Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....

Look - the question is not whether Kirk can coach or not. His strengths and limitations have never changed.

It's not will his system win or not (it has)

It is whether Kirk Ferentz can rebuild a program for the third time.

Either this is just the ebb and flow and it is what it is, or it is erosion that he won't be able to stop. If it's the former, we'll be back up soon. If it's not, then we're ****ed.
I have no problems with the way Kirk handles the media. IMO his main concern shouldn't be the fans or the media, but fixing things within Ft. Kinnick. HE fixes things on the field the fans and media follow suit.
Spider's OP is dead on. I have been and largely continue to be a KF supporter because I happen to agree with his overall approach (words like trench play, execution, non-gimmicky, developmental, percentages apply) -- but he does need to get a tad (not too much) humble. There is something in what the mind-quacks say -- admitting he has a problem is the first step to recovery...and this guy isn't getting it yet.

Also, if KF doesn't get on the right side of fans, he is going to get the worst of it and endure a less than pleasurable (despite his golden handcuffs) day to day.
I have no problems with the way Kirk handles the media. IMO his main concern shouldn't be the fans or the media, but fixing things within Ft. Kinnick. HE fixes things on the field the fans and media follow suit.

I agree that fixing the problems on the field is priority #1. Problem is, after losing games to horrible Minnesota teams, or to the likes of Central Michigan.. Kirk seems to think that his "That's Football" type responses should fly.

When he says stuff like that after an inexcusable loss, it comes across as "No big deal. That's football - it's just a game and doesn't matter much if we win or lose" and it rubs people the wrong way.

Then he has the nerve to act like he has no idea what the media is talking about when they ask him what it would take to get back to the 2009 level. Win more games? What a smarta$$.

I don't know why he even bothers to hold press conferences, actually.
Coaching under Bill Belichek doesn't = you're going to be a great head coach.

Fat Charlie: fired at ND, about to be fired by Kansas (NCAA FB equivalent to being fired at McDonalds)
Romeo Crennel: fired by CLE , seat is getting pretty hot in KC
Josh McDaniels: fired by Denver

Failing as an NFL head coach is no automatic indicator of failure in the same position at the college level. Plenty of college coaches have fizzled in the NFL (Saban being the most notable).

My biggest concern is that we get the lick effect in the event Kirk goes. As much as it pains us to think, it could actually go south with a change in the command. A bad hire, and we're bottom feeding and unlike basketball it's alot harder and more time consuming overhauling a football roster then it is a basketball roster. This is by no means a shot at Fran, I think it's remarkable how quickly he's got this team headed back in the right direction, but I think it is something that would take a considerable amount of time if it happened to our football team.

While I refuse to accept simply being mediocre, I also acknowledge the fact that things could get much worse then the usual 7-5 seasons that we've been seeing lately.

This is not a good reason to prevent a possible change. I'd rather take a dive trying to step above mediocrity than to wallow in it forever. This isn't the Mr. Davis scenario, where the basketball program was in a better position than where the football team currently is.

First you are comparing football wins to company revenue.

That's your first issue. You need to look at football revenue. It's still one of the top 20 in the country, it pretty much pays for every other Iowa Sports team and did a hell of a lot more to save programs and pick up the slack with the very, very, lean years we have had with the basketball program. Sure it could start to go down once people stop donating and stop buying season tickets but as of today that hasn't happened. Until it does nothing is going to happen whether you like it or not.

Look, I and everyone else wants this team to win more games and I have no problem with those that think KF needs to be replaced. That said as others have mentioned no amount of emails or rants about reading into KF's comments **** you off are going to change anything. The only thing you can do to have any effect on the Football program and your dissatisfaction with KF is to stop giving money (if you do) and quit going to games.

That's it pretty much it.

As for your reading into KF's comments I think you are trying to hard, KF loves to win and hates to lose more than anybody else and the emotion he shows after a big win pretty much shows that.*

Again, I am not giving him a pass for where the program is right now but people really need to get a life, that is all KF was trying to say.

