Keeler: Iowa is an 8-4 Program

I agree with you. Also don't forget Edds. I know you only listed the NFL starters, but he was a perfect LB for NP.

And don't forget Moeaki. That's 4, perhaps 5 with Edds, NFL ROOKIE STARTERS we lost to the draft.

I agree this season was disappointing and I agree the loss to Minny was especially awful, but I think it is also true that this team was overrated going into the season.
To those who say last year shouldn't have been 11-2... REALLY? .

No one is saying we didn't deserve the 11-2 record last year. What we are saying is a team that gets behind in 9 of 13 ball games and has a QB that throws for 17tds and 15ints shouldn't go 11-2 very often, from a statistical standpoint it just can't. That should be a 7-5 or 8-4 type team, at best.

The thing is, if you were to tell people that over the next two years your team would have a record of 11-2 in one season and 8-5 in the other, and your QB would throw for 25tds 4ints in one season and 17tds and 15ints in the other you would say, "yep, sounds about right". It's just bizzare that they happened the way they did.

Lastly you people that keep bringing up money obviously don't get it, and you clearly never will. Paying KF 3+mill doesn't entitle us to 10+ wins every season. Paying KF 3+ mill entitles us to KF. It's what it costs to keep him here as our coach. His salary is set by the demand for his skills in other college towns or in the NFL. For that 3+ million KF is expected to run a successfull football program. We are comming of the best decade in the history of Iowa football, donations have poured in for stadium upgrades and a new practice facility, donations are comming in at a record pace (despite the biggest economic downturn since the great depression), we sold out of season tickets this year, and the football program is literally printing money.

But yet in the eyes of some KF isn't earning his salary.... :rolleyes:
Wow, is this for real?

We are expected to resign ourselves to 8-4 seasons and that's OK?
That's not what I watch Iowa for.

And we are expected to believe that KF is the only man for the job?
I don't want to see KF go; but to think that he is the beginning and the end of Iowa football is ridiculus.

Look no further than Oregon, or to a lesser extent, Nebraska.

None of these programs were born winners and niether have a great instate talent pool.

I won't drink this cool-aid and I never will.

Iowa can be better than an 8-4 program and I resent the notion of anyone saying that it can't; I can't believe that this ******** came from an Hawkeye website from someone other than a poster.

Nebraska is one of the top football programs in the history of college football, and they were a heartbeat or one more bad hire away from fading into Bolivia. That's not a very good comparison.
Wow, is this for real?

We are expected to resign ourselves to 8-4 seasons and that's OK?
That's not what I watch Iowa for.

And we are expected to believe that KF is the only man for the job?
I don't want to see KF go; but to think that he is the beginning and the end of Iowa football is ridiculus.

Look no further than Oregon, or to a lesser extent, Nebraska.

None of these programs were born winners and niether have a great instate talent pool.

I won't drink this cool-aid and I never will.

Iowa can be better than an 8-4 program and I resent the notion of anyone saying that it can't; I can't believe that this ******** came from an Hawkeye website from someone other than a poster.

You act like averaging 8-4 is a bad thing. I think that number can get to 9 wins a season but I don't see it ever getting past that. Ohio State and Texas averaged 10 a season in that time span. Also those two schools that you think Iowa should strive to be, they averaged 8 wins a year during that time period...just like Iowa. (actually Nebraska averaged 7.7 wins but I rounded up for them)
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Wow, is this for real?

We are expected to resign ourselves to 8-4 seasons and that's OK?
That's not what I watch Iowa for.

And we are expected to believe that KF is the only man for the job?
I don't want to see KF go; but to think that he is the beginning and the end of Iowa football is ridiculus.

Look no further than Oregon, or to a lesser extent, Nebraska.

None of these programs were born winners and niether have a great instate talent pool.

I won't drink this cool-aid and I never will.

Iowa can be better than an 8-4 program and I resent the notion of anyone saying that it can't; I can't believe that this ******** came from an Hawkeye website from someone other than a poster.

I say if KF and company cant put us into serious contention for a national title in the next 3 years or so, it might be time to look at different options. Does he have an ok record, yes. But with the kind of money he is making we should have been a top 10 team almost year in and year out. I would like to see the stats on what the head coaches of the top ten teams for the last 10 years compared to KF's. That would put it into a little better perspective for some people.
Why isn't California firing Tedford? or SMU firing Jones....because SMU isn't a top 15 program??

Tedford and Jones are the 11th and 13th highest paid coaches respectively.

