Jon: Is Ferentz Interviewing Tomorrow With KC?

My wife is 36, I'm sure she would be willing to do what it takes to keep KF here, even if that means donating her womb. She loves my demeanor on football Saturdays, especially this past season.

Excellent. This is why I love Iowa football. We're all a big family and two random guys have offered to donate their wives' wombs to help preserve the future of the football program. Hey Coach Paul Rhoads, good luck finding a Clown fan's wife who can stay sober for 9 and a half months to preserve your legacy at Iowa State.
While I like this strategy as the ultimate retention tool (and one that has served America's publicly traded corporations well save for that one time the entire financial system almost tanked), I fear that our fan base would make it counterproductive. Captain would roll out of a game like the Central Michigan game and think "Man, I really left a steaming pile of dung on the field, I deserve $1 this month." But then, later that night when he rolled into Carlos O'Kelly's for his delicious post game meal and had some meathead walk up to him and start talking smack, he'd think "Man, I put up with a lot of crap and now I'm gonna need to put an extra 6 feet on my yacht to help me forget about this unfortunate encounter so I think I'll write $750k on the check this month."

I thought the Central Michigan game was very well coached. We just didn't execute. That's football.
While I like this strategy as the ultimate retention tool (and one that has served America's publicly traded corporations well save for that one time the entire financial system almost tanked), I fear that our fan base would make it counterproductive. Captain would roll out of a game like the Central Michigan game and think "Man, I really left a steaming pile of dung on the field, I deserve $1 this month." But then, later that night when he rolled into Carlos O'Kelly's for his delicious post game meal and had some meathead walk up to him and start talking smack, he'd think "Man, I put up with a lot of crap and now I'm gonna need to put an extra 6 feet on my yacht to help me forget about this unfortunate encounter so I think I'll write $750k on the check this month."

OK4P, don't put any logic into it. Just let him do his thing and if we need to hire bodyguards to allow him to eat in peace at Juan O'Sullivan's then so be it.
OK4P, don't put any logic into it. Just let him do his thing and if we need to hire bodyguards to allow him to eat in peace at Juan O'Sullivan's then so be it.

Bodyguards could only prevent physical harm, they couldn't prevent mental anguish that someone could unleash ranging from insults to buttcheeks pressed against the window in Captain's general direction. He can't unsee that or unhear it. The blank check approach just really concerns me. What if attendance fell and Captain wrote a check that was too big? The banks are just really ridiculous these days with bounced check fees. Maybe we lead with our final number, like we just say "Look, Captain, we have $XX million of free revenue after paying all athletic department expenses and we can't pay you a dime more than that per year."
Bodyguards could only prevent physical harm, they couldn't prevent mental anguish that someone could unleash ranging from insults to buttcheeks pressed against the window in Captain's general direction. He can't unsee that or unhear it. The blank check approach just really concerns me. What if attendance fell and Captain wrote a check that was too big? The banks are just really ridiculous these days with bounced check fees. Maybe we lead with our final number, like we just say "Look, Captain, we have $XX million of free revenue after paying all athletic department expenses and we can't pay you a dime more than that per year."

It comes down to whether or not we want him as a coach? If so we gotta scrap together some serious cash. I'm not saying we need to do anything illegal but we can't close any doors, leave any stones unturned.

Some people will have to get 2 or maybe even 3 jobs or turn some tricks, whatever needs to be done.
It comes down to whether or not we want him as a coach? If so we gotta scrap together some serious cash. I'm not saying we need to do anything illegal but we can't close any doors, leave any stones unturned.

Some people will have to get 2 or maybe even 3 jobs or turn some tricks, whatever needs to be done.

Raise taxes on Iowans making over $400,000 to help pay for this excessive spending.
Raise taxes on Iowans making over $400,000 to help pay for this excessive spending.

Didn't really think that through, did you? If you raise taxes, you will cut Ferentz's comp. My proposal would be to add $500 to tuition and with that spread across about 30k students, it would add about $15mm in revenue. Use that revenue to give Ferentz a raise of $12mm and use the other $3mm for coordinators and maybe to get Doyle some better assistants.
I had heard it was Evy, but not sure if he's still alive. He was there when I was there, & did an unbelievable job. Of course, I don't think Ferentz is going anywhere, which is fine with me.
My wife is 36, I'm sure she would be willing to do what it takes to keep KF here, even if that means donating her womb. She loves my demeanor on football Saturdays, especially this past season.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. She told me she was 28!! ;)
Didn't really think that through, did you? If you raise taxes, you will cut Ferentz's comp. My proposal would be to add $500 to tuition and with that spread across about 30k students, it would add about $15mm in revenue. Use that revenue to give Ferentz a raise of $12mm and use the other $3mm for coordinators and maybe to get Doyle some better assistants.
I was assuming KF would be exempt from any tax increases, but I like your proposal better.
I wrote an article about my thoughts on Ferentz and the Chiefs. It's on the front page and has been since Sunday. I don't buy it. I don't buy what Marty tweeted. Sometimes you don't need to have hardcore contradictory info to refute something..common sense and reason are always there.

Kinda like pre-season predictions or "being shocked if Matt Carufel isn't a Hawkeye before the weekend in over?"
Having let the negative emotion of the season pass, I am content going forward with Ferentz.

I still think I hate Greg Davis though.
I didn't start this thread. I suspect Ferentz will be gone to the NFL unless we can find some money for a raise and give him a two year extension. We had 3 straight top 10 finishes about a decade ago so I think we better get the checkbook out.


We don't want our coach in this situation

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