KF needs a long look in the mirror

Why hasn't anyone accused KF of being a kleptomaniac - for stealing the God-given right some of you Iowa "fans" claim that you should NEVER face disappointment. Last time I checked, only one team wins the NC each year; all the others face disappointment somewhere along the line. Character shows up in how you handle disappointment. I'm hugely disappointed with a lot of you characters. Now, quit pouting and get all your homework done so you're ready to go to your grade school classes tomorrow.
Jon, you run a message board. Yet, after every loss, you basically have a hissy fit about how the fans overreact. Perhaps you need to take a step back on whether it's worth the effort to run a board if you are in turn going to overreact to the fans.

the view of who is overreacting is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

Message boards are a lot of fun...they are also not indicative of how the overall fan base feels. There are 100,000 people that visit this site each month, yet probably 5,000 people that are active posters. Only the most passionate choose to post...so what you get is black and white, all the time. Gray is the predominant color, but the Grays aren't moved to be active posters.

All are fine, all are welcome. You post what you feel, I post what I feel. Sometimes those posts are directed at one another's feelings. And the world spins round and round.
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Ferentz does do an EXCELLENT job of coaching up the "misfits" of the recruiting world and turning them into NFL players. Which is why those NFL guys rave about Ferentz. They don't give a rip if we don't win with a target on our back. All they know or care about is that our players come into the league better prepared than almost any other school's players, and the execs want them on their team. But that's just part of the equation for being a GREAT college football coach.


Bottom line, KF's greatness is being able to coach up a 7-5/8-4 team into a 10-2 team. But he is not without his weaknesses, and I think that is as a game tactician. And I think in years when we have the talent to be the best team on the field for 12 games, we end up losing a few.
You are absolutely correct in this Jon.

BUT, I think if you look at the losses in the KF era, you'll find these kinds of questions being asked in more of them than not. Just my opinion.

As I said on Soundoff last night, time management has NOT been a strength of this coaching staff. They have so many strengths, but this has been a weakness, and I said they were bailed out vs LSU and in other instances.

If you are going to operate a philosophy that pretty much welcomes a lot of close games, this is an area that needs to be buttoned up. I don't disagree at all.

It's just how some people present their critiques that I sometimes disagree with. That's all. I am not banning anyone for being critical, except for a couple insane trolls last night. I might not agree with the protocol, but that is where the debate comes in, as we are having now. Nothing wrong with it, it helps pass the day and tomorrow, nerves will be less frayed and another level of discussion will ensue that will be farther removed from the rough emotions we all are experiencing right now.
sometimes I feel Jon is too close to Kirk Ferentz and that limits the amount of critiscism he's willing to dish out.

Not saying Jon spends Christmas over at the Ferentz house....but perhaps he cares too much what Ferentz thinks of him.
sometimes I feel Jon is too close to Kirk Ferentz and that limits the amount of critiscism he's willing to dish out.

Not saying Jon spends Christmas over at the Ferentz house....but perhaps he cares too much what Ferentz thinks of him.

Or maybe Jon understands that we don't live in a perfect world, losses tend to bring out the drama queen in a lot of sports fans, and Iowa football is still going strong.
I just think until this coaching staff grows a pair and gets that "killer instinct" mentality once in awhile, this team never reaches the "next level" (Rose Bowl, National Title).

Just look at MSU this season. They have won two of their games by fake ST plays. Wisconsin won because it took a risk yesterday. H*ll, Iowa State even took some risks yesterday and made history.

Ferentz is a fantastic coach but severely lacks the mentality that is needed to take Iowa above and beyond. Last year Iowa had a shot at OSU and failed because the staff kept it conservative. Yesterday he elects to kick a FG instead of getting 7 after the Greenwood pick on Wisconsin's 36 yard line (and kicking a FG with a freshman kicker isn't the risk I'm talking about). What good does 3 do there?? Wisconsin needs a TD to WIN it regardless if you are up 6 after a FG or fail and remain up 3. The fact that we are only up 6 there allowed Wisconsin to call the game the way they did. Had we gone for it and scored a TD they need TWO scores to win.

