Kinnick gameday music changing. Marketing consultant hired

They need to forcibly deny the geriatrics tickets, who sit on their hands at the game to keep the Buick's at home and their Depends on the Davenport. That is the problem. When I use to go with my Dad back in the 90's these old bastards who sat behind always bitched like the old hags they are for us standing up when Tim Dwight would be back for a punt return. Mind you these were in the west stands, 22 rows up on the northside of the 50 yard line, yard marker 46.

Great idea. After that’s accomplished we can work on the disabled and the minorities.
I will reserve my judgement of this new Marketing consultant hire until after the game tomorrow... or during if it is that lame.
Originally Posted by austinhawk
I'm sorry . From Iowa . Love Iowa. Hawk for life. AC/DC Back in Black makes everyone from around the nation think that we are a cross between Beevis and Butthead, and Joe Dirt! Just sayin!!

First of one from "around the country" knows or cares what we walk in to. Second...everyone else likes it, so shut your pie hole.

I second that. ESPN/BTN/ABC aren't airing the Hawks walk-up music. The only ones who hear it are in the stadium.
So what are you suggesting is the cause of the more tepid Kinnick experience these days? The product on the field?

No its those Damn Children of the boomers. Coddled by their narcissistic parents. Seen the student section lately. Damn Lazy kids with noses stuck in their twitter machines. OOOOH too far to walk to kinnick I'll just stay back at the dorm/apartment and play XBOX and order wings on daddy's credit card.
In their defense Microsoft has made vast improvements to their Xbox gaming console. Oz while you're at it why not yell at them to get off of your lawn? :) It would be nice to see a resurgence in the student section but if they aren't willing to go, sell the tickets to those who want to go.
It may not be so much what music is played but the timing of when the music is played and timing of when PA system is used for promotions. I hope they have someone running that operation on game day that has some sense of football acumen.

I remember gong to Dallas Mavericks games and the constant blasting of certain songs at each time out and the PA promotions was just annoying.

I agree that Back in the Black is just plain lame. I associate that song with high school. A bunch of dumb burnouts from the 70's with hair in their eyes sitting around getting baked. Obviously for other people, that song conjures up other things.
maybe they could put just make sure everyone can hear the band.

I have news for ya HM, the problem ain't the "geriatrics". Kinnick was largely dominated by old loyal season ticket holders when I was a student...and the place was nuts. They've always been a big part of the fan base, and most importantly the financial base. The problem is not them.

It's the wishy-washy fans who jumped on board during the hot seasons...and now decide whether or not to be a "fan" based on which team is on the visitor sidelines...or whether the Hawks have lost 2-3 games by late October. It's also the "fans" under 30 with the attention span of a house fly that can't focus their energy on one thing...especially a live, organic, analog thing... for more than 10-15 minutes. (WHAT?! no cell phone reception, Twitter, etc, OMG!!!) So they don't show up. The IOWA band has also become very weak. Watch a few other games on TV this weekend and notice the role the band plays...constant energy. The Hawkeye Marching Band is now directed by it's version of Todd Lickliter. Take it from someone who knows. And perhaps's the fact that the East Bank PC crowd has gradually (and successfully) chipped away at the atmosphere on Melrose and around Kinnick over the last 15 years. Add all that up...and you have your answer.

I was in the stands a lot in the 80s when it was crazy as hell. And there were plenty of alums with gray hair. Every big time program has 'em...they pay the bills. That ain't the problem.

This was one of the best posts in a long time! Way to go! (NO sarcasm here)
I agree that Back in the Black is just plain lame. I associate that song with high school. A bunch of dumb burnouts from the 70's with hair in their eyes sitting around getting baked. Obviously for other people, that song conjures up other things.

Back in Black was released on July 21 1980... but close enough. Would you rather Pat Boone or the Carpenters to pump up the team/crowd? I agree it is a little dated and the administration is encroaching on cliche territory by using "Back in Black" but it pumps me up. It is one of my favorite parts of game day... along with Enter Sandman. >goose flesh< FOOTBALL!!!!!! GO HAWKS!!!
As long as they stop coming out to "Old Time Rock n Roll" by Seger at half time - we're in good shape.
I have news for ya HM, the problem ain't the "geriatrics". Kinnick was largely dominated by old loyal season ticket holders when I was a student...and the place was nuts. They've always been a big part of the fan base, and most importantly the financial base. The problem is not them.