*Typically reserved for when there are other factors, that have little to do with football, involved (PSU '04, Norm's son, and there was a game last year where Kirk and Norm were emotional after the game, and people took that as a sign that Norm was done. I just can't remember which game.).

Did he get emotional after the Orange Bowl? Not really. Capitol One Bowl? Nope. PSU in '08? Nadda. Those are arguably the three biggest wins of the last decade.

Does anyone else just immediately stop reading posts when they start ******** about Ferentz's salary? I'd be just as ****** about this season if our coach was making $2 a year. I really don't care how much our coach makes.

I don't necessarily care for those who say we're not getting what we're paying for, either. But I also don't like a guy criticizing fans' lack of perspective, when he's gotten filthy rich off of that lack of perspective.

Universities, the media, and a lot of coaches do not treat this as if it's "just a game". They shouldn't be surprised when the fans follow suit.

I have no problems with the way Kirk handles the media. IMO his main concern shouldn't be the fans or the media, but fixing things within Ft. Kinnick. HE fixes things on the field the fans and media follow suit.

Except for the part where, you know, things haven't been getting fixed.
I agree that fixing the problems on the field is priority #1. Problem is, after losing games to horrible Minnesota teams, or to the likes of Central Michigan.. Kirk seems to think that his "That's Football" type responses should fly.

When he says stuff like that after an inexcusable loss, it comes across as "No big deal. That's football - it's just a game and doesn't matter much if we win or lose" and it rubs people the wrong way.

Then he has the nerve to act like he has no idea what the media is talking about when they ask him what it would take to get back to the 2009 level. Win more games? What a smarta$$.

I don't know why he even bothers to hold press conferences, actually.

This. Fran doesn't say things like that. For instance, I plan on asking today what it will take for Oglesby to fill Gatens' role as the go-to outside shooter.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts, Fran doesn't tell me "I don't know, make more threes."
Does anyone else just immediately stop reading posts when they start ******** about Ferentz's salary? I'd be just as ****** about this season if our coach was making $2 a year. I really don't care how much our coach makes.

Pretty much, right up there with listening to a call in show or talk show and someone ******** abut KF but pronounce his name Kurt and Frentz or some other variation.

And TM,

you must have missed him after the MSU win this year. He was emotional. Again that is neither here nor there he cares a hell of a lot whether you or anybody else wants to believe it.
This. Fran doesn't say things like that. For instance, I plan on asking today what it will take for Oglesby to fill Gatens' role as the go-to outside shooter.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts, Fran doesn't tell me "I don't know, make more threes."

That is a PERFECT analogy! Couldn't have come up with a better one myself.

And I'm sure I'll get completely drilled for saying this, but this is what I think....KF has never been a coordinator before. Ever. He's never had to design an offense or a defense. He's never had to try to get all the pieces of one side of the ball or the other to work together. To design something to take advantage of the weakness of the opponent or to design something to mitigate your own weaknesses. Before becoming a head coach, he'd only ever been a position coach. So when someone asks him, "What's wrong with the passing game?" and he says, "Throwing, catching, blocking, etc."....I think that's probably all he literally understands about it. Sure, he understands the intricacies of the line play in the passing game, for sure. But as far as the best way to tweak the passing game if their pressing up on the wideouts, or the best way to tweak the running game if they're shading the center and shooting the gaps, I don't think that other within the concept of the OL, he has a clue how to attack that. I don't know whether that's good or bad. But I think it explains alot vis a vis his "simplistic" answers to specific questions he gets about the offense or defense.
Pretty much, right up there with listening to a call in show or talk show and someone ******** abut KF but pronounce his name Kurt and Frentz or some other variation.

And TM,

you must have missed him after the MSU win this year. He was emotional. Again that is neither here nor there he cares a hell of a lot whether you or anybody else wants to believe it.

It was win #100....
Pretty much, right up there with listening to a call in show or talk show and someone ******** abut KF but pronounce his name Kurt and Frentz or some other variation.

And TM,

you must have missed him after the MSU win this year. He was emotional. Again that is neither here nor there he cares a hell of a lot whether you or anybody else wants to believe it.