Alabama is up 31 last night with 5 minutes left to play and they are throwing deep balls with their first teamers. No mercy. Saban is trash but he has a killer instinct and oh yeah, he's won National Titles.

Maybe Ferentz lacks the confidence in his players to accomplish those plays but Dantonio, Rhoads and Bielema don't lack that confidence. It's very frustrating seeing teams much like us successfully executing these plays when they need to. If there was ever a good chance for Iowa to make it back to the Rose Bowl, this was the year. That isn't going to happen now and the teams like Wisconsin and MSU that are playing with a no holds bar attitude are going to play for the Rose Bowl (or bigger) just proves to me that you need to be aggressive when given the opportunity.

Starting next season things become more difficult for Iowa. Looking at who's returning and divisional lineups, Iowa may be the 4th best team in the Big Ten...WEST!! We have to play MSU, Michigan, Nebraska, Northwestern just to win our division. Throw in Penn State + OSU (if we make title game) and we're talking serious road bumps.

Iowa played the toughest non-conference schedule and plays toughest conference schdule out of MSU, OSU, Wisconsin and in return we aren't going to get much.
We criticize differently. You use words like complete incompetence and stupidity, and look at my criticisms as being too diplomatic. I look at yours and think you're off your rocker ;)

I broke down the :14 seconds 4th and 1, why no extra play called, then another time out after a QB sneak several times, and said I just could not understand how it was not executed better than it was, and it's absolutely worthy of criticism.

I just choose not to use the same black and white words you do to describe a one off situation, as if that is what we see each week. Sorry

Oh, you broke it down? Sorry, I didn't know the wise sage of football broke it down before posting. My bad. If you broke it down than it must be the way you describe it b/c you know all and we know nothing. Again, my bad. I promise not to chime in until you have had a chance to break it down to set us all straight :)

How about this: Yes, I am off my rocker! The way the game ended yesterday while worthy of some slight criticism was really just a philisophical matter. There are many out there that believe burning the time out in that situation is a viable option....How's that?

I am almost laughing as a type. You said, "I cannot understand how how it was not executed better than it was..." as if there is some explanation out there other than a complete lack of communication and panic out of a timeout. There is no reasonable explanation for why it wasn't better executed. That's my point. Why is it so hard for you to come out and just say the last 12 seconds was a choke job? Love the staff, love Ferentz, but he blew it at the end. Making fun of me, or trying to be diplomatic on your radio show b/c of your personal relationships doesn't change that fact. I've watched it 10 times. It was chaos and panic. It doesn't get any more black and white than it was. I am not describing it as if we see it each week. I'm describing it as if we saw it last night in the biggest game of the year. Nothing more, nothing less.
Oh, you broke it down? Sorry, I didn't know the wise sage of football broke it down before posting. My bad. If you broke it down than it must be the way you describe it b/c you know all and we know nothing. Again, my bad. I promise not to chime in until you have had a chance to break it down to set us all straight :)

How about this: Yes, I am off my rocker! The way the game ended yesterday while worthy of some slight criticism was really just a philisophical matter. There are many out there that believe burning the time out in that situation is a viable option....How's that?

I am almost laughing as a type. You said, "I cannot understand how how it was not executed better than it was..." as if there is some explanation out there other than a complete lack of communication and panic out of a timeout. There is no reasonable explanation for why it wasn't better executed. That's my point. Why is it so hard for you to come out and just say the last 12 seconds was a choke job? Love the staff, love Ferentz, but he blew it at the end. Making fun of me, or trying to be diplomatic on your radio show b/c of your personal relationships doesn't change that fact. I've watched it 10 times. It was chaos and panic. It doesn't get any more black and white than it was. I am not describing it as if we see it each week. I'm describing it as if we saw it last night in the biggest game of the year. Nothing more, nothing less.

No sweat, this isn't our first rodeo (you and me) and we have viewed things through a different prism for years, even though sharing similar baseline sentiments.

