Kyle Meyer Arrested for Public Intox

did anyone shave off his eyebrows and give him a few Sharpie tattoos when he passed out? If not, Iowa dorm-dwellers have really become lame in the past 25 years.
Doesn't the bar that serve him drinks get in trouble for letting minor drink in first place? How old do you have to be to drink in Iowa City?Don't they check your id at the door?

Wow! Look at this? Perfect grammar and punctuation. Whats wrong blue? You feeling okay?
You know, I don't want to be PSU, but I gotta think the UI police and a GA could have talked the kid down and got him to bed. Just seems like there could be a system set up to address these freshmen first time offenses.

Seriously, these kids have been bombarded with media that makes it look like college students are supposed to binge drink with abandon. This is why they have social norms campaigns to adjust these beliefs.

I say take the kid's info, get them to bed and then make go to a few harm reduction meetings.

Iowa City is progressive about nearly everything else except students, especially student-athletes, and alcohol.
His floormates suck. Who lets their power forward fall asleep on the bathroom floor? These are 18 year-olds from Creston, Urbandale, and Ottumwa, right? Be an Iowan. CARRY. HIM. TO. HIS. BED.

@HawkeyeInsider Comes over to talk to the band, asks them to call if they see any players downtown

Sounds like Kirk would like to avoid a similar incident.
Terrific insight!


My freshman year I hadn't even started to drink yet (made up for that idiocy pretty quickly) but was still pretty amazed when my roommate, a senior, came in and ****** in our sink. No police though. To the best of my memory, we seldom felt we were treated unfairly by the police. How in Hell did the police even know this kid was drunk in his own dorm? Some idiot had to have called them. Nothing I've seen indicates this kid was doing anything to frighten others (unless they were scared he had had so much it might endanger his life) . I'm confident they aren't patrolling dorm halls and bathrooms, looking for drunk students.
I miss the days when a Frosh could pass out in the dormitory pisser without getting arrested.
Yeah, that was before IC became a police state. I remember the day when you could get caught for underage drinking and the officer would make you pour out all of your brew and give you a ride home. Not even a citation. There is no more right of passage, you are a CRIMINAL!!!!!
Big Deal, Kyle is an 18/19 year old young man who happens to be starting school in a few days. There would be something wrong with him not to celebrate with his fellow students at the Number Four Party School in the United States of America.....

I believe Fran has certain criteria for choosing his players and I am certain Kyle fits that criteria. Fran is not like Alford who apparently had no control over his players. He apparently didn't know Pierre was driving to DM after practice most nights to see his girlfriend. Yes, I blame Alford for that. He was probably more interested in the mirror to see if a hair was out of place.....

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How is it legal to issue a public intox citation in Hillcrest dorm which is a private property (UofI)? Did the UofI public safety issue it? Wondering the the police followed him to the dorm. I'm not sure the Iowa City police can enter to issue the ticket.
How is it legal to issue a public intox citation in Hillcrest dorm which is a private property (UofI)? Did the UofI public safety issue it? Wondering the the police followed him to the dorm. I'm not sure the Iowa City police can enter to issue the ticket.

I assume the UIPD has jurisdiction in the dorms.
Yeah, that was before IC became a police state. I remember the day when you could get caught for underage drinking and the officer would make you pour out all of your brew and give you a ride home. Not even a citation. There is no more right of passage, you are a CRIMINAL!!!!!

What kind of society do we live in when the police punish people just for breaking the law?