Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....

I got to thinking about this answer, as far as him saying that the world isn't going to end if they lose and they aren't creating a new civilization if they win. When you move past the hyperbole, it's basically, "We're playing a football game here, it's not a big deal."

The more I think about that answer, it just pi$$es me off. You know Kirk, if it's not such a big deal, then why the heck is the U of I paying you like it IS a big deal? Why is the U of I charging me out the wazoo like it is a big deal? Why is the U of I getting paid tens of millions of dollars from networks like ESPN and BTN if it's not a big deal? If it's not a big deal, why does the U of I continue to spend millions upon millions of dollars on upgrades to Kinnick, brand spanking new football facilities, and all of the other excesses?

I'm sorry, but my passion and the passion of Hawkeye fans all across the country is the reason Hawkeye football is a big deal and is the reason why he is getting paid $4M/year to coach a game. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason that the team constantly gets better bowl games than their record may indicate that he can then put on his resume and use for leverage to get a bigger contract. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason we are able to keep up with the Jones' in regards to facilities.

The man was toiling in the NFL as a position coach and the U of I gives him his big break by bringing him in as the head coach of a major conference program, throws millions of dollars at him over the course of the last 14 years, guarantees him millions more over the course of the next 8 years....essentially setting up him and multiple generations of his for a long time, gives him all of the resources he needs to compete, raises ticket prices on fans in order to give him all of this and his response to negativity from fans who are unhappy with the results given all that has been given to him is to tell us, "It's just's no big deal."?

Could there be any more pompous, arrogant, condescending, ungrateful answer than that? Other than flipping us the bird and telling us to go F ourselves, probably not.

It always comes down to his salary. Always.
Yep I guess that really is beyond the scope of a coaches responsibilities to watch the game clock.

That's why everybody else in the country also struggles getting plays in quickly and delay of games aren't unusual.

Oh, wait...
The only person who needs a reality check right now in regards to Iowa football is Ferentz. If Iowa football is really not that big a deal and people should not be passionate about it, then why in the **** do we need to pay someone $3.8 million to run a program no one is supposed to care about?


"why do we need to pay someone $3.8 million"

Do you pay KF by check or do you have a monthly bank transfer that goes into his account?

Again, hate the guy, his coaching all you want but give me a break with the "we pay" crap. Just like anything else in the world if you don't like the service or entertainment your $$ is buying that quit paying for it and find something else to do with your money.

In fact any Iowa fan that dislikes KF or wants him fired and continues to donate or buy tickets is part of the problem they are ******** about and not part of the solution.

As for the way KF is in his press conferences it's called being politically correct, ask any reporter about them, they hate covering them because it makes their job that much harder to do. He doesn't throw players under the bus he doesn't give one liners like Hayden did that makes stories easier to write.

There are far more coaches out there like KF than those that throw players under the bus or say that they sucked etc.

I swear sometimes it makes me laugh the things that fans come up with to complain about.

Again, if you don't like the product, quit paying for it.
Good God to people need to reread things from time to time.

All Spank was pointing out was that he coached in the NFL for a number of years not that it was a guarantee to be a successful coach.

The post that Spank was responding to said that his previous "claim to fame before coming to Iowa was a losing record at Maine"

I think we can all agree that coaching in the NFL under a coach that will go down as one of the best NFL coaches of all time looks a little bit better on a resume than head coach at Maine.


My bad. Thanks for the education.
You're absolutely right, which is why this will be the last year the wife and I shell out for season tickets. So for those looking for good seats, there will be 4 opening up at the end of the year. Have at 'em.

Great! I am looking to upgrade my seats and maybe purchase an additional season ticket for 2013. Really appreciate it!
Does anyone else just immediately stop reading posts when they start ******** about Ferentz's salary? I'd be just as ****** about this season if our coach was making $2 a year. I really don't care how much our coach makes.

Yup. I do. Thanks.

Again, hate the guy, his coaching all you want but give me a break with the "we pay" crap. Just like anything else in the world if you don't like the service or entertainment your $$ is buying that quit paying for it and find something else to do with your money.

In fact any Iowa fan that dislikes KF or wants him fired and continues to donate or buy tickets is part of the problem they are ******** about and not part of the solution.

