Well-Known Member
We all assume, of course, that Wegherbomb is fully recovered from his broken hand/wrist/arm/shoulder/ankle/leg/ribs/back/sternum/nose/jawbone/eyesocket, whatever it was he broke last year.
Burst ,speed ,elusiveness and pass catching ability. Its as simple as giving the opposition more things to have to prepare for. And the margin for success is small in most cases. IMO BW couldn't handle being a SG type back. Just too much punishment. Same for ARob and JH. But by keeping the target off of just one of them would make the whole package very dangerous. And as mentioned earlier it would be really nice to for BW to be fresh in the 4th Qtr and blow by the D. Probably JH too if he hasn't lost a step from his Frosh year.
Thats your opinion and thats fine. I'd ask you to review game film and watch the end of the season regarding hitting the hole etc. BW was first instructed to NOT FUMBLE period so he ran stiff and awkward in the beginning for that reason.He began to loosen up and be himself toward the end of the season. Also ARob has a one year led in the experience department so his vision advantage also went away IMO toward the end of the year. As I said I'm happy with all of them I just think BW has a little more threat to his game at this time. If JH comes back at least the same as his Frosh. year he had the best speed to the hole and power IMO.I disagree about burst. Arob got to the whole much quicker. Wheger has better speed in the open field but not so much in traffic which could be because he was to worried about fumbling i dk. BW better elusiveness? I dk thats pretty even to me. Pass catching i agree. But to say BW has more tools i disagree because it looked obvious to me Arob had better vision, burst, power (able to break tackles).
LOL. I was thinking the same thing. But Mr Coker might just be there to cover us.Considering our luck keeping RBs healthy, perhaps this entire thread is an exercise in futility. It may be who's left standing come the first or second game of the season.![]()
When you say BW has more tools what do you exactly mean? If you mean him being more of a threat as a receiver i would agree. I think he is a better receiver than Arob but not by much. Arob had some pretty nice catches as well. Other than that I don't see any tools BW has over Arob.
I disagree about burst. Arob got to the whole much quicker. Wheger has better speed in the open field but not so much in traffic which could be because he was to worried about fumbling i dk. BW better elusiveness? I dk thats pretty even to me. Pass catching i agree. But to say BW has more tools i disagree because it looked obvious to me Arob had better vision, burst, power (able to break tackles).
I see Wegher as a potential Ronnie Harmon kinda guy.
i heard bw3 is going to be a daddy...also i heard he had trouble with grades and have been told that he may go to SDSU? can anyone else confirm these? i really hope that these distractions dont effect him i like our three back system! great guys that know their role in a system. good problem to have.
Wegher-bomb ought to be the starter at RB, hands down, until he makes a series of mistakes, gets injured (shudder) or either of the other two surpass him. Don't see a strong likelihood of any of those happening. But make the other two take the No. 1 spot from him in practice and on the field.