KF sits DJK because Sandeman had better week of practice

This is simply a cover. You don't sit Iowa's all time leading WR because someone else had a better practice. Unless DJK literally decided he didn't want to practice then I can see KF benching him at the start which I can agree with.
Either way, this ticks me off. DJK is our all-time leading receiver. Not that he is above the rules or anything, but to supposedly bench DJK because he didn't practice as well as someone else.. I don't buy it. DJK is been in and out of KF's doghouse for years, so obviously they don't see eye to eye.
I'm just going to throw some wild speculation out there and suggest that perhaps DJK called the coaching staffs performance into question and Ferentz did not care for it.
I think KF was jealous at the reception that DJK got on Senior Day, he couldn't let him have the last laugh.


I think DJK has been a repeat offender for lack of effort in practice. Why would we not take KF's side on this, it had zero effect on his play. It also might have been a little reward for Sandeman's effort his senior year when he barely sniffed the field. He was a senior too that could have broke records at a 1-AA school. We had a weapon that unfortunately never had a chance to make it out if the holster.
KF has been criticized for being passive. Maybe this was his way of trying to motivate one of his best players. KF has also been criticized for never changing things up. Maybe he thought bringing DJK of the bench was the best for the offense. It worked at least with DJKs play. He was one player that had a good game
DJK doesn't need to be sat by a coach to perform. Some of your comments are ridiculious. He is a 5th year Sr playing in his last regular season game who is also the leading receiver in Iowa history. You don't sit him
DJK had a good day in spite of Kirk Ferentz, not because of Kirk Ferentz.

This sums up his whole career.

I don't know why in the world any big time play making recruit would be considering Iowa at this point. You will be underutilized your entire career here and play in one of the least creative offenses in the country. If we have a lead at halftime, don't expect to catch any balls in the second half, we wouldn't want to run up the score on anybody and possibly hurt their feelings.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I only saw #26, not #22 fielding punts yesterday? (Not that there was a lot of them)
I for one can't wait for DJK's memoirs to be released after he graduates and is drafted by some pro team. That and his Twitter account is going to light up like a christmas tree. :)

Should make for an amusing way to pass the time...
Rumor on Rivals is the DJK instigated the OSU post-game locker room fight with one of our defensive backs. It definitely would make sense for DJK to be pulled from the starting lineup over a fight than Sandeman's "practice performance".
Rumor on Rivals is the DJK instigated the OSU post-game locker room fight with one of our defensive backs. It definitely would make sense for DJK to be pulled from the starting lineup over a fight than Sandeman's "practice performance".

I doubt anyone on our defense had the heart to actually get in a fight. But if there was a fight I would imagine Clayborn just watched it happen while he was trying to catch his breath down on one knee nearby.
Rumor on Rivals is the DJK instigated the OSU post-game locker room fight with one of our defensive backs. It definitely would make sense for DJK to be pulled from the starting lineup over a fight than Sandeman's "practice performance".

Still not a good enough reason for me to bench him. Hard fought loss emotions will runneth over. Lame if true...

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