Got any other instances? There aren't many.

I don't really care if he gets emotional after a game or not. But to say his emotion after big wins is proof of how much he cares is faulty. He very rarely gets emotional unless there are other factors in play besides football.

I'm sure he does care a lot about winning. But never actually owning up to shortcomings and chalking up failures to "that's just football" in public is not a good image to present, particularly when the program hasn't been very successful since the Orange Bowl. That's not how you rally support within the fanbase.

That's not a big problem right now, as you alluded to with the financial aspect of the program. But if this keeps up, it will be.
Got any other instances? There aren't many.

I don't really care if he gets emotional after a game or not. But to say his emotion after big wins is proof of how much he cares is faulty. He very rarely gets emotional unless there are other factors in play besides football.

I'm sure he does care a lot about winning. But never actually owning up to shortcomings and chalking up failures to "that's just football" in public is not a good image to present, particularly when the program hasn't been very successful since the Orange Bowl. That's not how you rally support within the fanbase.

That's not a big problem right now, as you alluded to with the financial aspect of the program. But if this keeps up, it will be.

I'll be the first to admit that KF doesn't "owe" me anything personally as a football fan, but for me - this is what it's all about. What you say to the media, how you carry yourself, and the confidence (or lack thereof) that you exhude becomes infectious with fans. Look at Fran - it didn't take him long to win the support of the fan base, despite the fact that he really hasn't actually won a whole lot of anything just yet!

I don't believe that Kirk doesn't care about winning, but the way he dismisses bad losses as just "one of those things" certainly leaves me scratching my head and wondering if he really believes that anything actually needs to be corrected in the program. Does KF believe that everything is 100% A-OK? I'm starting to think so.
Got any other instances? There aren't many.

The players are frequently quoted about Kirk's intensity, fire, and passion. If anyone would know, it the people who work with him inside the building, day to day.

Drawing conclusions from his answers to the media is stupid and naive.
The players are frequently quoted about Kirk's intensity, fire, and passion. If anyone would know, it the people who work with him inside the building, day to day.

Drawing conclusions from his answers to the media is stupid and naive.

Like I said, I don't care if he shows emotion post-game (either on the field on in the presser). I was merely saying that his emotion after big wins isn't proof of anything, because they only seem to come when there are outside factors that are perhaps bigger than the game.
The players are frequently quoted about Kirk's intensity, fire, and passion. If anyone would know, it the people who work with him inside the building, day to day.

Drawing conclusions from his answers to the media is stupid and naive.

Drawing conclusions from people who have no desire to say something bad about their head coach is equally as naive...
The players are frequently quoted about Kirk's intensity, fire, and passion. If anyone would know, it the people who work with him inside the building, day to day.

Drawing conclusions from his answers to the media is stupid and naive.

This is the definition of delusion. You really need to step back if you think you care more than the coaches and the players. It is, quite literally, their life. Just because they've been doing poorly doesn't mean they don't care.
WHY is it that EVERY fan I know (even if at home if front of tv) is jumping, crying, etc on every play, every Saturuday. Meanwhile the players, coaches, etc act they 'no big deal we just had a delay of game on 3rd and 3 and just made this 3rd down that much harder to make', while the fans are yelling at the tv and players. None of us are head coaches, but if I were, I would at least show some emotion and CORRECT when one of my players made an idiot mistake (like delay of game in an alleged 'hurry-up' mode).

The way KF coaches and shortens games, bleads clock, I swear he is trying to get out of the stadium as quick as he can.
Look the season sucks, no one is disputing that. But dude back off the ledge.

I guarantee you that Kirk cares more about wins and losses than you do, and if that isn't the case, it's because your priorities are out of whack, not his.

Sorry buddy, he's right, it is just a game. He'll be the first to tell you that this season so far is a huge disappointment. But guess what? You didn't play the game. It's not your success or failure, and if you don't win a conference championship, than everything else is just a glorified beauty contest.

Agreed. The Boss telleth the truth !!

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