Again, if you don't like the product, quit paying for it.

I disagree. "we" the fans thru ticket purchases and donations and for uping the ratings on TV pay for the athletic program which gets no state funding. If college/Big10 football wasnt a hugely watched sport by the FANS, it would not exist even close to the way it is now.

TIcket prices keep going up and the product keeps going down. They reseated the stadium and made people either give up their seats or pay donations thru the nose and the product is mediocre.

I like KF. I think he is an above average head coach more for his managerial skills than in-game decision making.

But dont go telling people to stop being fans, we are very strong fans and want improvement.

I would think it great if just once this year they did something on offense to try to fool the other team (besides the flea flicker). Something like a wildcat formation or spread option with Bullock or Garmon as the QB and JVB spread out as a wide out.

How about a sweep play from shotgun and a throwback pass to JVB down the other sideline.

How about a fake punt or fg.

How about a halfback pass or lateral and pass?

I dont think it would be that hard to run 5 or six of these type plays a game to get the fans back into it and make it hard on the opponent.
I disagree. "we" the fans thru ticket purchases and donations and for uping the ratings on TV pay for the athletic program which gets no state funding. If college/Big10 football wasnt a hugely watched sport by the FANS, it would not exist even close to the way it is now.

TIcket prices keep going up and the product keeps going down. They reseated the stadium and made people either give up their seats or pay donations thru the nose and the product is mediocre.

I like KF. I think he is an above average head coach more for his managerial skills than in-game decision making.

But dont go telling people to stop being fans, we are very strong fans and want improvement.

I would think it great if just once this year they did something on offense to try to fool the other team (besides the flea flicker). Something like a wildcat formation or spread option with Bullock or Garmon as the QB and JVB spread out as a wide out.

How about a sweep play from shotgun and a throwback pass to JVB down the other sideline.

How about a fake punt or fg.

How about a halfback pass or lateral and pass?

I dont think it would be that hard to run 5 or six of these type plays a game to get the fans back into it and make it hard on the opponent.

While I agreed with HoffaHawk that people who want change can step toward that change by effectively boycotting home games, I also agree with you that it shouldn't have to come to people "stop[ping] being fans" and emptying the stadium to make a point. If 4-8 becomes our new 7-5*, then a partial exodus of season ticket holders will inevitably happen.

*- I don't think this will happen, given our last two recruiting classes, but as a preemptive coping mechanism, I am expecting all of our FR, RS FR, and SO players to transfer after this year.
I disagree. "we" the fans thru ticket purchases and donations and for uping the ratings on TV pay for the athletic program which gets no state funding. If college/Big10 football wasnt a hugely watched sport by the FANS, it would not exist even close to the way it is now.

TIcket prices keep going up and the product keeps going down. They reseated the stadium and made people either give up their seats or pay donations thru the nose and the product is mediocre.

But dont go telling people to stop being fans, we are very strong fans and want improvement.

Again, my point was that ******** and moaning about the coach on a message board isn't going to do anything to get the "change" so many people want. Like it or not the only way that change will actually happen is #1. If Barta feels like KF can no longer coach or #2. Is forced to change because people stop going to games and donating which causes revenues to go down. It's that simple.

As far as your point about reseating the stadium and forcing people to give up their seats or pay a per seat donation, last time I checked the stadium is pretty much sold out every game and those wanting extra season tikcets or people wanting season tickets for the first time this past year were told no. That shows there still is a demand for tickets even with the mediocre product on the field and prices going up. It's called good business.

I also never told anybody to stop being a fan, there are thousands of Iowa fans that don't have season tickets and don't donate a dime. That doesn't make them non Iowa fans, they just aren't part of the actual group that supports the program money wise. And as fans the only way that one can voice their displeasure with where the program is headed or KF as head coach is to not buy tickets.

I think every fan wants to be better, it doesn't matter if Iowa is 3-9 or 10-2 there will always be fans wanting more, it's the nature of the beast. Look around College football there are only a handful of fan bases that are happy after each season. That's how things work. Short of winning a NC, conference title, bowl game or a horrible team making a bowl for the first time in years most teams end the year saying we could have done better, etc.

It's why we are all fans.

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