Kinnick gameday music changing. Marketing consultant hired

I have news for ya HM, the problem ain't the "geriatrics". Kinnick was largely dominated by old loyal season ticket holders when I was a student...and the place was nuts. They've always been a big part of the fan base, and most importantly the financial base. The problem is not them.

It's the wishy-washy fans who jumped on board during the hot seasons...and now decide whether or not to be a "fan" based on which team is on the visitor sidelines...or whether the Hawks have lost 2-3 games by late October. It's also the "fans" under 30 with the attention span of a house fly that can't focus their energy on one thing...especially a live, organic, analog thing... for more than 10-15 minutes. (WHAT?! no cell phone reception, Twitter, etc, OMG!!!) So they don't show up. The IOWA band has also become very weak. Watch a few other games on TV this weekend and notice the role the band plays...constant energy. The Hawkeye Marching Band is now directed by it's version of Todd Lickliter. Take it from someone who knows. And perhaps's the fact that the East Bank PC crowd has gradually (and successfully) chipped away at the atmosphere on Melrose and around Kinnick over the last 15 years. Add all that up...and you have your answer.

I was in the stands a lot in the 80s when it was crazy as hell. And there were plenty of alums with gray hair. Every big time program has 'em...they pay the bills. That ain't the problem.


Granted, I'm a bit biased -- as a student of the 80's, not too far away from my AARP eligibility. On the other hand, as a Gen-Xer, I came of age during the greatest decade of Americana, which ushered in virtually every single social attitude, technological advance and lifestyle of the modern day (yes, the jury is still out on how many "monsters" were spawned, but that's more on the users than the makers ;)). Although we're growing older, we still haven't grown up, so, when we're at Kinnick and back on campus, it might as well be 1985, well, because most of us still think we run that place!!

If up to me, I'd stand the whole fvcking game, just like back when the NW corner made a difference. I'd be chugging (and sharing) my bota concoction, kissing strangers' girlfriends and passing coeds to the top of the stadium.
* Sidebar: I still have my bota. Not only as a momento but still clinging to that futile hope that, one day, IC will regain some rationality and tone down the PC, and we can all experience what a Hawkeye game was like in the glory days. In the meantime, I abuse the privilege of being an east-sider -- barely a look, let alone a pat-down, while I tote in a handful of airline tequilas and vodkas in the bottom pockets of my cargo shorts. Age does have some benefits ;). *

Point: I agree, it ain't me and my generation. Prolly not any single "generation". Mostly, it's the individual that somehow forgets Kinnick is a football stadium, not a theatre. Not to mention, given the combo of the elements and their personal physical condition, they forget they prolly shouldn't be there in the first place.

They just keep renewing and coming, year after year, as they grow older and older, till, pretty soon, they just can't participate like they should and are just in the way but think you are too.........

... oh, sh!t, wait a minute ...

on second thought ... YOU sit down! Turn that CRAP down! Play me some "Sweet Caroline", "Hey Jude", and "Ol' Time Rock-n-Roll" please.:D
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I don't give a flyin f*ck what they play as long as it rev's up the crowd, and keeps it that way from start to finish.....Ok, boys and girls, my last Iowa game at Kinnick was against Illinois, and they had a guy by the name of Simeon Rice...Too long I say, and God D*mit I want some good who's w/me?....:D
We need this guy. Just call it the Unstopable Sasquach...

In their defense Microsoft has made vast improvements to their Xbox gaming console. Oz while you're at it why not yell at them to get off of your lawn? :) It would be nice to see a resurgence in the student section but if they aren't willing to go, sell the tickets to those who want to go.
Give the damn tickets to lantern park residents. Hell they'd make more noise than an empty student section. Yes get off my lawn fat boomer kid. Hell, I'd probably have to text em to get off my lawn. Damn punk head phone ear muff dr dre beats thingamajigs!
Pumped to hear this again tomorrow.


Not sure if serious...Actually, I'm not sure if I like or despise that song myself...especially at the games; I do like the video, in parts, but then there are those toothless parts...It's kinda like a train wreck but with girls on mechanical bulls, which is always nice...

Granted, I'm a bit biased -- as a student of the 80's, not too far away from my AARP eligibility. On the other hand, as a Gen-Xer, I came of age during the greatest decade of Americana, which ushered in virtually every single social attitude, technological advance and lifestyle of the modern day (yes, the jury is still out on how many "monsters" were spawned, but that's more on the users than the makers ;)). Although we're growing older, we still haven't grown up, so, when we're at Kinnick and back on campus, it might as well be 1985, well, because most of us still think we run that place!!

If up to me, I'd stand the whole fvcking game, just like back when the NW corner made a difference. I'd be chugging (and sharing) my bota concoction, kissing strangers' girlfriends and passing coeds to the top of the stadium.
* Sidebar: I still have my bota. Not only as a momento but still clinging to that futile hope that, one day, IC will regain some rationality and tone down the PC, and we can all experience what a Hawkeye game was like in the glory days. In the meantime, I abuse the privilege of being an east-sider -- barely a look, let alone a pat-down, while I tote in a handful of airline tequilas and vodkas in the bottom pockets of my cargo shorts. Age does have some benefits ;). *

Point: I agree, it ain't me and my generation. Prolly not any single "generation". Mostly, it's the individual that somehow forgets Kinnick is a football stadium, not a theatre. Not to mention, given the combo of the elements and their personal physical condition, they forget they prolly shouldn't be there in the first place.

They just keep renewing and coming, year after year, as they grow older and older, till, pretty soon, they just can't participate like they should and are just in the way but think you are too.........

