Joe Pa didn't do the **** molesting

All I have to say is that I have a 10 year old son. If this happened to him, I would be praying that the Jury would let me off due to temporary homicidal anger.
this perspectic is mine coming from legal and Foster care experience, it has been long standing , that any school representative, which means anyone employed by a school at any level has the responsibility to report any and all action against a minor to the authorities, i don't know what the procedure is in Pennsylvania, but i am certain that it is quite close to it in that state, i kinda wish my MOM was still alive for she was the President of the National Foster Parent Association, to get her take on this
you can tell this kaldenberg guy has no kids, or has anyone he cares about, if he did he wouldnt say the things he said, this guy is completely heartless
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".

Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?

Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?

The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.

and if the guy came with his father?
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".

Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?

Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?

The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.

Anytime you want to start a thread with a "maybe" should probably just stop and save yourself some dignity...
Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.
I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.
No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.
Nor did he see it with his own eyes. And who knows what the person said to Jo Pa when they told him about the incident. Maybe the person who told Joe Pa said something along the lines of "Strange horsing around".Joe Pa worked with Sandusky for over 25 years. If someone came to you and said, "Hey, I saw your brother kind of horsing around with one of the kids in the shower and it seemed kind of strange." What would you do?Are you going to take that comment and go call the police?The whole key to this is what the person said when he told Joe Pa of the incident.
Anytime you want to start a thread with a "maybe" should probably just stop and save yourself some dignity...

BK lost his dignity a long time ago.
Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.
I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.
No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.

My job title is loan underwriter. I have absolutely no obligation to report a coworker raping little kids in my workplace, according to company policy and my job title. So that means if I find out it is happening in my workplace, I am a great guy if I just sit idly by and let it happen, and then high five the SOB doing it and then even after he stops working for my company, and I am just fine with him coming over any time he wants with more little kids? Yep, I have to think that my employer would probably have some issues with me, and definitely anybody wanting to do business with my company could have some definite issues with employing my dumb *** after that.

Sorry, you are lacking a valid thought process if you think that somehow Paterno had no idea what was going on through all of this. I am getting tired of people somehow trying to defend this. You seriously think all of this happened in a bubble, and no one knew what was going on? You don't think Sandusky was essentially let go when they found out originally what was going on, but it was swept under the rug?
Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.
I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.
No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.

Very few (if any) people have denied that JoePa is legally in the clear to this point. That doesn't mean he did the right thing.
Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.
My job title is loan underwriter. I have absolutely no obligation to report a coworker raping little kids in my workplace, according to company policy and my job title. So that means if I find out it is happening in my workplace, I am a great guy if I just sit idly by and let it happen, and then high five the SOB doing it and then even after he stops working for my company, and I am just fine with him coming over any time he wants with more little kids? Yep, I have to think that my employer would probably have some issues with me, and definitely anybody wanting to do business with my company could have some definite issues with employing my dumb *** after that. Sorry, you are lacking a valid thought process if you think that somehow Paterno had no idea what was going on through all of this. I am getting tired of people somehow trying to defend this. You seriously think all of this happened in a bubble, and no one knew what was going on? You don't think Sandusky was essentially let go when they found out originally what was going on, but it was swept under the rug?

Did i say i thought it happened all in a bubble? No. JoePa's was told to report incidents to his boss, the AD. Which he did right? The AD is the one responsible for not doing anything, JoePa probably expected that his boss was gonna take care of it. And the AD didnt.
Did i say i thought it happened all in a bubble? No. JoePa's was told to report incidents to his boss, the AD. Which he did right? The AD is the one responsible for not doing anything, JoePa probably expected that his boss was gonna take care of it. And the AD didnt.

So because the AD didn't do anything, it was cool to keep having Sandusky around up until last week?

Bullsh*t. The excuse you're offering up is only good for a few weeks. It's been 10 f*cking years. I think by that point you ought to figure out that your superior didn't do his job.
Did i say i thought it happened all in a bubble? No. JoePa's was told to report incidents to his boss, the AD. Which he did right? The AD is the one responsible for not doing anything, JoePa probably expected that his boss was gonna take care of it. And the AD didnt.

Joe Pa was told? I take it you are one of those people that does everything they are told, regardless of how much sense it makes? I don't care if my site manager "told" me everything was fine, once I was notified of the situation I would make sure that if I saw the SOB doing it in my workplace again, I would make damn sure that everything was cleared up and that nothing really happened.

Not trying to attack you personally, I just am so damn upset about this it blows my mind. It is sad to think that one of my kids could somehow be put in a position like these kids were, by adults that were trusted in their care, and so many people just accept it. My 12 year old son has his first middle school dance on Friday, do I need to go chaperon just to make sure that some pervert coach isn't lurking in the locker room, and other teachers will just accept that they told the administration and they took care of it? (and the administration at this school has had a recent allegation of sexual abuse that was cleared, but makes you wonder why it was cleared and what really happened?)
JoePa is the face of Penn State and Penn State football, this happened under his watch, after Joe heard about it the first time he should have made sure that the police was informed and that the rapist would never ever step foot on the campus again. No matter what information comes out this will be Joe Pa legacy, sad, tragic, but true, he let those kids and families down!!
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Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.
I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.
No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.

Tell that to the victims who Sandusky violated after Joe Pa learned of what happened. Is your head so far in the sand that you don't see that this could and should have been stopped? Sandusky shouldn't have been allowed to step foot on that campus again, but he did and was allowed the same access as if nothing had happened. JoePa knew about the crime, and turned his head and other boys got hurt because of it. Give me a break, I don't need to see anymore facts other than what I read. Oh, and the more facts that come out will not be good for anyone involved. Carry on.
Seriously, to the people on this thread, lay off. Jeesh some of you are treating the OP like he did the crime, even saw a post saying that the OP must be a fan of michael jackson and thought he was innocent and all that. Really? Thats a bit much. You people really should be ashamed.I for one did read the grand jury report and saw almost no proof that JoePa should suffer and be condemned. he did all that he was obligated to do in his job title. He reported it to his boss, and the AD is the one getting introuble, JoePa shouldnt.No one knows the FULL story, just what the victims discribed. So unless you witnessed everything, quit bashing the OP.
Tell that to the victims who Sandusky violated after Joe Pa learned of what happened. Is your head so far in the sand that you don't see that this could and should have been stopped? Sandusky shouldn't have been allowed to step foot on that campus again, but he did and was allowed the same access as if nothing had happened. JoePa knew about the crime, and turned his head and other boys got hurt because of it. Give me a break, I don't need to see anymore facts other than what I read. Oh, and the more facts that come out will not be good for anyone involved. Carry on.

No i do realize what happenef, im just saying quit attacking the OP, its his oppinion. Makes no sense why some of the stuff people are saying to him are being said. So many others are being bashed for having a different opinion on the subject, which shouldnt be happening.
Tell that to the victims who Sandusky violated after Joe Pa learned of what happened. Is your head so far in the sand that you don't see that this could and should have been stopped? Sandusky shouldn't have been allowed to step foot on that campus again, but he did and was allowed the same access as if nothing had happened. JoePa knew about the crime, and turned his head and other boys got hurt because of it. Give me a break, I don't need to see anymore facts other than what I read. Oh, and the more facts that come out will not be good for anyone involved. Carry on.


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