Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....

Have fun next year. I know I will at Kinnick.

Watching boring football started wearing thin for me during the successful '09 season. The thinness wore thru for me during the '10 season, which was similar to the '09 season except the ball bounced the other way more often than not. I want a coach with the killer instinct that isn't afraid to go for the throat early and often. I'm beyond tired of ultra-conservative, boring, predictable, transparent football. The Pat Fitzgerald's of the football world are not, they are laughing all the way to the winning column. Have fun watching the Iowa football program continue to degenerate into mediocrity. At least you can console yourself by deluding yourself into believing that you are a true fan, unlike those that refuse to accept being served a hit dog while paying for steak.
Couldn't have said any of that better myself Spider. The flip attitude he has had for almost a decade is ridiculous. I swear, it seems the ONLY people who seem to care about the games (and hurt when we lose), is US, the FANS. The coaches coach and prepare like they couldn't care less. The players play like they couldn't care less (on any given Saturday, we will always be the LEAST emotional/inspired team on the field). It seems the last place they want to be is inconvenienced for 3 hours by having to be on a football field 12 times a year.
I'm not deluded. Iowa went 6-1 at home in 2011. I was at every one of those games and had fun at every one of those games. Did I kid myself that the overall 2011 season was a bed of roses? No. Have I enjoyed watching three home losses this year? No. But I keep it in perspective and enjoy it where I can.

Its kind of like life. There are good parts and bad parts. Enjoy the good, get past the bad.

There are definitely frustrating parts of the Kirk regime. But I'm not going to let it spoil the good parts.
I swear, it seems the ONLY people who seem to care about the games (and hurt when we lose), is US, the FANS.

This is the definition of delusion. You really need to step back if you think you care more than the coaches and the players. It is, quite literally, their life. Just because they've been doing poorly doesn't mean they don't care.
haha. i don't think i've ever seen you post something like this before. this is absolutely hilarious. i mean if i'd seen it 300 times i don't think it would be funny, but since this is the first time its incredibly comical. thank you

y u mad tho?
lol, i just realized where i'd heard the name spider rico. still ****** rock knocked ya out in the second round rico?
While what he says is true in the final analysis, such comments need to be tempered against the passion and loyalty of many in the fanbase. By and large, we don't want to hear that. We want to exist in an environment where winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. We want our coach to feel the same way, and as importantly, express those feelings in some way. I unconditionally believe KF wants to win as much as us fans want Iowa to win. I cannot believe he thinks, come see, come saw about the outcome of a game. And I would think that Barta would not allow that type of attitude from our coach. When he makes the "that's football" type of response, it burns. Partially because we know that's true, and partially because we don't want our coach to acknowledge that's true. I cannot believe the Ferentz, who has spent over 20 years at Iowa, wants his legacy to be tarnished by middling results or even worse, a dismissal from his job. However, I don't expect him to change his attitude or demeanor in these press conferences or other public statements. We're not going to get any Mike Gundy/Denny Green moments out of Ferentz. Bottom line, he needs to win more ball games. How he does it is his call, but that's his directive, pure and simple. If that happens, "that's football" will become more tolerable. If it doesn't happen, "that's football" may take on a different meaning for him.
That's priceless coming from a man who's only claim to fame before being hired at Iowa was a losing record at Maine.

I agree, there's someone that needs some perspective here....but it ain't me.

Yeah, I mean that half decade in the NFL under the tutelage of Brian Bilichek was just fluff on the ol' resume, right?
"There are definitely frustrating parts of the Kirk regime. But I'm not going to let it spoil the good parts"

Haha. People act like Ferentz is volunteering his time and doing a great thing for Iowa, its just recreational.
"There are definitely frustrating parts of the Kirk regime. But I'm not going to let it spoil the good parts"

Haha. People act like Ferentz is volunteering his time and doing a great thing for Iowa, its just recreational.

We could certainly stand to shake some things up. But anyone saying that it will be the medicine to what ails us, really doesn't know.

Here is what I know, and what I feel.

A season in which we go into the last weekend of the season needing a win to win our division is a great season.
Anything else is just varying levels of acceptable or not acceptable.
Yeah, I mean that half decade in the NFL under the tutelage of Brian Bilichek was just fluff on the ol' resume, right?

