Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....

The players are frequently quoted about Kirk's intensity, fire, and passion. If anyone would know, it the people who work with him inside the building, day to day.

Drawing conclusions from his answers to the media is stupid and naive.

Ferentz has been snarky/dismissive of any criticism since day 1. Why any comment like this would surprise anybody is beyond me.

Obviously Ferentz wants fans to be happy and he wants to win. When they aren't playing well I bet he isn't overly happy either. While I think it's amusing to hear somebody who makes 4 million to coach football lecture somebody else on perspective, that's the market, and he has a good agent.

I agree comparing football wins to football revenue is a dumb comparison. I think a better comparison is Ferentz to Steve Jobs. Jobs absolutely wouldn't respond to criticism. Covering the antennae on the iPhone 4 drops calls? Hey, just hold it differently. We all could use some perspective at times, and I think some people feel like Kirk needs to cater to their feelings, and I think we all can agree Ferentz could give a crap less about how you feel.
WHY is it that EVERY fan I know (even if at home if front of tv) is jumping, crying, etc on every play, every Saturuday. Meanwhile the players, coaches, etc act they 'no big deal we just had a delay of game on 3rd and 3 and just made this 3rd down that much harder to make', while the fans are yelling at the tv and players. None of us are head coaches, but if I were, I would at least show some emotion and CORRECT when one of my players made an idiot mistake (like delay of game in an alleged 'hurry-up' mode).

The way KF coaches and shortens games, bleads clock, I swear he is trying to get out of the stadium as quick as he can.

You still have the passion to spit fire at the boob tube? I envy you. No joke, my g/f even asked me if everything was okay last weekend when I was watching the game because I wasn't yelling and cursing up a storm like usual. APATHY is a hell of a drug!
Agreed. The Boss telleth the truth !!
I must have missed where Kirk ever described a season as a 'huge disapointment'. I doubt I ever will. He will never concede that. Why bother to watch a game if it holds so little importance to you? Why do we pay Kirk more than any other public employee if this is a gloridied beauty contest and he has no accountability?
WHY is it that EVERY fan I know (even if at home if front of tv) is jumping, crying, etc on every play, every Saturuday. Meanwhile the players, coaches, etc act they 'no big deal we just had a delay of game on 3rd and 3 and just made this 3rd down that much harder to make', while the fans are yelling at the tv and players.

Because you are doing nothing but observing. They have a job to do. They have to worry about the next play, getting the right personnel on the field, start thinking about the play after next, etc.

"The man in the arena" and all that jazz. You're just staring at the play clock and thinking "what an idiot, he doesn't notice the play clock" when its a whirlwind of action down there on the sideline and on the headsets.

Sometimes you people need to get out and experience the world.
Because you are doing nothing but observing. They have a job to do. They have to worry about the next play, getting the right personnel on the field, start thinking about the play after next, etc.

"The man in the arena" and all that jazz. You're just staring at the play clock and thinking "what an idiot, he doesn't notice the play clock" when its a whirlwind of action down there on the sideline and on the headsets.

Sometimes you people need to get out and experience the world.

Yup, the Coaches have a job to do..
There's about 10 fricking coaches on the sidelines and how many in the press box? And not a one of them can watch a play clock?
I agree that fixing the problems on the field is priority #1. Problem is, after losing games to horrible Minnesota teams, or to the likes of Central Michigan.. Kirk seems to think that his "That's Football" type responses should fly.

When he says stuff like that after an inexcusable loss, it comes across as "No big deal. That's football - it's just a game and doesn't matter much if we win or lose" and it rubs people the wrong way.

Then he has the nerve to act like he has no idea what the media is talking about when they ask him what it would take to get back to the 2009 level. Win more games? What a smarta$$.

I don't know why he even bothers to hold press conferences, actually.

Kirk can dodge questions or he can tell us anything that he thinks we want to hear. The only thing that matters is what's said behind closed doors to the individual's that actually matter. I don't get the complaints about "that's football" and the responses we feel are rediculous. The fact is the public already has their own agenda and have their own answer to every question he is asked. Any answer that doesn't support their beliefs is a bad answer and "unacceptable". What good would it do for him to throw the players or coaches under the bus the way were playing? For what ever reason he's already made it clear that he's sticking with Vandy (which I completely disagree with) so what good would it be to single him out as a major reason we're struggling when ding ding ding we already know.

He knows the players and IMO he dodges questions to protect them and the staff. He knows the mindset that he's working with and is going to do whatever he can to keep things positive in the locker room even if it means dancing around questions and upsetting fans who are most likely already upset with him.

I'm by no means supporting the decisions he's been making regarding personnel and schemes, but the fact is I honestly don't get why he's expected to come out and point fingers and explain why we're losing when anyone watching this team already knows the answer.
Your posts. And most of the posts on this site.

Jeez, you people need a reality check.

In your opinion, Ferentz is beyond reproach?
His National Championship level compensation coupled with his mediocre results should not be questioned or criticized?
Ferentz owes nothing to anyone?
In your opinion, Ferentz is beyond reproach?
His National Championship level compensation coupled with his mediocre results should not be questioned or criticized?
Ferentz owes nothing to anyone?

