Keeler: Iowa is an 8-4 Program

I say if KF and company cant put us into serious contention for a national title in the next 3 years or so, it might be time to look at different options. Does he have an ok record, yes. But with the kind of money he is making we should have been a top 10 team almost year in and year out. I would like to see the stats on what the head coaches of the top ten teams for the last 10 years compared to KF's. That would put it into a little better perspective for some people.

Like i have stated 100 times. It's not going to happen. We will never compete for a NC under KF. I dont want him gone though. I have just learned to face reality.
No one is saying we didn't deserve the 11-2 record last year. What we are saying is a team that gets behind in 9 of 13 ball games and has a QB that throws for 17tds and 15ints shouldn't go 11-2 very often, from a statistical standpoint it just can't. That should be a 7-5 or 8-4 type team, at best.

The thing is, if you were to tell people that over the next two years your team would have a record of 11-2 in one season and 8-5 in the other, and your QB would throw for 25tds 4ints in one season and 17tds and 15ints in the other you would say, "yep, sounds about right". It's just bizzare that they happened the way they did.

Lastly you people that keep bringing up money obviously don't get it, and you clearly never will. Paying KF 3+mill doesn't entitle us to 10+ wins every season. Paying KF 3+ mill entitles us to KF. It's what it costs to keep him here as our coach. His salary is set by the demand for his skills in other college towns or in the NFL. For that 3+ million KF is expected to run a successfull football program. We are comming of the best decade in the history of Iowa football, donations have poured in for stadium upgrades and a new practice facility, donations are comming in at a record pace (despite the biggest economic downturn since the great depression), we sold out of season tickets this year, and the football program is literally printing money.

But yet in the eyes of some KF isn't earning his salary.... :rolleyes:

Just curious- Where did you read that Duff?
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Ok if it is crazy then I assume you would pay the highest priced contractor to build your house, when you know there are lower priced ones that do just as good if not better job. He is or has been building "our house" for awhile now, but just cant seem to get it done.

How do you KNOW that there are lower priced coaches that would do just as good of a job? There is no possible way to answer that. KF rebuilt this program. That's not an accident. He knows what it takes and he did it the right way.
Can you please tell me which coaches are clamoring for the Iowa job? The ones just waiting for KF to fall on his face so they can get their foot in the door?
Iowa is a great place for a head coach, and KF is the best guy for the job.
This whole argument is idiotic, when you hire some one to remove your snow, is it acceptable for him to only remove 75% of it? Or how about if you were building a house and all the contractors only do 75% of the job? Oh wait in the real world you dont get paid if you dont finish the job. I am not saying to get rid of him but I am saying his salary structure should be more performance based and not so guaranteed. Other coaches out there are getting way better results with less up front pay.
I do appreciate his effort, and getting us into bowl games, but in all reality a high percentage of people think there should'nt be this many bowl games anyway, so getting into the I suck sh!t bowl is really not all that impressive. Look at how everyone out there is dissing the B12's bowls as weak, I would hate to think we are one step away from being concidered to be just like UConn. In my opionion if you are not moving forward, you are standing still or going backwards. So we have come to a cross roads, do we take another step forward, be happy with where we are or take a step back, see where we are and try to go forward again? In bussiness, no one is happy with just standing still and college ball is one big bussiness.
On a secondary note I would like to see some of the nfl players we have produced be more active in the program, I know they are making the big bucks now but they have to know they are still mentors to these kids playing Iowa ball. If it were truely for love of the game and not the money, these people would not even have to be asked and if they were they would do what ever they could to help the program that helped them to get where they are and if they did have a problem being involved, then I guess our program does not put out players with very good character.
Ok, I step down of the soap box now and let you all pick apart what I said, or my spelling and or grammer.

I won't pick apart your grammar, but your basic argument is completely hilarious. You equate shoveling snow with a football season. First, to equate the two, you must first believe that 100% snow removal is the expectation, and similarly, that winning 100% of the time is an expectation.

Do you expect that KF wins 100% of the time? No coach will ever do that at Iowa (or anywhere).
Hayden had about a 61% win percentage over 20 years. Captain Kirk is about 60% over 10 plus years.

I'll take 8-4 any year. Any time.

In fact, any season that ends in a bowl game is a successful year.

You people have unrealistic expectations.
The four coaching regimes before Hayden and Ferentz won 30% of their games.

Hayden won 61% of his games.

Ferentz has won 65% of his games the past 10 years.

Who is going to do better?
I won't pick apart your grammar, but your basic argument is completely hilarious. You equate shoveling snow with a football season. First, to equate the two, you must first believe that 100% snow removal is the expectation, and similarly, that winning 100% of the time is an expectation.

Do you expect that KF wins 100% of the time? No coach will ever do that at Iowa (or anywhere).

Well lets see if I pay the 10 year old neighbor kid 20 bucks to shovel snow, do I expect him to do as good of a job as the guy with the blower and blade who charges $100? Or am I willing to pay the adult $100 with all his equipment to do the same quality of job that the kid would do for $20.Funny how I put it into such simple terms as for you to understand and you still dont see the comparison. I guess I could write out a 5 pager on the design of a multi billon dollar industry and thier motto, goals and economical viability with another 10 pages of graphics to illistrate my point, and cross reference it to a football program, but alas I have a feeling it would only fall on deaf ears anyway. So if you need me to spell that out for you as well, I will.
Guess I could just say AGAIN, that college football is a bussiness, point blank. Compare it to what ever other one you want. Common sence says dont pay for more than you are getting, and I am saying when I pay for a steak I want a steak not a hot dog, even thou the hot dog is of good quality and I am sure it taste just fine, that still does not justify it costing as much as a steak.
I am not a KF hater, I just think like I said his pay should be more performance based.
Well lets see if I pay the 10 year old neighbor kid 20 bucks to shovel snow, do I expect him to do as good of a job as the guy with the blower and blade who charges $100? Or am I willing to pay the adult $100 with all his equipment to do the same quality of job that the kid would do for $20.Funny how I put it into such simple terms as for you to understand and you still dont see the comparison. I guess I could write out a 5 pager on the design of a multi billon dollar industry and thier motto, goals and economical viability with another 10 pages of graphics to illistrate my point, and cross reference it to a football program, but alas I have a feeling it would only fall on deaf ears anyway. So if you need me to spell that out for you as well, I will.
Guess I could just say AGAIN, that college football is a bussiness, point blank. Compare it to what ever other one you want. Common sence says dont pay for more than you are getting, and I am saying when I pay for a steak I want a steak not a hot dog, even thou the hot dog is of good quality and I am sure it taste just fine, that still does not justify it costing as much as a steak.
I am not a KF hater, I just think like I said his pay should be more performance based.

Do you think the Yankees are paying Derek Jeter for what he might do in the next three years?
The truth hurts sometimes. This is one of those times.

Paying a coach nearly 4 million a year for 8-4 and .500 conference records is a bitter pill to swallow.

Especially when a program like Wisconsin is basically the mirror image of Iowa except for they have 3 Rose Bowl wins. They pay their coach roughly 1/3 of Kirk's salary.

But I do agree with the closing part of the article the most. Letting KF go is playing with serious fire. Iowa could turn into a 3-9 program in a heartbeat.

BINGO!!!!! on!!!

keeler is right.....and so is this post!

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