Kirk apparently confirms Jake is the starter

marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 25m25 minutes ago

Ferentz on Sirius XM: Rudock is the starter . . . - TheGazette -- . . . but, yes, confirms that it’s QB by feel

Let's have some fun with his interview. He said IF Rudock is healthy he's the starter.

So if we're going to play the IF game this is how I see. IF Rudock starts against Indiana at home, plays the majority if not all the game and Iowa loses, hell will break lose on KF the likes of which he hasn't seen in quite a while.

And, IF this happens it won't change his mind any because he is old fashioned are hard headed. But any hair left on his had that's not gray will become gray quickly.

Rudock is a good QB and Beathard appears to be even better because he can consistently make throws Rudock doesn't like to make very often. He stays in the pocket longer without going all happy feet on us which gives the intermediate/deeper routes more time to open up. He is a better runner then Rudock.

The proof is in the one complete game Beathard started. He had 8 completions of 15 yards or more. Rudock has had 9 of those in 3 1/2 games. It's true Beathard takes more chances and yes this does create more risk. But reward typically is more abundant when one takes more risk.

And off this topic, just reading Greg Davis words from his press conference confirmed what I thought. His ego is as big as the state of Texas. He sure does think highly of himself because he's been doing this "41" years. What a tool!

41 years should get your team a MUCH MUCH higher national ranking then it is now.
Please, Dear Lord, let Jake get a first down on his first possession.....

Amazingly, it also looked it's worst with CJ at qb and therein lies the problem.

I know, that's blasphemous to say around these parts with the hard-on some of you have for James Vandenberg 2.0.

Are you intentionally being dense? I guess you enjoy 6-6 seasons. Carry on then.
You are confusing speculation with fact.
If CJ comes out and plays the second half against ISU like he did the first half of Purdue, we would probably have lost by more.

You mean if his receivers dropped 7 passes like they did in the first half against Purdue? And that's not hyperbole. They literally dropped 7 passes which is more than they have all season with Jake at QB. We were tied with Purdue at half despite those drops. Anyways, you've made it abundantly clear that you want Rudock to start and CJ to ride the bench. You're welcome to your opinion. Maybe you and Clark can start printing the t-shirts for the Detroit toilet bowl.
Personally, I'd start CJ. But I'm not as livid as some fans about Kirk's decision. He's thinking of the team more broadly, and standing on the principle that you don't lose your job because of injury.

As for JR being "terrible" against Iowa State, that may be: he was 16/24, 6.1 YPA, 54.9 rating. But CJB against Purdue was 17/37, 6.6 YPA for a 39.6 rating. Less drops would help, but that's true for JR also.

Again, I think starting CJ is the right call. Just disagree that it's a "no brainer" for the head coach, all things considered. What would make me mad is if JR starts, AND struggles (failure to target open downfield receivers needs to count as 'struggling'), AND isn't replaced.

Jake's had multiple starts to show he's fairly average. CJ has had 1.5 games. I don't think you can compare the two until CJ has had more snaps. It just seems like we need more than a game manager this year.
iowa's defense played much better against Purdue (and Purdue's offense just plain sucks).

Iowa scored 17 points on 9 possessions against ISU for 1.88 points/possession

Iowa scored 24 points on 15 possessions against Purdue for 1.6 points/possession

Did Iowa drop a perfectly thrown TD pass in the end zone against ISU? Did Iowa go for it on 4th down inside the 20 against ISU? (I actually don't know the answer to the last question.)
Did Iowa drop a perfectly thrown TD pass in the end zone against ISU? Did Iowa go for it on 4th down inside the 20 against ISU? (I actually don't know the answer to the last question.)

yes, they did it two or three times if I remember right. Converted all of them.
Just for arguments sake, what happens if Rudock starts and leads the team to touchdowns in his first few drives and looks good doing it? Does he get cheered by the so called fans or do people just remain quiet while they figure out what to do now?