You pay the market value of the coach, the fact they are in the top 15 has no correlation to ranking....Ferentz is the 2nd highest paid coach in the Big Ten....with UM and OSU both having coaches in the top logic then we should be expecting a 2-3rd place Big ten finish and a January bowl game every year? I don't understand people saying "we deserve more!!"
This year Iowa had a 7-5 record, but they weren't a 7-5 team in terms of talent and coaching. The ball bounced the other way this year. This could have been an 11-2 year again. Before you rail me, I said COULD.
Here's the thing, next year is going to be considered a 'rebuilding year', but I'd be shocked if we didn't have a better record than 7-5. It just won't happen. That's a GOOD thing guys.
I say if KF and company cant put us into serious contention for a national title in the next 3 years or so, it might be time to look at different options. Does he have an ok record, yes. But with the kind of money he is making we should have been a top 10 team almost year in and year out. I would like to see the stats on what the head coaches of the top ten teams for the last 10 years compared to KF's. That would put it into a little better perspective for some people.

This is crazy! Wow.
This whole argument is idiotic, when you hire some one to remove your snow, is it acceptable for him to only remove 75% of it? Or how about if you were building a house and all the contractors only do 75% of the job? Oh wait in the real world you dont get paid if you dont finish the job. I am not saying to get rid of him but I am saying his salary structure should be more performance based and not so guaranteed. Other coaches out there are getting way better results with less up front pay.
I do appreciate his effort, and getting us into bowl games, but in all reality a high percentage of people think there should'nt be this many bowl games anyway, so getting into the I suck sh!t bowl is really not all that impressive. Look at how everyone out there is dissing the B12's bowls as weak, I would hate to think we are one step away from being concidered to be just like UConn. In my opionion if you are not moving forward, you are standing still or going backwards. So we have come to a cross roads, do we take another step forward, be happy with where we are or take a step back, see where we are and try to go forward again? In bussiness, no one is happy with just standing still and college ball is one big bussiness.
On a secondary note I would like to see some of the nfl players we have produced be more active in the program, I know they are making the big bucks now but they have to know they are still mentors to these kids playing Iowa ball. If it were truely for love of the game and not the money, these people would not even have to be asked and if they were they would do what ever they could to help the program that helped them to get where they are and if they did have a problem being involved, then I guess our program does not put out players with very good character.
Ok, I step down of the soap box now and let you all pick apart what I said, or my spelling and or grammer.
They sold all the season tickets in 2010. They will not sell them all next year. I guarantee you. Barta is laughing at all of us who are paying Cadillac prices for a Cavalier. Sure, Cadillac got away with it for awhile, but eventually the market realized the Cimarron was just a Cavalier with a Cadillac name plate. Now there's nothing wrong with a Cavalier, it was a damn fine car, but it wasn't worth the extra cash that it cost when they put a Cadillac hood ornament on it. That is Iowa football in a nutshell, Cadillac prices for a low end Chevy. Gets the job done and might surprise you every now and then, but it still ain't really a Caddy.

I still can't believe that a single person bought a Cimarron.
This is crazy! Wow.

Ok if it is crazy then I assume you would pay the highest priced contractor to build your house, when you know there are lower priced ones that do just as good if not better job. He is or has been building "our house" for awhile now, but just cant seem to get it done.
what's getting it done? national championships every year? BCS games every year? you do realize we are one season removed from a BCS WIN, correct?

i don't get some of you people. i really don't. the good captain could have 15 10 win seasons in a row, then win only 6 in a season and you'd all STILL be calling for his head. lets jump the gun like michigan and hire a dickrod to coach and completely plummet from grace.

oh no wait, you want us to bring in a coach who gets paid a lot less. okay, done. now you want him to have different coordinators. okay, done. now all the sudden we're running the spread offense like you want and blitzing constantly. we win our first 6 games of the season. all is swell, right? ask michigan if all is swell
Nice dig at Alford. Alford has matured and I would take him back in a heartbeat.

As for Iowa football, my main beef is that our season ticket prices should be more in line with NU level programs than the UM/OSU/PSU level programs because last time I checked, NU's win-loss record during the Fitz regime is pretty close to Iowa's. I know I haven't ranted about it forever, but I'm still steaming about ticket prices relative to the product following the stadium renovations at the end of the 2004 season. The Hawks have been very mediocre with one great year where we made a lot of great plays in close games. $700+ for one season ticket between the 20s and 40s is a joke and after this season, I think the Athletic Department is going to have to do some Ron Guenther type book cooking (free tickets to Cub Scouts, etc.) to fill the seats in the lower tier games due to this pricing regime. I think the fan base is pretty loyal, but over $100 a pop for decent tickets and the average team we have seen post Project Ticket Gouge could alienate the fans, especially in this economy. I obviously don't expect the Hawks to win every game, but we're paying prices that were set when the boys were coming off three consecutive 10 win seasons and I think the guys buying tickets should be treated at least 9 or 10 Ws as the norm, rather than a bunch of 6 or 7 win seasons with a few treats sprinkled on top of the turds.