You didn't know? ICHawk24 is Mary Ferentz. So yeah, according to her, Kirk is beyond reproach!
Yup, the Coaches have a job to do..
There's about 10 fricking coaches on the sidelines and how many in the press box? And not a one of them can watch a play clock?

Yep I guess that really is beyond the scope of a coaches responsibilities to watch the game clock.
Because you are doing nothing but observing. They have a job to do. They have to worry about the next play, getting the right personnel on the field, start thinking about the play after next, etc.

"The man in the arena" and all that jazz. You're just staring at the play clock and thinking "what an idiot, he doesn't notice the play clock" when its a whirlwind of action down there on the sideline and on the headsets.

Sometimes you people need to get out and experience the world.

Yup, the Coaches have a job to do..
There's about 10 fricking coaches on the sidelines and how many in the press box? And not a one of them can watch a play clock?
There are plenty of Kirk shortcomings. The program is what it is, which is 4-4 after two straight 7-5. Rudock not playing is ridiculous. Continuing to throw 3 yard outs with the roster we have is ridiculous. (it is probably ridiculous with any roster.) The 2008/2009 recruiting has left a giant talent hole on the roster. This is all under Kirk's command.

But to parse his press conference quotes, to ***** and moan about his supposed lack of emotion, calling him Kurt, to call anyone who doesn't join in the pitchforks "Mary", proudly proclaiming on the interwebs that you aren't renewing season tickets when next year you will actually come slinking back, etc., is asshattery at best.

Good luck to your circle jerk.
I'm a KF fan, but the flurry on the headsets should have included the play clock. That delay of game is really an inexcusable penalty, especially at that point of the game, and especially with 3 TO's. Looking back (Capital One 2004, Wisconsin 2010) clock management issues have shown their face several times, sometimes it worked, others not so much. Penalties like that in critical moments make the coaching staff look incompetent, FACT. Can't be argued. Someone who has experienced the world should know that.

Bottom line is, fans are frustrated, especially in this 'what have you done for me lately' world we live in.
I honestly think KF cares, but at times his attitude appears very apathetic. I hate his casual, ho-hum, well that's football, type answers. I, for one, would like to see him get outrageously p i$$e d off one time and show some fire. maybe he is in the locker room.

We all want to see Iowa win, and we want 9+ win seasons year after year, and we would like a head coach that appears to think that that is possible. The way KF comes across to many is "well only 50% of teams win every week." To me that's a horse $hit answer but that's what he's been like for the apst 14 years so not sure how that is going to change.

I will raise one point of argument, and I do think that the exectations for the program need to be raised both by the public and the University. If .500 seasons are the expectation and anything over is a bonus, then Iowa, sadly, will never reach the competitive status of OSU, Michigan, Penn St. or Wisconsin.

Because you are doing nothing but observing. They have a job to do. They have to worry about the next play, getting the right personnel on the field, start thinking about the play after next, etc.

"The man in the arena" and all that jazz. You're just staring at the play clock and thinking "what an idiot, he doesn't notice the play clock" when its a whirlwind of action down there on the sideline and on the headsets.

Sometimes you people need to get out and experience the world.
First you are comparing football wins to company revenue.

That's your first issue. You need to look at football revenue. It's still one of the top 20 in the country, it pretty much pays for every other Iowa Sports team and did a hell of a lot more to save programs and pick up the slack with the very, very, lean years we have had with the basketball program. Sure it could start to go down once people stop donating and stop buying season tickets but as of today that hasn't happened. Until it does nothing is going to happen whether you like it or not.

Look, I and everyone else wants this team to win more games and I have no problem with those that think KF needs to be replaced. That said as others have mentioned no amount of emails or rants about reading into KF's comments **** you off are going to change anything. The only thing you can do to have any effect on the Football program and your dissatisfaction with KF is to stop giving money (if you do) and quit going to games.

That's it pretty much it.

As for your reading into KF's comments I think you are trying to hard, KF loves to win and hates to lose more than anybody else and the emotion he shows after a big win pretty much shows that.

Again, I am not giving him a pass for where the program is right now but people really need to get a life, that is all KF was trying to say.

The only person who needs a reality check right now in regards to Iowa football is Ferentz. If Iowa football is really not that big a deal and people should not be passionate about it, then why in the **** do we need to pay someone $3.8 million to run a program no one is supposed to care about?
There are plenty of Kirk shortcomings. The program is what it is, which is 4-4 after two straight 7-5. Rudock not playing is ridiculous. Continuing to throw 3 yard outs with the roster we have is ridiculous. (it is probably ridiculous with any roster.) The 2008/2009 recruiting has left a giant talent hole on the roster. This is all under Kirk's command.

But to parse his press conference quotes, to ***** and moan about his supposed lack of emotion, calling him Kurt, to call anyone who doesn't join in the pitchforks "Mary", proudly proclaiming on the interwebs that you aren't renewing season tickets when next year you will actually come slinking back, etc., is asshattery at best.

Good luck to your circle jerk.

ICHawk24 are you posting this from Kinnick?

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