We are clearly different people, and our different personalities are on display when we focus on our differences in how we criticize, and of course, the way in which you like to reply. It's certainly revealing, but no big deal. We just see some of the same things and describe them differently.

The fact that it pisses you off that I don't use the same vernacular you use in describing the same things, that ain't on me.
Or maybe Jon understands that we don't live in a perfect world, losses tend to bring out the drama queen in a lot of sports fans, and Iowa football is still going strong.

It's only natural for people to inadvertently let feelings/personal relationships impact them. That's just a fact.

Jon would be the first to tell you he did this with the way he handled the Jake C. situation. I respect the fact that he came out and acknowledged it.
sometimes I feel Jon is too close to Kirk Ferentz and that limits the amount of critiscism he's willing to dish out.

Not saying Jon spends Christmas over at the Ferentz house....but perhaps he cares too much what Ferentz thinks of him.

I am not 'close' to Ferentz. I don't spend any time in his office, have never been in his office. I have spoken to him on the phone maybe four times in the time he has been here, when its just been he and me, and that was just to get some position changes in confidence in advance of a magazine publishing deadline, and also once for a discussion on the cover of one of our recruiting magazines.

I've emceed a few I-Club events he has been at. that's about it.

But I have a great deal of respect for him, and I also am of the opinion (and others do not have to share it or agree with it) that he is the best coach Iowa can have right now, and I also know the challenges Iowa has with regards to recruiting and the like, and how well this staff develops underrated players.

I am of the opinion that Iowa has been performing above an expected mean for a long time, taking into account the inherent obstacles it has vs other programs in the league and nation, and I am not of the opinion that the last decade of Iowa football is some manifest destiny for us, as if that is just how it is

Though I didn't live through the 19 non winning seasons as a fan as I was born in 1971, I also know that sort of thing is not impossible to reoccur, either.

I appreciate the way this staff goes about their business and the program they have built.

They are not beyond reproach, which is why many of us were left scratching our heads after the last drive, the fake punt, etc. It's just that some choose to criticize with a five gallon bucket of paint and others choose to use #2 pencil.
It's only natural for people to inadvertently let feelings/personal relationships impact them. That's just a fact.

Jon would be the first to tell you he did this with the way he handled the Jake C. situation. I respect the fact that he came out and acknowledged it.

There is no doubt about that, that can happen. And I have a great deal of respect for Kirk. I didnt like being critical last night, because it is hard to be critical of someone you have a lot of respect for.

But for some folks, that wasn't quite critical enough, because I didn't use buzz words like choke, stupidity, etc.

Sorry, I am never going to do that. I didn't do that when I delivered my 45 minute 'Done supporting Lickliter' radio show in March, and I didn't even know that guy at all outside of radio interviews. It's just not how I do things.

If that really, really bugs some folks, then we'll be at loggerheads until the Lord calls me home, because that's my personality and it's how I am going to be.
Well said, Jon! This is why you have my utmost respect and appreciation for all you do for the Hawkeye Nation (I use this term to not only include this site, but all that is Hawkeye)!
No sweat, this isn't our first rodeo (you and me) and we have viewed things through a different prism for years, even though sharing similar baseline sentiments.

We are clearly different people, and our different personalities are on display when we focus on our differences in how we criticize, and of course, the way in which you like to reply. It's certainly revealing, but no big deal. We just see some of the same things and describe them differently.

The fact that it pisses you off that I don't use the same vernacular you use in describing the same things, that ain't on me.

Jon, your quote that "the fact that it pisses you off that I don't use the same vernacular you use in describing things, that ain't on me" completely misses the point. I could care less if you and I use the same vernacular. What irks me is that you are critical/high horse of people that don't use the same vernacular as you! You gave a soap box response to the orginal poster b/c he sees it differently than you! And, Jon, that's revealing, but no big deal. And the fact that it pisses you off that people are critical of Ferentz for obvious gameday blunders that cost the team a chance to win...That ain't on me or the original poster.
"too close" was probably bad wording on my behalf.