Coaching under Bill Belichek doesn't = you're going to be a great head coach.

Fat Charlie: fired at ND, about to be fired by Kansas (NCAA FB equivalent to being fired at McDonalds)
Romeo Crennel: fired by CLE , seat is getting pretty hot in KC
Josh McDaniels: fired by Denver
My job's awesome and I don't envy him one bit. But then again, I don't go and tell my boss when asked why sales are down, "Hey, it's just business. It's the ebb and flow of the economy. It's not like we're the only ones that are experiencing hits to revenue."

By the way, no CEO talks like that either. Well, no one except Kirk.

First you are comparing football wins to company revenue.

That's your first issue. You need to look at football revenue. It's still one of the top 20 in the country, it pretty much pays for every other Iowa Sports team and did a hell of a lot more to save programs and pick up the slack with the very, very, lean years we have had with the basketball program. Sure it could start to go down once people stop donating and stop buying season tickets but as of today that hasn't happened. Until it does nothing is going to happen whether you like it or not.

Look, I and everyone else wants this team to win more games and I have no problem with those that think KF needs to be replaced. That said as others have mentioned no amount of emails or rants about reading into KF's comments **** you off are going to change anything. The only thing you can do to have any effect on the Football program and your dissatisfaction with KF is to stop giving money (if you do) and quit going to games.

That's it pretty much it.

As for your reading into KF's comments I think you are trying to hard, KF loves to win and hates to lose more than anybody else and the emotion he shows after a big win pretty much shows that.

Again, I am not giving him a pass for where the program is right now but people really need to get a life, that is all KF was trying to say.
My biggest concern is that we get the lick effect in the event Kirk goes. As much as it pains us to think, it could actually go south with a change in the command. A bad hire, and we're bottom feeding and unlike basketball it's alot harder and more time consuming overhauling a football roster then it is a basketball roster. This is by no means a shot at Fran, I think it's remarkable how quickly he's got this team headed back in the right direction, but I think it is something that would take a considerable amount of time if it happened to our football team.

While I refuse to accept simply being mediocre, I also acknowledge the fact that things could get much worse then the usual 7-5 seasons that we've been seeing lately.
Coaching under Bill Belichek doesn't = you're going to be a great head coach.

Fat Charlie: fired at ND, about to be fired by Kansas (NCAA FB equivalent to being fired at McDonalds)
Romeo Crennel: fired by CLE , seat is getting pretty hot in KC
Josh McDaniels: fired by Denver

Good God to people need to reread things from time to time.

All Spank was pointing out was that he coached in the NFL for a number of years not that it was a guarantee to be a successful coach.

The post that Spank was responding to said that his previous "claim to fame before coming to Iowa was a losing record at Maine"

I think we can all agree that coaching in the NFL under a coach that will go down as one of the best NFL coaches of all time looks a little bit better on a resume than head coach at Maine.

First you are comparing football wins to company revenue.

That's your first issue. You need to look at football revenue. It's still one of the top 20 in the country, it pretty much pays for every other Iowa Sports team and did a hell of a lot more to save programs and pick up the slack with the very, very, lean years we have had with the basketball program. Sure it could start to go down once people stop donating and stop buying season tickets but as of today that hasn't happened. Until it does nothing is going to happen whether you like it or not.

Look, I and everyone else wants this team to win more games and I have no problem with those that think KF needs to be replaced. That said as others have mentioned no amount of emails or rants about reading into KF's comments **** you off are going to change anything. The only thing you can do to have any effect on the Football program and your dissatisfaction with KF is to stop giving money (if you do) and quit going to games.

That's it pretty much it.

As for your reading into KF's comments I think you are trying to hard, KF loves to win and hates to lose more than anybody else and the emotion he shows after a big win pretty much shows that.

Again, I am not giving him a pass for where the program is right now but people really need to get a life, that is all KF was trying to say.

Unbelievable!!! To think that the head coach would have more invested and care more about losing then those that post on here. How dare you say such rubbish.
Does anyone else just immediately stop reading posts when they start ******** about Ferentz's salary? I'd be just as ****** about this season if our coach was making $2 a year. I really don't care how much our coach makes.

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