... oh, sh!t, wait a minute ...

on second thought ... YOU sit down! Turn that CRAP down! Play me some "Sweet Caroline", "Hey Jude", and "Ol' Time Rock-n-Roll" please.:D

Good post yerself...What we really need though besides the bota bags, is that trumpet guy in the NW knothole to play the "♪ ♫ na-na-nah-nah-na-na (students)"GoHawks", na-na-nah-nah-na-na-(students)"GoHawks"♫♫♪ na-na-nah-na-aaah-ah, hit high note, drop horn, roll down hill, J section goes wild!

Granted, I'm a bit biased -- as a student of the 80's, not too far away from my AARP eligibility. On the other hand, as a Gen-Xer, I came of age during the greatest decade of Americana, which ushered in virtually every single social attitude, technological advance and lifestyle of the modern day (yes, the jury is still out on how many "monsters" were spawned, but that's more on the users than the makers ;)). Although we're growing older, we still haven't grown up, so, when we're at Kinnick and back on campus, it might as well be 1985, well, because most of us still think we run that place!!

If up to me, I'd stand the whole fvcking game, just like back when the NW corner made a difference. I'd be chugging (and sharing) my bota concoction, kissing strangers' girlfriends and passing coeds to the top of the stadium.
* Sidebar: I still have my bota. Not only as a momento but still clinging to that futile hope that, one day, IC will regain some rationality and tone down the PC, and we can all experience what a Hawkeye game was like in the glory days. In the meantime, I abuse the privilege of being an east-sider -- barely a look, let alone a pat-down, while I tote in a handful of airline tequilas and vodkas in the bottom pockets of my cargo shorts. Age does have some benefits ;). *

Point: I agree, it ain't me and my generation. Prolly not any single "generation". Mostly, it's the individual that somehow forgets Kinnick is a football stadium, not a theatre. Not to mention, given the combo of the elements and their personal physical condition, they forget they prolly shouldn't be there in the first place.

They just keep renewing and coming, year after year, as they grow older and older, till, pretty soon, they just can't participate like they should and are just in the way but think you are too.........

... oh, sh!t, wait a minute ...

on second thought ... YOU sit down! Turn that CRAP down! Play me some "Sweet Caroline", "Hey Jude", and "Ol' Time Rock-n-Roll" please.:D

Dude, know firstly...that I don't throw these words around cheaply. But...I love you, man...
Good post yerself...What we really need though besides the bota bags, is that trumpet guy in the NW knothole to play the "♪ ♫ na-na-nah-nah-na-na (students)"GoHawks", na-na-nah-nah-na-na-(students)"GoHawks"♫♫♪ na-na-nah-na-aaah-ah, hit high note, drop horn, roll down hill, J section goes wild!

I KNEW THAT GUY!! I know, I know, "yeah, right" but, seriously, he was a good friend of a guy I roomed with on S. Dodge. Think his name was Jon and wanna say he was from Schaumburg or another NE burb. Anyway, yes, he was in the N endzone and, 2-3 times / game, at the perfect moment (when the whole stadium could hear) he'd do his "call" and all would respond, "Go Hawks!". Between that and the, "Taste Great!", "Less Filling" challenges, the back-n-forth between the N endzone and NW students was classic!

That's when the "game experience" was about participating through relevant cheers, not simply being stimulated by jumbotrons and watching. Now, it's one big kumbaya circle with everyone doing the burrito lift in unison and hamming for the smile cam. Not to mention, try to bring in a freakin' trumpet and 2-star will think it's some -007 gadget for the sole purpose of injuring fellow fans.

Granted, I'm a bit biased -- as a student of the 80's, not too far away from my AARP eligibility.

This is pretty much the same time I was on campus. My first football season as a student was also Hayden Fry's first season. I really do feel sorry for the kids of today that don't get to experience what gameday and the stadium experience was like during those years. Maybe some of it is that things area always better when remembering "back in the day", but I made it back to a game a couple years ago and it's just different... way different. It's still cool to be at a game, but definitely not the party atmosphere I remember. I wish I still had my bota, but it's long gone by now.... probably still smells like peppermint schnaaps, wherever it is.
Dude, know firstly...that I don't throw these words around cheaply. But...I love you, man...

Thanks, brother! The credit goes to the era, I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to participate in the experience.

Give the crowd the freedom to have some fun (*gasp*, even a little reckless fun) and they really will get involved and contribute to, if not entirely create, the "gameday experience". The party + the great teams that made cheering easy and I can't help but recall the 80's as the glory days.

Oh, crap ... all this reminiscing and I'm behind schedule prepping & gathering the supplies for my only little 80's-esque party. Here it is 7am & I haven't even popped a "Daddy-pop" yet -- pathetic! Back in the day I would have been severely ridiculed and the penance would have been a 3-beer bong to "catch-up". At least now I've traded up from Old Style to Sam Adam's, so the palate is a bit happier, the headache a bit lighter and the toilet less punished ... t.m.i??

Rock-on and GO HAWKS!! See ya in Section 103.
Apparently things worked out good today because the uni coach said the two delay personalities were caused by the pa and band being so loud they couldn't communicate! Now that's an improvement!
I thought there was a noticeable difference in the music selections today. One they played music more often to disrupt the opposing team, and keep the noise level up, and two they played a lot of music I had never heard them play before.
I just about died laughing in the first quarter when they played machinehead… Then after that, never again! Great improvement!! Dare I say the atmosphere is coming back?
I just had a great idea for another band to play. This is the John Deere Polka! It is a fast pace fun polka that would sound great in the stadium. There might also be a chance for an endorsement here. The. Herkey gator could be driven during the song. It would just be fun!

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