lebron is the greatest athlete ever

You asked me to show you in this thread. Thats what I did.

Dude that’s a terrible example, especially when buttressing it against all I’ve said. Try again….I have taken an authoritative tone in the this thread very much at all and you suggesting I have says a great deal more about you than me….of course you don’t really pay that much attention to what people say on an anonymous message board, though….:D

No comment on that I see.
Dude that’s a terrible example, especially when buttressing it against all I’ve said. Try again….I have taken an authoritative tone in the this thread very much at all and you suggesting I have says a great deal more about you than me….of course you don’t really pay that much attention to what people say on an anonymous message board, though….:D

No comment on that I see.

Oh but you stick out like a sore thumb on here though. You repeat the same things over and over and over and over so of course Im going to remember what you say.

You are like a broken record and it honestly gets kinda boring. You used to bring good info to your posts. Now its just repeating how idiotic the people on this board are and how idiotic their posts are, sprinkled in with how much you know and how right you are on every subject.

And I never said you took an authoritive tone...you called out Duff for using arguments that cant be proven when you did the exact same thing a few posts earlier.
I will admit this….the cool thing about threads like this is….people start really thinking and web searching and you find out about some cool stuff you forgot or never even knew…

For example Tony Mandarich had ridiculous numbers coming out of college……he was 6-6, 330 and ran a 4.65 forty and benched 225-39 times. He also broad jumped 10ft and had a 30†vertical at 330...that’s insane. Keeping in mind of course he was a product of roids…

Then there is this Brain Clay, American Decathlete who I’d never even been aware of and I love the Olympics…apparently his SPARQ rating was 130.4, the highest ever recorded and for comparison, Reggie Bush scored a 93.38. He has a vertical 43.5 and is one of the highest no step verticals in NBA/NFL combine history. He did the SPARQ for all sports and scored higher than every NBA bballer including Lebron. And he ran 30 yards (home to first) faster than Jacoby Ellsbury (another cat I never knew of) who is one of the fastest ever I guess.

Herschel Walker who ran a 10.22 100 meter and 9.3 100….holy crap…

Calvin Johnson also is an insane athlete who has to be on the very, very short list of great athletes…. He has run a 10.23 second 100-meter sprint, at 6’5 and 235 lbs. At the actual Combine, Johnson ran a 4.35 40 time and an 11 ft 7 inch broad jump, which was one of the best in history.

Allen Iverson was Mr Virginia in basketball and football both and many suggested he’d have been a sensational College QB, in the option variety.....

Apparently Vernon Davis is 6-3, 253 and runs a 4.38 forty, can vertical 42 inches and did 33 reps @ 225. He has bended 425 plus, power cleaned 355 and squatted 585…in high school he ran a 10.7 hundred.

Neon Dion's numbers are also amazzzzing of course....lots of candidates out there.....many, many, many, and I agree Scottie Pippen isn't on the list, based on my initial research and I'm not sure Lebron would be top 20 or 30 when it was really broke down

Good list....I'd also add former Dallas Cowboy's WR Bob Hayes to the list.
He was inducted into the NFL Hall of fame in 2009 plus won 2 gold medals
at the 1964 Summer Olympics.
- He won the 100M dash and broke the world record in a time of 10.06 seconds.
- This was followed by a second gold medal in the 4 x 100 meter relay.
Oh but you stick out like a sore thumb on here though. You repeat the same things over and over and over and over so of course Im going to remember what you say.

You are like a broken record and it honestly gets kinda boring. You used to bring good info to your posts. Now its just repeating how idiotic the people on this board are and how idiotic their posts are, sprinkled in with how much you know and how right you are on every subject.

And I never said you took an authoritive tone...you called out Duff for using arguments that cant be proven when you did the exact same thing a few posts earlier.

Stop....look below you and see, that some people do indeed like what I bring to the table. Also you can’t stymie me with silly misdirection crap…you said in ANOTHER thread you don’t remember what people say…trying to indicate you haven’t tracked me and said stuff to me before, or rather don’t remember saying stuff to me…..clearly that’s BS.