I meant to convey that perhaps you are concerned about being liked and respected by Ferentz. i.e. being viewed as a media guy with his head on straight by Kirk

Not trying to be a ***** about it, Jon.
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What bothers me is that when we have an emotional loss like this, people fixate on every bad thing that's happened during Ferentz's time here and ignore all of the good things that have happened.

People say "bad end-of-game clock management" and then cite this game and the Capitol One Bowl, which was almost six years ago now (and also one of the great moments in Hawkeye history). There's no acknowledgment of Michigan State last year, Penn State the year before, Purdue in 2002, etc. It was the same guys coaching all of those games, you know. They haven't magically forgotten how to run a two-minute drill. They just screwed it up yesterday. It happens-- to EVERY team, especially over a 12-year period. The game should have never come to that situation anyway, for a variety of reasons, some having to do with the coaches, some having to do with the players, some having to do with the fact that Wisconsin played an almost perfect game.

It's the same with this "too conservative" stuff. For some posters, every time Iowa fails to execute, it's because they're "too conservative" and don't have a "killer instinct." Give me a break. These are the same coaches that destroyed South Carolina in the Outback Bowl, beat Ohio State 33-7 to win a Big Ten title, and handed Michigan their worst ever loss at home. I don't remember a lot of fake punts or trick plays in those games. I remember the fact that we could do whatever we wanted on the ground or in the air.

I'll never understand the fans that think any time we run the ball we are content to kick a field goal. WE ARE A GOOD RUNNING TEAM. IT IS A GREAT WAY TO GET FIRST DOWNS. I noticed that Wisconsin ran pretty effectively yesterday. Were they too conservative, or were they just going with their strength?

The things that people are saying about Ferentz now are the same things people once said about Tom Osborne, Mack Brown, Jim Tressel, etc. etc. They were too conservative. They could never win the big one. They choked in big games. They were good but would never be truly elite. I don't know that Iowa will ever win a national title, as those coaches all have, but I know that the best way to win a national title is to keep churning out quality teams year after year and to put yourself in a position to win every game. Few coaches do that as well as Kirk Ferentz.
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Jon, your quote that "the fact that it pisses you off that I don't use the same vernacular you use in describing things, that ain't on me" completely misses the point. I could care less if you and I use the same vernacular. What irks me is that you are critical/high horse of people that don't use the same vernacular as you! You gave a soap box response to the orginal poster b/c he sees it differently than you! And, Jon, that's revealing, but no big deal. And the fact that it pisses you off that people are critical of Ferentz for obvious gameday blunders that cost the team a chance to win...That ain't on me or the original poster.

Interesting point and certainly one worth considering. I hate hypocrisy and if I am being hypocritical, I need to take a look at that.
As angry and disappointed as we are as fans, I'm guessing the degree of frustration by the coaches and players will greatly exceed ours. They know they left a win on the field yesterday for multiple reasons. I just hope they can learn from it and get ready for yet another tough game next Saturday. There are no weeks off the rest of the way. How they respond will decide what kind of year this team will have.
Kirk is the very best coach that Iowa can get and the best coach that would actually stay at Iowa and not leave for greener pastures.

I was so mad last night I couldn't get to sleep until sometime around 3am. Wisconsin has bragging rights for the next 3 years. The thought of it makes me want to puke.

However, I'm going to put my trust in him and the staff. There really isn't another choice. He's earned that. There is a lot of people overreacting right now but they are right about one thing. This is an absolutely devestating loss.

God, I hate Wisconsin.
Mistakes happen, by both the coaching staff and the players. I get that. That being said, if Ferentz truely believes calling a timeout after the 4th down sneak was the right call he needs to go to some clock management clinics or something. It sure as hell wasn't a 50-50 call as he said in the post-game. It would be slightly understandable if they hadn't been coming out of a timeout where he could have either told the offense to kill the clock or called two plays

And I assume Iowa has a punt safe. Hopefully the next time we're in that situation we'll see that call.

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