That would make things interesting. I wonder if Rudock doesn't come out and take some chances that he wouldn't normally take, in order to quiet the nay-sayers? Completely sheds the Careful Kirk cloak of futility. We might get to see Kirk's head explode right on the sidelines.
That would make things interesting. I wonder if Rudock doesn't come out and take some chances that he wouldn't normally take, in order to quiet the nay-sayers? Completely sheds the Careful Kirk cloak of futility. We might get to see Kirk's head explode right on the sidelines.

I guess people keep forgetting that the Hawks came out vertical with JR against Pitt..

I guess people keep forgetting that the Hawks came out vertical with JR against Pitt..

Are they the same people that posted that Jake is responsible for 15 plays of over 15 yards in his 16 starts, while CJ is responsible for 9 in his 2 full games of playing time? Those people?

News flash: I could throw 30 bombs a game as the Iowa QB. If I only complete 1, it isn't doing us a whole lot of it? Jake can throw the same amount of long balls as CJ. He'd be lucky to complete half as many. In fact, the math would show that it's a whole lot less than half.

I guess people keep forgetting that the Hawks came out vertical with JR against Pitt..

Good point. What was the score at half time with JR going vertical? What was the score at the end of the game with CJ going vertical? Which game did we have the largest margin of victory and who was the QB in that game?
We'll see. ... The drawback is the timing with WRs and that might be minimized if each QB has his own group of WRs. Also, I don't see the added pressure as a drawback as long as each know they are going to get playing time.
Great observation. Each QB should get two WRs. a TE, and a RB. The rest of the skill group play in the normal rotation and get their reps @ practice divided between the two QBs.

Makes perfect sense which is why we will never see it.
Actually there's a coach out there very successful with bringing in the next QB when the first guy isn't doing it. I believe his name is Steve Spurrier...quite a few wins under that guy's belt. When my daughter is having a bad soccer game and the coach pulls her she knows why she's coming out...because she was terrible that particular day. KF's undying loyalty to bad play or bad play calling is mind numbing.
First, I think that your assumption that CJ is that much better than Jake is off. CJ may have greater potential than Jake, but I personally don't think his performance has been head and shoulders above Jake's. That being said, I fully expect CJ to be the starter by the end of the year.

Second, the reason why the comparison between JR and JC is relavant is that JR is a much better QB than JC. Playing a proven decent QB over a high potential QB isn't what happened with JC/Stanzi. JC wasn't that decent.
This QB quandary is far more reminiscent of McCann/Banks. A decent QB playing over a high potential player.

That Michigan game still makes me angry. Banks was able to move the ball against Michigan and McCan't was largely ineffective. I sat close to the visitor section and the Michigan fans were very surprised and relieved that KF decided to let McCan't finish the game against them. There are many things that KF excels at. But running an effective offense and game day decisions put him at the Jr high level. KF let one year of Banks slip thru his fingers when he had one of his best play making QB ever who finished highly in the Heisman race the next season.
This could be a total team meltdown. Hope not but I have a bad feeling about not naming CJ as the starter. There just has not been a good vibe all year with Jake leading the offense.

What separates great coaches from good coaches is making the tough decisions.
You mean if his receivers dropped 7 passes like they did in the first half against Purdue? And that's not hyperbole. They literally dropped 7 passes which is more than they have all season with Jake at QB. We were tied with Purdue at half despite those drops. Anyways, you've made it abundantly clear that you want Rudock to start and CJ to ride the bench. You're welcome to your opinion. Maybe you and Clark can start printing the t-shirts for the Detroit toilet bowl.

First, you act as if CJ is the only QB to have his passes dropped, ever.
You know who else had passes bounce off receivers hands, JVB.

Second, I have said on this board that I fully expect that CJ will be the starter by the end of the year. Because I think he should.

Third, I tire of all the crap that gets spewed about Jake, as he is a Hawk and deserves the fans' support, not chides, backhanded compliments, or discounting what he has done for the team.

Fourth, our fans need to be more realistic about CJ. He is not going to singlehandedly win us football games, just as no QB before him has singlehandedly lost us football games.

Fifth, I don't care for revisionist history or manipulating numbers to prove a point. I have no trouble calling people out on it.
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