.

But, since he is the coaches son, that's obviously the only reason that he's out there.

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