PS...at the beginning of this thread I noted the level of idiocy these kinds of threads bring out. I have not however as a rule, been crappy or pissy to anyone in particular in this thread or any thread you can remember of late. Your issue is with me period and that again says more about you. You’ve said I typically get mad or don’t like it when people disagree with me and that is clearly not true. So when queried you pretended not to remember…. that’s a lie.
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Good list....I'd also add former Dallas Cowboy's WR Bob Hayes to the list.
He was inducted into the NFL Hall of fame in 2009 plus won 2 gold medals
at the 1964 Summer Olympics.
- He won the 100M dash and broke the world record in a time of 10.06 seconds.
- This was followed by a second gold medal in the 4 x 100 meter relay.

Yes he was a stud and another guy I forgot about.
Stop....look below you and see, that some people do indeed like what I bring to the table. Also you can’t stymie me with silly misdirection crap…you said in ANOTHER thread you don’t remember what people say…trying to indicate you haven’t tracked me and said stuff to me before, or rather don’t remember saying stuff to me…..clearly that’s BS.

PS...at the beginning of this thread I noted the level of idiocy these kinds of threads bring out. I have not however as a rule, been crappy or pissy to anyone in particular in this thread or any thread you can remember of late. Your issue is with me period and that again says more about you. You’ve said I typically get mad or don’t like it when people disagree with me and that is clearly not true. So when queried you pretended not to remember…. that’s a lie.

I have never accused you of being pissy or crappy with anyone. Its the pompous, arrogant attitude that you post with is the thing I have an issue with.

I dont remember exact posts or convos I have had on here with other posters, but I do remember the style or schtick regular posters use in their posts. Your style just happens to be that of an egotistical know it all who belittles pretty much any person that might have an opinion that differs from his own.

Any more brain busterzzzzz?
I have never accused you of being pissy or crappy with anyone. Its the pompous, arrogant attitude that you post with is the thing I have an issue with.

I dont remember exact posts or convos I have had on here with other posters, but I do remember the style or schtick regular posters use in their posts. Your style just happens to be that of an egotistical know it all who belittles pretty much any person that might have an opinion that differs from his own.

Any more brain busterzzzzz?

Holy snikes dude….what you just said encompasses half of the posters on this very board including you. Not to mention as you may note there are many posters I interact quite well with and appreciate what I have to say. So again I’m sorry but this speaks volumes about you. Finally being pissy or crappy isn’t really all that different than being condescending, pompous or arrogant, right?!?!

See buddy you find me arrogant and that’s fine. I can seem and even be that way at times. However in order to label someone you have to put yourself in a position of judgment (i/e: arrogance) and here we are right back full circle. So I guess it seems you and I are both arrogant per you…but the diff being I haven’t said multiple times “pot meet kettle” to you and then conveniently forgot other things I have done in turn…..

My advice to you is don’t talk to me…I’m not all that bothered by what you say although I have often times not agreed with it. I don’t need to be agreed with and I don’t have a problem admitting when I am “off” or wrong or to strong. I don’t however typically call others pompous or arrogant because I do indeed realize most of us opinionated types (just like you) can indeed be that way at times, either on purpose or on accident. I’m pretty self-aware…apparently I guess you aren’t. Comes back to that perspective thing…I am aware I can often be a jack arse and I have to apologize a lot because of it. Yet here you are calling me out, nary aware of who or what you are….kind of ironic isn’t it.
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I doubt that….what I am is one of the few aware enuff to remember Kemp and all the fanfare about him being one of the best athletes ever. I also remember an announcer and then ultimately my friends talking about him and Clyde Drexler and Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan being a great 4X400 meter relay team with practice. None of us were silly enuff to think any of them could run at the elite level for 100 or 200 and I assure you (though again we can’t prove it) all 4 could run base line to baseline faster than Lebron. They could all float in the air longer than Lebron and if memory serves Kemp was also very strong….

So in review, I take it as quite an honor you point out me mentioning Shawn Kemp. You’d have never thought of him…see Duff I don’t much care for the NBA anymore, but I do have a very good historical perspective of many, many different sports internationally and what makes a truly great all-around athlete and you are smoking a pipe here friend.

