Just a few observations from tonight...

I don't get what's so baffling about the subs.... He has a pretty set rotation. He puts in the first two of the second team (usually May and Josh or McCabe) Then puts in the other 3 at the next time out then if someone gets a hot hand or plays lockdown D they get some extra time. Then of course depending on the match-ups and foul trouble he'll give a guy a few of someone else's minutes. Not too hard to understand...

Not hard to understand that the opponent usually goes on a run right around the same time.
You sure about #2? If he is not the primary scorer when he is on the court then why does he shoot the ball so much? He launched 8 shots last night in only 14 minutes.

Yep. The are running plays specifically for him all the time when hes in there.

I don't get it.
I think that he looks much better at the 2. Clemmons is better at the point and that frees up Gessel to roam and shoot the ball. I like the move to keep Basabe in the starting lineup but think that the offense is much more fluid with more options to score with both Clemmons and Gessel in the game at the same time.

Agreed. Iowa hasn't played nearly as well since taking Clemmons out of the starting lineup IMO.
Starters back in and they close the gap.

For the love of God quit pulling all the starters. You do not the bench talent to warrant it.
What season have you been watching? I can't count how many games we get down by 10+ because our starters can't match the intensity of our opponent. Then Fran brings McCabe, May etc. in there and they pull us back into contention. I agree there are lineups where we struggle to get up shots but don't act like if our starters played most of time we would have a better record.
Starters back in and they close the gap.

For the love of God quit pulling all the starters. You do not the bench talent to warrant it.

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