Kirk apparently confirms Jake is the starter

We scored 17 points against ISU, and more importantly, we lost. We scored 24 against Purdue, and won.

Purdue is an order of magnitude worse than ISU. Watching the game (during the IC Brewfest, mind you!) I thought Bettendorf High School could play with Purdue.
There were 5-6 dropped passes in the first half against Purdue, the majority at or beyond the sticks. Against ISU, the passes weren't reaching the sticks.

But, I'm sure you took that into account.

Well, going through the play-by-play on ESPN, I counted 5 incomplete passes that directly contributed to stopping Iowa from scoring. Of course, all 5 were during longer drives than 3 and out. Also, they don't say how long the incompleted pass was for, just that it was incomplete.
I'm absolutely certain The Captain is losing sleep because he's lost
credibility with an anonymous internet critic who calls himself blubberhawk.


Captain "It only took 6 successful fake punts against me for me to figure out we were doing something wrong" Ferentz will not lose any sleep. Why would he? He has the best job in America. He gets an elite salary while producing mediocre results with absolute job security.
If Iowa loses to Indiana and offense looks putrid, Kirk is going to lose a lot of his credibility. I'm sure the first 3 and out with Jake will go over really well at Kinnick.

Too late, he has already lost his credibility.
This offense is "offensive" first becasue of Davis and unwatchable with Rudduck "the great dinker", at QB.
Well, going through the play-by-play on ESPN, I counted 5 incomplete passes that directly contributed to stopping Iowa from scoring. Of course, all 5 were during longer drives than 3 and out. Also, they don't say how long the incompleted pass was for, just that it was incomplete.

Daniels drop was on a third down near the sticks...hit him right in the hands. very good chance he picks up the first.

Was a three and out, unless my memory completely fails me.
JR's 67% completion %, has yielded averages of 6.3 ypa / 9.4 ypc / 228 ypg.
CJB's 54% has yielded averages of 7.6 ypa / 14.0 ypc avg / 242 ypg.
-- (Numbers are skewed down by a much larger number of drops over a smaller number of attempts, at least 6 drops on CJB to 2 or 3 on JR.)

JR has commanded the offense to 20.6 ppg and a 2W - 1.5L record against #7 FCS defense, #56 and #103 FBS defenses.
CJB has commanded the offense to 27.3 ppg and a 1.5W - 0L record against #8 and #65 FBS defenses.

Not only have I watched them play, I've watched JR regress from his 4th qtr comeback vs Ball State to a very bad performance vs ISU and Pitt. Meanwhile, I've watched CJB work through the 1st half of Purdue and look very strong -- poised, precise and proficient -- as he settled in and the game progressed.

As others have stated, the ceiling is much higher with CJB and while you can cite completion %, I'll cite production and W's.

You lost me when you said that Jake has only been victim to 2-3 drips this season. I mean really!?!
How so? There were team losses as a result of keeping Stanzi on the bench. ISU this year is a win if they pull the trigger sooner. Jake gave everything he could to beat an FCS UNI team and a bad Ball State team.

You are confusing speculation with fact.
If CJ comes out and plays the second half against ISU like he did the first half of Purdue, we would probably have lost by more.
My example showed that Stanzi >>> Jake C.....same thing as CJ >>> JR. Comparing Jake C and Jake R is irrelevant.

First, I think that your assumption that CJ is that much better than Jake is off. CJ may have greater potential than Jake, but I personally don't think his performance has been head and shoulders above Jake's. That being said, I fully expect CJ to be the starter by the end of the year.

Second, the reason why the comparison between JR and JC is relavant is that JR is a much better QB than JC. Playing a proven decent QB over a high potential QB isn't what happened with JC/Stanzi. JC wasn't that decent.
This QB quandary is far more reminiscent of McCann/Banks. A decent QB playing over a high potential player.
How so? There were team losses as a result of keeping Stanzi on the bench. ISU this year is a win if they pull the trigger sooner. Jake gave everything he could to beat an FCS UNI team and a bad Ball State team.

And CJ threw for 98 yards against a team that just lost to Akron.
Congratulations! You win the dumbest post of the day award!

How so? You like seeing the better QB sit on the shelf and watch the team hand over losses? Take off your Jake R homer glasses and enjoy the view. Iowa should be 4-0 right now...The team plays much better as a whole when CJ is the QB
First, I think that your assumption that CJ is that much better than Jake is off. CJ may have greater potential than Jake, but I personally don't think his performance has been head and shoulders above Jake's. That being said, I fully expect CJ to be the starter by the end of the year.

Second, the reason why the comparison between JR and JC is relavant is that JR is a much better QB than JC. Playing a proven decent QB over a high potential QB isn't what happened with JC/Stanzi. JC wasn't that decent.
This QB quandary is far more reminiscent of McCann/Banks. A decent QB playing over a high potential player.

Fail, Banks was not ready to play and he came out and said so. CJ is more than ready to play and he will only get better. I would rather the team go all in with their potential ceiling instead of treading water and hoping it is good enough.

Either way the games are much more appealing when the offense has a pulse.
Lets see Jake throw the dart to Powell and change the momentum. I must have missed the 4 yard passes/thrashing that Jake would have put on them in the first half.

You are obviously either ignorant to the fact that Jake threw pretty much that same pass to Powell (which Powell lateraled to a db instead of easily catching) or you are using revisionist history to try to prove a point.
He could start jake the cannon Christensen and he could rifle 127 straight passes into the ground at the feet of our receivers for all I care after hearing about this for the last 2700 threads. Start scherff at this point

Man I hope you didn't mean what you you said here.

What I think you meant to say is that the only thing Jake has over CJ is experience, and even that statement is so wrong, it makes me wonder if you actually watched either of them play. In case you hadn't though, one has a completion percentage of 67% and the other has one of 54% this year.

Fail. This statement is so ridiculous it makes wonder if you've watched any games this year. Seriously. Answer this you think there is an inverse relationship between distance of throw and completion percentage? If so I'm pretty sure you can figure the rest out. If not, well.....

On second thought you're probably right. Would much rather have Jake over guys like Gunner Kiel or Bryce Petty. Completion percentage is everything and since Jake's is higher he's clearly better than both.
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He could start jake the cannon Christensen and he could rifle 127 straight passes into the ground at the feet of our receivers for all I care after hearing about this for the last 2700 threads. Start scherff at this point

JC would have you eating those words by the second half.
First road start of his career and he dusted off the rust. His numbers for his first game were good enough to win my 14. Do you think Jake saves the day at Pitt? Which is a lousy team that just lost to Akron

Based on past performance I have no reason to believe Jake wouldn't
have lead the Hawks to victory. Do you?

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