Hayden >>>>> KF.

You need perspective. In other words, you obviously didn't sit through 20 losing seasons.

And yet, during that period, games routinely sold out, and there was seldom much ******** about ticket prices. And there shouldn't be. Living in Florida, and not being "wealthy", I LIVE for the idea that I can even MAKE it to a game in Kinnick once every 5 or 10 years. Bowl trips to Florida are once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. So...when we make Florida bowls in 2002, 2003, 20045, 2005, 2008 and 2009, people like me get a little spoiled, perhaps.

And yet, I have NEVER, since the Hayden Fry days, "assumed" we were anything better than an 6-5 team any given year. There are just too many intangibles.

But now, with KF, 7-5 years are practically a "major" disappointment, save for 2001, when we'd experienced the "lows" coming off Hayden's retirement. The last Alamo Bowl was seen as a "gift" by many. The 2008 season was ohsoclose (4 losses by a combined 12 points), and that was in the midst of a QB "battle". 2009? Again, what "might have been" if Stanzi doesn't get hurt. This year? I guess I am still "shocked" how few people realize what we "lost", both to graduation and early NFL exits, PLUS a slew of injuries. And's pretty hard to be enthused by the way we played against Indiana and Minnesota, PLUS the way we lost at Northwestern. Arizona was "expected" by many, and it's hard to argue that we got outplayed by Wisconsin or OSU. Certain coaching decisions will always be criticized when we lose. Only idiots continue to rehash those decisions when we win.

I guess I will always laugh inwardly at folks who actually believe we "belong" at the "team-to-beat" position in the Big Ten. Unless/until we see 5 or more CONSECUTIVE seasons with BOTH OSU and Michigan not playing in the Big Ten championship game will we be able to say at least ONE of those is NOT "the team to beat" in most years.

The last Big Ten team to go through pre-bowl undefeated? OSU in 2006. The last to "go all the way"? OSU in 2002.

In other words, if the "average" fan doesn't "expect" a loss or two EVERY season, then we aren't really talking about the "average" fan as it relates to IOWA football.
In other words, if the "average" fan doesn't "expect" a loss or two EVERY season, then we aren't really talking about the "average" fan as it relates to IOWA football.

I think we do expect to lose a game or two almost every season. But our record avg is 7 to 8 wins out of what 12 games, with those losses going to mostly inferior teams. Thats an avg of 4 losses per year, that I think just simply is not good enough. Every loss is disappointing, but come on if we are to "expect" 4 losses per year, well then I guess when they lose 5 or 6, well that will be ok to, just chalk it up to not quite as good of a year? I bet OH does'nt go into the season saying well we expect a couple of losses and if we lose 5 well thats ok. I have never been one to set my expectations low so I won't be disappointed, isnt that called being an under achiever? So by asking hawk fans to be ok with 4 or so losses, are you not asking us to be under achievers? Or are you saying the program and players should be happy with 4 losses, making them under achievers? Some one here has to be according to this logic of 4 or 5 losses a season is acceptable .
Lots of good and interesting posts. I am glad KF is our coach and hope he continues to coach at Iowa. Figured I had better get that out there because it may not seem that way with some of the things I am going to say.
Merril Hoge made a good statement that I felt pertained to KF. There are good coaches who have a philosophys. What separates them from great coaches are that great coaches will adapt there philosophy to the talent they have or the opponent they are facing. KF seems to struggle changing.
Iowa has lost too many games to inferior opponents. Off the top of my head the last few years. Indiana, NW and Minny in 2006. All were bad. 2007 ISU and West Mich. Difference between 6-6 and 8-4. 2010 NW and Minny. Az was only 4-5 in conf. Too many other bad teams stay close.
I did not expect 12-0 (though hoped) with number of players lost from 2009 team. 7-5 should never have happened. More to say but hate typing.
One more thing though.
Tired of the Tom Davis comparison.
Tom Davis coached at Iowa 13 years without Big 10 championship.
His highest finish was a 2nd place tie.
Made NCAA tourney 6 of final 10 years.
Was 7 games above .500 in Big 10 play with players he recruited. Last 10 years.
25-47 conf record at Stanford. Team was much better after he left.
25-47 conf record at Drake. T-6th first year was highest finish.

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