It's the wishy-washy fans who jumped on board during the hot seasons...and now decide whether or not to be a "fan" based on which team is on the visitor sidelines...or whether the Hawks have lost 2-3 games by late October. It's also the "fans" under 30 with the attention span of a house fly that can't focus their energy on one thing...especially a live, organic, analog thing... for more than 10-15 minutes. (WHAT?! no cell phone reception, Twitter, etc, OMG!!!) So they don't show up. The IOWA band has also become very weak. Watch a few other games on TV this weekend and notice the role the band plays...constant energy. The Hawkeye Marching Band is now directed by it's version of Todd Lickliter. Take it from someone who knows. And perhaps's the fact that the East Bank PC crowd has gradually (and successfully) chipped away at the atmosphere on Melrose and around Kinnick over the last 15 years. Add all that up...and you have your answer.

I was in the stands a lot in the 80s when it was crazy as hell. And there were plenty of alums with gray hair. Every big time program has 'em...they pay the bills. That ain't the problem.

I agree and I disagree. I think you have a point about the wishy-washy fans, but I also think you're overlooking the impact the old crabs have on the crowd as well. It isn't as obvious in Kinnick, but they are there. It's blatantly obvious in Carver because most of the folks sitting around the court are the rich old ones who donate a lot of money and it flat out irks me to no end the way most of them just sit there and act emotionless. I have seen some in Kinnick as well, but like I said they don't stand out as much because it's much bigger.

I sit in a season ticket section and everyone around me is always standing so it's not something I see that often personally. If they aren't standing then, well pardon my French, but **** them. I'm gonna cheer on my team and if you are stuck behind me sitting on your behind then so be it. I don't ask you to stand so don't ask me to sit. Now I wish you would stand and yell and help the crowd be more electric, but I'm not going to butt into your business and tell you to.

Like I said, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I would point to Carver during basketball season as evidence that the older crowd is absolutely part of the problem.
A few things that would vastly improve the gameday experience, IMO:

- Free wifi during games. Face it, these are the times we live in. Sharing photos online, checking out other scores, etc. It sucks having no cell phone usage during games and its such an easy fix
- Better food. The food options at the games are horrible. Do you want a crappy slice of pizza, a crappy hotdog, or a crappy taco?
- More bathrooms. The lines are ridiculous. Plus there's always that one idiot that goes into the exit of the bathroom, and all the lemmings follow and then there's just a clusterf***
- No more burrito lift and no more Delta Dental "put a smile on your face"
- Tell the music guy they're only allowed to play Machinehead intro once per game
- No more semi driving across the state and "smashing" the helmet of the other team on its way to iowa city. Super cheesy.

I dig the AC/DC, Enter Sandman with the swarm intro. It obviously gets the players and fans fired up

Other idea:
- Dance team cheers naked
Pumped to hear this again tomorrow.

I agree and I disagree. I think you have a point about the wishy-washy fans, but I also think you're overlooking the impact the old crabs have on the crowd as well. It isn't as obvious in Kinnick, but they are there. It's blatantly obvious in Carver because most of the folks sitting around the court are the rich old ones who donate a lot of money and it flat out irks me to no end the way most of them just sit there and act emotionless. I have seen some in Kinnick as well, but like I said they don't stand out as much because it's much bigger.

I sit in a season ticket section and everyone around me is always standing so it's not something I see that often personally. If they aren't standing then, well pardon my French, but **** them. I'm gonna cheer on my team and if you are stuck behind me sitting on your behind then so be it. I don't ask you to stand so don't ask me to sit. Now I wish you would stand and yell and help the crowd be more electric, but I'm not going to butt into your business and tell you to.

Like I said, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I would point to Carver during basketball season as evidence that the older crowd is absolutely part of the problem.

Yep, I've had that experience at CHA. I know what you mean. (and I'm in the "over 40" crowd). I actually told a woman behind me (when I was younger and much more wreckless) that Hancher was on the other side of campus if she wanted to watch a show... this was a sporting event. I think the students need to be in better seating. That would make a big difference.

But I'd suggest it's not a significant issue with football. 70,000 fans can more than make up for some that are more passive.
"Tell the music guy they're only allowed to play Machinehead intro once per game" -BRL! No doubt! I had a friend who's a Michigan fan watching the game last season and he texted me "you guys sure love ya some Bush" ....every flipping stoppage of play... Machinehead
I think a lot of people are going to surprised and slightly confused when the consultant starts playing music the students wanted to hear along with the players. One of the problem with Kinnick music is that when hawkeye sports ask for suggestions, 40 year olds all over twitter give terrible suggestions.

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