lets be honest


Well-Known Member
I hope this team can win enough games to get in the NCAA again but....

Lets be blunt here - start 4-5 "pale warriors" and only one of them can somewhat shoot?

Sorry in 2015 that's not going to equal a very good basketball team.

This team is just so offensively challenged with its inability to shoot.

Don't see how this team could every go anywhere... even our bad shooting guards can't get open.
Interesting. I feel very good coming out of this game. Wisconsin is head and shoulders above the rest of the conference. I am thinking 7 more wins in conference play. Officiating, rebounding and free throw shooting in no particular order cost us today.
I hope this team can win enough games to get in the NCAA again but....

Lets be blunt here - start 4-5 "pale warriors" and only one of them can somewhat shoot?

Sorry in 2015 that's not going to equal a very good basketball team.

This team is just so offensively challenged with its inability to shoot.

Don't see how this team could every go anywhere... even our bad shooting guards can't get open.

Pale warriors don't seem to be hurting Wisky. Are you saying Iowa needs to recruit better white players or are you just a racist.
They are challenged in every way....just like football, it's ALL about recruiting.

BTW, they need to wear black at home....the highlighter yellow totally gets lost against the floor of the same color. At least wear black shoes for some contrast.
More than one person will be offended by this IMO.

I'm not one of them. I have to agree - too many white guys on Iowa's teams, football included, generally speaking. You can get away with this in Wisconsin's case, but they're a rare exception if you look at most great teams.

That said, Iowa just needs to recruit better players, period. Regardless of their race.

Iowa has more, er.. "athletes" coming in next year, but the real question is "how good are they at basketball?"
Sorry, didn't see the pale Warrior reference.....thought you were were trying to make a funny out of my yellow and black uni post.....maybe I should pay more attention.
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I play basketball with a couple ex Iowa football players (Both who are African American) who have said the exact same thing.

I've only heard this probably 1000 times... mostly from people who actually play sports and not this tooth fairly land some of the highly sensitive seem to be coming from.
------It's really simple - good basketball players don't have to be athletic... but they need to be able to do other things.

Being "not white" doesn't hurt....just saying. ***Waiting for the PC police***
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Interesting. I feel very good coming out of this game. Wisconsin is head and shoulders above the rest of the conference. I am thinking 7 more wins in conference play. Officiating, rebounding and free throw shooting in no particular order cost us today.

I didn't see the game today, but I highly doubt the loss had much to do with officiating. I'm guessing it had more to do with the other team having better players and a better coach.
I'm not attacking you personally, but I hate it when Iowa fans bring up officiating. It's the main reason why Dan Dakich and Clown fans hate our fan base so much.
Good teams outplay officiating. Period.
=------It's really simple - good basketball players don't have to be athletic... but they need to be able to do other things.

Being black doesn't hurt....just saying. ***Waiting for the PC wagon to drive up***

Yep. We just need good players, but you're going to be more athletic overall if you have more black guys and less white guys. That's not a slur, and some people won't want to hear it, but it's just the way it is. There are exceptions, obviously, but as a general rule, this is the truth.

If we're recruiting white guys with average skills, or black guys with average skills, we may as well have the extra athleticism... That should at least help defensively and with the ability to beat people off the dribble more often, if nothing else.. Even if they still struggle to shoot the ball. Just being quicker and more athletic can't be a bad thing, everything else being equal.

In Wisconsin's case, their players have skills. I'd take their roster any day.

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