KF sits DJK because Sandeman had better week of practice

KF has been criticized for being passive. Maybe this was his way of trying to motivate one of his best players. KF has also been criticized for never changing things up. Maybe he thought bringing DJK of the bench was the best for the offense. It worked at least with DJKs play. He was one player that had a good game

DJK is always fired up! He always is the best guy on the field for the hawks, IMHO. He also did everything he could to win on Saturday, despite the efforts of the other yellow and white valium takers. He's a player, a competitor, and a great hawk. He had fire that I wish others had.

Guess what? Without his TD return, Iowa's "real" score was 17 (see most of our recent games if you don't know what I mean).
obviously his style did not fit in with a KF team. He was punished, and that's between him and DJK.

Now DJK needs to decide if he's going to rat out the team and coaches, or be a bigger person and practice hard, prepare for the bowl game, and hopefully end his Iowa career on a high note.

The kid has a ton of talent, and should find a spot on some NFL team if he does and says the right things.

He's also Iowa's best player, Iowa's all time leading receiver, and apparently the guy who really wants to win.
I dont have a problem with it, personally.
I've seen better seasons of Iowa football, so I think I will bench my checkbook, next season.
I dont have a problem with it, personally.
I've seen better seasons of Iowa football, so I think I will bench my checkbook, next season.

I know quite a few people who will take your tickets, then hopefully when you want back on the bandwagon in a couple years you get shut out.
HawkeyeMike hit the nail on the head...

If you are a big time playmaker, WHY would you come to Iowa? You will be underutilized your entire career starting your freshman year, when you won't play at all.

For many years we watch other teams play freshman and those freshman making big impacts, while ours sit on the bench or play on special teams.

You simply do not come to Iowa if you are a big time player...you are not going to get to show off your skills. Our staff will do everything they can to hold you down...

Imagine what Stanzi might have done had we instituted a small spread package? Course that might have meant that O'Keefe would have had to use more than nine plays a game. Not sure that he has that many in his comprehensive playbook?
HawkeyeMike hit the nail on the head...

If you are a big time playmaker, WHY would you come to Iowa? You will be underutilized your entire career starting your freshman year, when you won't play at all.

For many years we watch other teams play freshman and those freshman making big impacts, while ours sit on the bench or play on special teams.

You simply do not come to Iowa if you are a big time player...you are not going to get to show off your skills. Our staff will do everything they can to hold you down...

Imagine what Stanzi might have done had we instituted a small spread package? Course that might have meant that O'Keefe would have had to use more than nine plays a game. Not sure that he has that many in his comprehensive playbook?

100% correct. It is because of this I foresee almost no chance that Dowling's big time receiver comes to Iowa. I give it .05% chance.

Also, think about how it has come to be that Iowa has two nice playmakers (DJK and McNutt) and WR. Both converted QBs. No stud WR is coming to Iowa to further his career. Too many other programs out there that utilize WRs to their fullest advantage.
DJK could have gone anywhere...he was committed to OSU before they denied him admission. He chose Iowa, and will leave with multiple records, an Orange Bowl win, and will be a mid-round pick in the draft. IOWA turned him from an athlete who wasnt good enough to play QB into an NFL receiver. We have one of the most respected WR coaches around. Why WOULDNT you want to come to Iowa and play in a system that will prepare you for the NFL?
DJK could have gone anywhere...he was committed to OSU before they denied him admission. He chose Iowa, and will leave with multiple records, an Orange Bowl win, and will be a mid-round pick in the draft. IOWA turned him from an athlete who wasnt good enough to play QB into an NFL receiver. We have one of the most respected WR coaches around. Why WOULDNT you want to come to Iowa and play in a system that will prepare you for the NFL?

I absolutely agree with your comment on Iowa's WR coach and Iowa's offensive system but I still don't see a kid wanting to play for KOK.
DJK could have gone anywhere...he was committed to OSU before they denied him admission. He chose Iowa, and will leave with multiple records, an Orange Bowl win, and will be a mid-round pick in the draft. IOWA turned him from an athlete who wasnt good enough to play QB into an NFL receiver. We have one of the most respected WR coaches around. Why WOULDNT you want to come to Iowa and play in a system that will prepare you for the NFL?

How many WRs do we have in the NFL?
I heard the same thing. DJK started critisizing the Defense's/Greenwood's performance. Kirk didn't like it and benched him for the first quarter.

When is he gonna bench KOK for his **** poor performance?

Good for him.

Someone needed to call those posers out.
I remain amazed at the number of people who took KF's comment at face value.

Obviously this was a minor disciplinary action. Do people now want to argue that DJK should be immune from that as a star player and record holder?

I love my kids but I still discipline them when required.
I remain amazed at the number of people who took KF's comment at face value.

Obviously this was a minor disciplinary action. Do people now want to argue that DJK should be immune from that as a star player and record holder?

I love my kids but I still discipline them when required.

So why not just come out and say so?

(Like he did with A-Rob when he said there was academic indigestion)
SDK, I don't know, possibly to protect DJK from any "character" concerns with the NFL draft upcoming. In my opinion, KF is sometimes a little cuter than necessary in an effort to keep things in-house.
Like he lays off receivers late in the fourth quarter?

He sure laid off that kid from Indiana.

Like you would do any better. He's a 22 (approx.) year old kid. I'm sure he feels sorry that he didn't deliver you a satisfactory amount of entertainment. I'm sure he feels much worse about everything that's happened than you ever will.

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