LeBron is a better athlete than Kemp, Drexler, Pippen or Jordan. People are vastly overlooking the strength and size factor. LeBron is 6'8 250, he's as big as Karl Malone but with the speed and quickness to guard point guards. He can guard all five positions at an above average level. The only other NBA player to even have an argument against him is Wilt. To claim guys like Derrick Rose as better athletes than LeBron is just ridiculous.
LeBron is a better athlete than Kemp, Drexler, Pippen or Jordan. People are vastly overlooking the strength and size factor. LeBron is 6'8 250, he's as big as Karl Malone but with the speed and quickness to guard point guards. He can guard all five positions at an above average level. The only other NBA player to even have an argument against him is Wilt. To claim guys like Derrick Rose as better athletes than LeBron is just ridiculous.

Lots of ridiculous folks out there then....
LeBron is a better athlete than Kemp, Drexler, Pippen or Jordan. People are vastly overlooking the strength and size factor. LeBron is 6'8 250, he's as big as Karl Malone but with the speed and quickness to guard point guards. He can guard all five positions at an above average level. The only other NBA player to even have an argument against him is Wilt. To claim guys like Derrick Rose as better athletes than LeBron is just ridiculous.

Jordan is a better athlete still. Jordan had a substantially higher vertical leap. Jordan was faster in the open court. Jordan was also slightly quicker. Jordan was in better shape too and Jordan's defensive player of the year awards are a testimate to that.

If you use the decathlon as a measuring stick... Jordan would blow Lebron away in the 100, 110 meter hurdles, 400, 1500. He crush him in the high jump and long jump. He'd lose the shot put and discuss throw, and I'd say javelin would be a toss-up. Pole vault a toss up.
i have a new theory...unless you can complete the american ninja warrior obstacle course you are not the greatest athlete.

anybody else watch that show? amazing! and there is an iowan going to the finals (yes he is from ames but maybe we can cheer for him anyway...dude doesnt have a job).
i have a new theory...unless you can complete the american ninja warrior obstacle course you are not the greatest athlete.

anybody else watch that show? amazing! and there is an iowan going to the finals (yes he is from ames but maybe we can cheer for him anyway...dude doesnt have a job).

Touché....I wouldn’t think there are any players currently in the NBA or probably the NFL who can do that Salmon Ladder drill or the lamp grasper deal (or whatever they call it)....which brings us back to ultimate dichotomy of this thread…..are we talking about the best athlete period or the best athlete who happens to be big and therefore that makes him a “betterâ€￾ athlete…the latter is a faulty premise.
A few comments--
1a) While we can't prove that LeBron can hit a curveball or run across the middle in the NFL, or run a 5 minute mile, we can prove that he can play basketball. We can prove that, within the realm of that sport, he is bigger, faster, and stronger than just about everyone.
1b) In the same way, there are very few athletes, and maybe none active, that we can invariably prove to be successful at more than just their own sport.
2a) I don't think it is outside the realm of the hypothetical, purely subjective discussion that we're having here to claim that LeBron is among the most physically capable athletes of all time.
2b) In the same way, I don't think it is outside the realm of possibility to say that people that weren't elite at any one sport were physically superior but didn't establish themselves as being skilled enough to dominate their one sport.

These things being said, here are the first 10 guys that came to mind when I thought of the greatest American athletes of all time are:
LeBron James
Julius Peppers
Brian Clay
Bo Jackson
Michael Jordan
Wilt Chamberlain
Mickey Mantle
Bob Hayes
Michael Johnson
Herschel Walker

I'm obviously forgetting a lot of fantastic athletes. The three guys I could see climbing their way onto this list in the next decade are Ashton Eaton, Robert Griffin III, and Cam Newton.
Jordan is a better athlete still. Jordan had a substantially higher vertical leap. Jordan was faster in the open court. Jordan was also slightly quicker. Jordan was in better shape too and Jordan's defensive player of the year awards are a testimate to that.

If you use the decathlon as a measuring stick... Jordan would blow Lebron away in the 100, 110 meter hurdles, 400, 1500. He crush him in the high jump and long jump. He'd lose the shot put and discuss throw, and I'd say javelin would be a toss-up. Pole vault a toss up.


Jordan being able to jump 2" higher in no way makes up for LeBron's strength advantage and is negated by LeBron have 2-3" on him and longer arms.
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